Hi Everyone,
Guess what? Since I've been on this Rotation, I've lost FIVE pounds!
I'm pretty happy at my weight, I can live with it,now if I can just get the lower abs to cooperate. I've seen a difference in my torso and waistline. I actually have a waist. LOL My legs are showing improvement, must be those leg presses. I'm getting that cap on my upper arm...I'm definately staying with this Series for awhile.
I did Boot Camp this morning, using 30# BB throughout except for biceps which I used 25#. I keep thinking there is potential for the ME class where I can only use 20#'s with difficulty.
Rhonda, what is wrong with your knees? I ask out of concern for overuse injury? On the food issue, I used to think it was stupid to keep a food log. But it sure makes you think about what you put in your mouth when you know you have to take accountablity for it and write it down. LOL
Donna, hope you are doing alright today. Yesterday was quite a day, wasn't it?
Have a great workout day today. Catch you later