Total Body Ck In 4

Hi Everyone
Finished up the day with Rythmic Step and 8 min of ab work. My legs were fried after Muscle Endurance this morning. What a difference the 12# weight made over the 10# weight during those 76 leg presses.
I think Donna and I deserve a cruise to Jamaica after what we went through today, don't you think? :D :D

Welcome on board Susan. and Good for you Debrorah for being a good girl and not over doing it before you go see Cathe. ;-)

See you all tomorrow. I'll be heading off to Boot Camp in the morning and those scissor...out...jump. You know....those terminators!!! LOL

I'm in the same dilemma as you in wondering what to do after this series. LuvCardio had a neat idea to do two weeks of S&H rotation.
I might possibly do this using Chest & Back, Legs and Shoulders, Triceps and Biceps and still add PUB, PLB, Imax2 and Cardio & Weights, then go back to the Blast rotation and then do an Endurance rotation. That way I can still use these tapes plus add in other tapes.

I like the fact that I'm getting through these Imax's so I hate to be away from the cardio and Boot Camp too long. But that is just me.

Hi everyone,
boy it is tough to get the 10,000 steps in. I have done it though. Not sure how many calories it is, it usually equals out to 4.5 to 5 miles.

Did Imax2 this morning. I couldn't do all the power jumps due to my knee bothering me but I still worked up quite a sweat.

tomorrow is Cardio and Weights.

I need to get my eating under control. I need to get my eating under control. I need to get my eating under control.

Thought if I say it a few time it will actually work
Hi Everyone,
Guess what? Since I've been on this Rotation, I've lost FIVE pounds!
I'm pretty happy at my weight, I can live with it,now if I can just get the lower abs to cooperate. I've seen a difference in my torso and waistline. I actually have a waist. LOL My legs are showing improvement, must be those leg presses. I'm getting that cap on my upper arm...I'm definately staying with this Series for awhile.

I did Boot Camp this morning, using 30# BB throughout except for biceps which I used 25#. I keep thinking there is potential for the ME class where I can only use 20#'s with difficulty.

Rhonda, what is wrong with your knees? I ask out of concern for overuse injury? On the food issue, I used to think it was stupid to keep a food log. But it sure makes you think about what you put in your mouth when you know you have to take accountablity for it and write it down. LOL

Donna, hope you are doing alright today. Yesterday was quite a day, wasn't it?

Have a great workout day today. Catch you later

Hi again,
Just finishing up the day with Imax 2. I still think this is easier that Imax. ???

I may do some ab work later on this evening but other than that, I calling it a day.

See you all tomorrow. I'm thinking of trying PUB and PLB either back to back or do one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

Hi Everyone,
Well I got my 10,000 steps in. So far so good this week with that goal. I did Imax2 yesterday and I tell you those last couple of circuits just kill me. Hop, jumping jacks, plie jacks, I am so out of breath, then the squat jumps.
Today was Cardio and Weights. Still have some to do tonight.

I did PLB and PUB all in one day and boy I felt good. I did PLB in the morning and PUB in the evening. I don't know if I will have that much time to do them both again in one day but once I got started I finished up.

I do PLB tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well. My knee has been bothering me so I have had to modify some areas but am keeping up with it.

Good Morning Everyone,
Getting ready to do my PUB workout and see if there is improvement over last time with my biceps.

Hope your workouts are coming along okay. Some days we may not see improvement on the outside. Yet, each time we workout, we are improving ourselves. It may be microscopic, but its there.

Catch you later,
Morning all :)

I did PUB this morning, the biceps were still killer, but I made it through. I did pause the video after hitting the top of the pyramid for 45sec to stretch out my biceps. I could not handle going right into the next set! But it made a difference, hopefully in the next few weeks I'll be able to go straight through.
I'm definitely investing in some plate mates. I think building my biceps and shoulders will be much more do-able in 2.5# increments than trying to jump 5#. So this will be my next fitness purchase, thank goodness Valentine's Day is coming up! :)

Sorry about the test. I'm having computer difficulties today. My first message to you didn't post. An aquaintance keeps sending me viruses so I put full blockage on my firewall this morning. Thank goodness for antivirus software though. So far I haven't got the virus on my computer.

