Total Body Ck In 4


Here's the start of a new page and a new week. The other page was getting too long.:p
Yippee we are in week 4 of our rotation. Those of you that have just started, I'm here for the long haul of 8 weeks and ? as long as I see results.

Have a great workout day.
Hi everyone! I'm seriously on the road to recovery! A friend from another forum sent me pictures of some back exercises I can do to strengthen my back instead of just stretches. I did 1 set of 4 different exercises thinking it would be easy. I worked up a sweat & breathed heavy. Ok, not a heavy strength workout or even a true cardio workout but it was work & I feel better for it!

My first "real" workout is going to be to do BodyPump with Cathe on 2/3! I will go REALLY REALLY light for that class. But I can't wait!
Hi Deborah,
I'm so glad you are getting better. I remember when I fell down a flight of stairs. My behind landed on the last step, breaking the step right in two and my back hit the stairs in an arch. While recovering from that, I was doing Jane Fonda's scissor kicks with 5# ankle weights. (I know, D.U.M.B.!) The weight slipped and my legs fell fast to the floor (cement) and really did a number on my back.
So yes, those back exercises are really tough when you are coming back from an injury.
What ones are you doing? They had me doing wall push ups, another was putting my back up against a wall and doing squats. But that was back in the mid 80's, things might have changed since then.

The main thing is that you are getting better. I'm excited for you going to Cathe's. Yippee!!! I know you are going to have a great time and it isn't that far off.:D

My workout only consisted of Cardio & Weights today, due to my playing with the computer all day. :D
This cold weather makes me tempted to get into the hot chocolate with cool whip. I'm 5 weeks now, into the basic diet Cathe talked about Behind the Scenes. I'm not sure that hot chocolate was on her list. Aw Darn it! ;-)
I'm losing the flab around my waist. I noticed today, while doing the side plank in C&W, instead of one bulge on my waist, it is 3 little ones. Does this make any sense? If you look at Cathe's pix on Boot Camp (Behind the Scenes) where she is using the medicine ball, her abs have those little ridges of skin. Well, my sides are doing that now instead of one roll.
Well, anyway, I was encouraged that this routine is working. LOL

Have a great weekend. Stay warm.

Today was 1/2 Imax2 + PLB. I'm liking just 1/2 Imax2 a bit too much! :)
Tomorrow is PUB, and I'm going to throw in a 30-45min cardio before it.

see ya tomorrow,
Hi Donna
I know what you mean about Imax 2. Are you finding it getting easier? I did it yesterday and even #9 was better. ;-) My DH just looks at me and shakes his head while I'm doing the froggy thing on #9. LOL

I'm really going to be sad when this rotation comes to an end. I love these workouts so much. I was thinking that I could still do these tapes and kind of do what I'm doing now...which is insert some of Cathe's other tapes in here and there.
I like the idea of heavy weight training for awhile, but I would miss Boot Camp and Muscle Endurance.
Then with the Endurance rotation I'd miss PLB, PUB and Boot Camp. Am I crazy or what?

See you tomorrow. Did all go well with your parent's doctor visit? How is your Mom doing with her walking?

I just finished doing PUB and Imax 2. I plan to do some ab work later on and then call it a day. DH wants me to show him how to do plank work. I'm happy that he's going to give it a try.

Have a great weekend.
HI gals... I really need your motivation this week! I was bad last week due to being swamped at work and had a cold. I am hoping to get it back on track this week. Last week I worked out only 4 days but worked out extremely hard so I was sore most of the week.

Today I did IMAX2 (Loved it:)) and Muscle Endurance. I haven't decided what to do tomorrow..... what do ya' think? I really need a good upper body workout but want some cardio too. Maybe C&W? Or I could to kickbox and then PUB?

Deborah... I am so sorry to hear about your injury. Is it any better?

Also... I have a funny one.... today I was doing IMAX2 and of course my DH had to walk in during #9 interval... he started saying "little bunny foo foo" I was laughing so hard... I didn't feel like a little bunny hopping I felt like a 1/2 dead worm trying to do those plie jumpy things! My goodnesss... I definitely have some room to grow in these videos.

Do you guys have specific rotations you are following?
Hi LuvCardio, Glad you are having fun with the new series. :D
Most of us here are following the Total Body Blast Rotation. Although we may be on different days, that is the basic schedule. Some of us add more cardio or something else.
Encouragement and motivation that is the name of the game. Come on in and join the fun.

Cathe's Rotation for the Total Overall Body Blast Workout:
Mon: Bootcamp
Tues: off
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: Imax 2
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of Imax 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body.

That was cute about the "little bunny foo foo." ;-)

Wanda who still can't figure out what that red nosed smilie is about. LOL
Thanks so much for the info! I am excited to explore all these new tapes with you all! It has to be a serious shock to my body that's for sure! My legs are sure feelin' it this week more than usual!

p.s. I don't understand the red nose smilie either :+ but he is still cute!
Hi Everyone,
So far, I just did Cardio Kicks with 2# kickbox gloves today. It could have been a day off but...LOL. Later on, Hubby has friends coming for the Super Bowl so I probably will be in gopher mode. :D

See you tomorrow. I plan on doing Muscle Endurance in the morning. I hope to do all the bicep curls with 20#'s this time, instead of having to download 1/2 way through.