Anyway that's another story. I did PUB this morning. I'm in the same boat as Donna with those biceps. I paused a few seconds before going up to 15#'s. I think Donna has a great idea with the plate weights. I thought my kickbox gloves would work but they don't. They are too bulky in the palms to hold the DB. Looks like the credit card is going to be used again soon. ;-)

I had been using 10, 12 and 15#'s for the chest portion. I was able to increase to using 12, 15 and 20#'s. The 20#'s were for the flies only. I had to go down to 15#'s for the presses.

Catch you all later
Hi Everyone,
I'm ending the day with Cardio & Weights. I did PUB this morning with the intent to do PLB. After cleaning the house, I was very tired and took a nap.
Later with the C&W I increased my weights in the areas I was weak at,so that I'm now at Cathe's levels. I was only using 10# in the shoulder presses until the last section of 8 reps. I'm now using 12# for the entire heavy section.
I used 12# during the triceps and chest presses/flies. Now I upped it to 15#. I'm happy with the improvement in such a short time. When I go on a S&H rotation again, I hope to increase my weight load over my last levels.

Jillybean, you are really going to flip out when you get your DVD's. Can't wait to see how you put some rotations together. :D

See you all tomorrow. I'll for sure do PLB.
Hi everyone,
Did PLB this morning and up'd my weights. For the lunges, squats, plies I used 45, 50 and 55. For leg presses and dead lifts I used 30, 35, 40. That ball work gets me everytime. Hope everyone has a great workout today. PUB is set for Friday.

It's -2 degrees here in Indiana but a beautiful picturesque January morning. I'm off to a late start but PLB is in the VCR ready to go.! Your weights are impressive!!!! You must really be on cloud 9 with your accomplishment. :D I'd put a jumpy here but I don't know how to make them anymore. LOL I'm very happy for you.
Did you have any trouble getting the higher poundage over your head? How do your legs feel today? I hope you will continue to post the improvements you see in your strength and the changes you see in your legs as you keep up this weight in the weeks ahead. I for one would really be interested.

You girls have a wonderful workout day. Enjoy the process. Think how much better our bodies are becoming. There was a saying I read at the Firm one time. "He who eats less, can eat more." In other words, we live longer by taking care of ourselves.
No one can do it for us. It is a journey we alone must do.

Hey, I'm getting too're going to throw things at me. LOL

Catch you later,
I'm still taking time off from this rotation but I did the hi/lo portion of MIC yesterday with lots & lots of modifications--i.e. no jumping! Today I did the step portion of Body Max. I'm keeping it light so I can test my back out. I'm looking forward to Monday--Cathe knows I'm coming!!!! I'm going to take my camera & take pictures. How cool is that?!
Hi Deborah,
Have you got the outfit that you'll be wearing at Cathe's packed yet? :D I'm excited for you. This is an experience to treasure for a lifetime.
You've made quite a 'jump' up by doing MIC and Body Max from where you were a few weeks ago. You have been wise in doing modifications and listening to your body. Nothing like re-injuring an injury right?

You are going to be one busy girl, talking with Cathe, doing the class and snapping pictures. I've not met Francine but I can tell from her posts and looking at her pictures that she is fun to be with.
Have a great time and remember to let us know what is was like. I'd put a jumpy here but I don't know how. :D

Hi Everyone,
I just finished PLB. Boy those leg lifts leaning on that ball is tough for me. I can't imagine adding ankle weights to this, but oh what a thrill to reach that point! A person would have very very very strong legs. :D

My afternoon workout will be Imax or Imax 2. I got interupted this morning to put Imax 2 back to back with PLB.

See ya later

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