Hi girls! I am formally joining you! I know that I have been overtraining due to my uncontrollable excitement with these new videos! I did IMAX2 and Muscle Endurance yesterday. Then today I did Cardio & Weights (with really light weight.) I truly should have taken a day off or else not did Muscle Endurance with Cardio & Weights. My legs were so weak I almost fell down once. It scared the heck out of me. It also made me realize how STUPID I was being and how mad I would have been at myself if I would have injured myself when I knew I should have rested. Now I see why the Total Body Blast rotation doesn't really combine more than 1 video a day. Cathe must have done that for a reason. I guess these total body workouts have a completely different effect on our bodies than other workouts. I think maybe it is that it doesn't leave any muscle unturned??? So the chance of burnout is too much???

Did you all have a problem not doing too many at a time when you first got the videos too??? Due to the excitement factor?

Are most of you following the Total Body Blast to a "t"? I am thinking of doing the Total Body Blast rotation for 4 weeks and then starting a rotation alternating one week with Total Body Blast and then the next with S&H strength???

How many rest days are you taking a week? Do you ever do addtl weight work?

I look forward to doing this rotation with all of you. I am soon we will have more people joining us soon as others get their DVDs.
Hi LuvCardio,and Good Morning Everyone,
I personally am alternating all the Intense Series as in the Total Body Blast. I'm adding more cardio with it though as I work out 2 hours a day.
LuvCardio, I know what you mean by wanting to do 2 of these workouts in one day.
I also think, as you have found, these workouts are different than Cathe's other videos. There is no comparison to Boot Camp, plus the pyramind method of weights has different effect than SH series.

I'm doing this rotation for 8 weeks. I picked that number from what Cathe said on the After Baby page, Behind the Scenes. When she added these workouts, she lost the additional stubborn pounds in 8 weeks.

I needed the discipline to watch my diet (I'm following Cathe's suggestions with the decreased starch etc) and to do a specific rotation to get the stubborn fat off my abs. :D

I like your idea of alternating this Total Body Blast with one week of S&H. Did you see Cathe's suggestion for using this series to focus on Heavy Weight Training?

ADVANCED Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Heavy Weight Training

Mon: Pyramid Lower Body
Tues: Pyramid Upper Body
Wed: Imax 2
Thurs: off
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of IMax 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

also here is her rotation for endurance.

ADVANCED Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Endurance

Mon: Imax 2
Tues: Cardio and Weights
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: off
Fri: Circuit Max
Sat: A lower intensity cardio of your choice
Sun: Muscle Endurance

I don't know very much about how to put rotations together, but it looks like this new series can be incorporated with other tapes easy.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you girls work with these videos even after this Body Blast rotation. I'm also interested in seeing how you work with the Terminator DVD.

I'm working hard on my DH to buy me another TV in order to get the DVD's. :+

I'm off to do Muscle Endurance. Have a great workout day.
Hi all,

I haven't checked in since Friday, busy, busy, weekend!

Sat: CM + PUB
Sun: 30min cardio + 35min stretching

This week I'm twisting some workouts around to make them fit my week, so this morning, Monday, I did a 30min cardio + PLB


p.s. I had to edit back in as I forgot to point out Saturday. See that CM? Well, no I didn't "think" I'd do CircuitMax with light weights as a way to both get in a good cardio AND pre-exhaust my upperbody for PUB? M-I-S-T-A-K-E!!!! 1/2 way through CM I was thinking, "bad call Donna, only prayer will get you through this AND PUB!" I did make it through CM, skipped the warm up on PUB (clearly didn't need it!), and went right into PUB. My shoulders I thought would ignite! And if that wasn't bad enough, by biceps pyramid 8-reps, I was hallucinating! I could not make the pyramid down! I stood there, weights in hand, and just went blank while Cathe finished the biceps section. That was the happiest I've been to do abs EVER! Just to be on the floor by that time was blessing enough! I didn't even care that I totally SUCK at this particular ab routine, I wasn't holding a weight, and I wasn't on my feet!
I'll NEVER do this combo again! :)

I wasn't good this weekend. I didn't exercise at all, just plain too tired. I decided yesterday to use my pedometer and get those 10,000 steps in a day along with this rotation. I did muscle endurance this morning. To get the 10,000 steps in, I take two 15 minutes walks during my breaks at work and what other steps I get in. Then when I get home and if I don't have all the steps in I will finish the workout from the morning and then walk around the basement until I hit the magic 10,000 mark. Figure I need to do this.

I also need to get my eating under control again. I have been doing fine until this weekend. Just was craving chocolate.

Tonight when I get home it is finish ME and 10,000 steps. Tuesday morning will be doing IMAX2.

Whoa Donna!
At first glance I thought you meant C&W + PUB. I can see that was THE Ciruit Max. You are a very very brave girl to try that combo together. :D No wonder your shoulder were fried and then to tackle those dreaded biceps in PUB.
Why are we having so much trouble with biceps? ;-) Do you suppose it is because they are already pre-fatigued?

Rhonda, my opinion isn't worth a cup of coffee, but when you mentioned that you weren't good because you didn't exercise, well I think you were good because you listened to your body. Sometimes it really does need a rest. And I should take my own advice. LOL
Your 10,000 steps, how many calories do you work off?

I just finished Muscle Endurance. I first had to pause before the squats to turn on the fans and turn down the heater. That jinxed the workout. Now the brain says "Now I'll make her pause anywhere I want."}(

I paused three times during the biceps. The only up note was I stayed with the 20# bb no matter what. I upped the weight to 12# db for the leg presses and the tricep overhead presses. That was my only plus in this class today.
The deadrows and then overhead clean and press with 30#'s really fatique your muscles. Then the bicep curls follow. Grrr

I was glad to get to the floor as well this morning. But I even paused before the bike manuever. I'm trying hard not to think of myself as a total failure this morning. :D

We will survive and we will overcome this bicep dilemma! Won't we? ;-)

To Wanda and anyone using Cathe's food plan she posted in the behind the scenes would you be willing to give me a couple days sample menus here on a post as to what your eating. I'm interested.

Edith ;)
Hi Edith,
My meal planning needs lots of work as I'm not very adept in the kitchen. But so far here's a sample of what I've been doing for the past 5 weeks.

Breakfast A protein shake made with skim or 1% milk, protein powder and flax oil. Or I will have an egg (boiled or scrambled) Orange juice and toast on whole wheat.

Lunch is either salads, lettuce or a tuna salad (sometimes I take the albacore tuna and put it with chopped apple, grapes, fat free mayo, celery and chopped pecans.) I love peanut butter, so I might have peanut butter on whole wheat. Sometimes I will have a chicken stir fry for lunch. Stir fry helps me to get more vegetables in.
A piece of fruit for dessert.

Snack at mid-afternoon is either a cliff or Balance bar, or low fat cottage cheese. If I didn't have a protein shake for breakfast, I may make a smoothie with yogurt, protein powder and flax oil and or fruit.

I personally need things that go crunch :D so I have celery, and carrots available. For the salty crunch, I have low fat pretzels.

Dinner is either stir fry chicken, baked fish with a sweet potato with just margaine, pepper and cinnamon, a salad and fruit.

My favorite stir fry recipe is to cut up portions of chicken breast and brown it in about 1T of canola or olive oil. Put in chopped zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, onions, green and red pepper, broccoli and cauliflower and steam until done.
When vegetables are done, I pour in my sauce which consists of 1/4 cup of Kikomans low sodium soy sauce, 2T Cooking sherry, 2T cornstarch, 1tsp ground ginger, 1tsp sugar, 1/8 tsp of ground red pepper, about 1/4 cup of water. I cook this with the chicken and vegetables until thickened. Then serve over rice.
(some may want the sauce to be a little sweeter)

For a snack later on I may have cottage cheese, yogurt or low fat cheese on whole wheat crackers.
Throughout the day I have lots and lots of water.

This is quite a break through for me as I lived at the fast food eateries. I had tons of hamburgers, pizzas and at home thinking I was eating healthy, lots of baked potatoes. Cutting drastically down on these starches and red meat has amazed me in that I haven't missed it.

This is probably longer than you asked for.
Hope this gives you some ideas though.
Hi There! Even though I've been doing this rotation for the past 3 weeks I haven't replied. Now the past week and half I've really been eating very clean along with of course doing this rotation. I add cardio(40mn-1hr) after my Pyramid tapes and also MEnd. I've lost about 5 pounds now and I feel great. I love these new tapes and since I'm adding different cardio in I'm not getting bored at all.
I've stopped eating the starchy carbs and am getting my carbs from veges and fruits. I'm also not eating any junk. I've started eating 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight( avg. 130grms a day). Hopefully by the end of my 8 week rotation I'll be down about 10#'s or so. Stay fit and healthy, Susan
Hi guys!

Today was BootCamp! Those tricep dips just do not get easier!! I definately feel my core getting stronger but those planks are still a killer!
Yesterday I did PUB and cannot fathom how they stayed on that ball at the end!! I combined it with 1/2 of Rhythmic Step to get a little more cardio (knowing that the Super Bowl is not good for my waistline!!).
Eating clean is tough! I was not "clean" the past 3 days so today I am determined!! I really saw a difference when I increased my water and ate clean.
I think this will be my last week of the Intensity rotation (week 4). Problem is I don't know what to do next. CTX or S&H or P&S?? Any ideas???
Thank you for the meal ideas Wanda.
Welcome Susan!
Good luck all!


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