My last check in for a while (long & pathetic)....
I HURT MYSELF!!! I am so out of commission that I loaned all of my Intensity series out to a couple of friends. I couldn't even stand up yesterday. I spoke with a personal trainer friend of mine, he told me that I need to stop doing dead lifts & bent over lat rows.
Let me qualify that--I have spinal stenosis & disc degeneration. My physical therapist told me to NEVER lift weights at all ever again. Yeah, like that was going to happen. So, after intense therapy last year, I started back with very light weights--3 & 5lb only. It took me 3 months to work myself back up to decent weights & another 3 months to get heavier than I ever have. I was seeing great results. Then the Intensity series arrived on my door step. I went at it with a vengance. I was still going pretty light on dead lifts because I wasn't sure about the form & I felt them in my low back, not in a bad way but I felt them. Or so I thought.
On Friday when I posted that I was going to do C&W, I went heavier than I had the first time I did it but still pretty light--getting used to the tape. My low back was starting to hurt but I wasn't concerned because of my "illness." I felt pretty good doing everything except dead lifts. So, I used 3 lb dumbbells for that series. Saturday morning, I climbed out of my bed & went right down to the floor in excrutiating pain! I took a couple of deep breaths, got off the floor & made my way to the couch. Where I sat for a couple of hours. When I started moving again, my entire back was tense but it wasn't that bad. Fast forward to Sunday morning--I couldn't even stand up straight. I couldn't hold anything heavier than a coffee mug. When I got undressed to take a shower, I looked in the mirror & gasped (literally). My back was in such spasm that my torso is contorted unnaturally.
So, I thought "ok, I've definitely overdone it." I packed up my tapes & brought them to church for 2 friends that have just been waiting for me to finish this rotation so they could try them out. You should have seen the delite in their eyes (mixed with sympathy of course). They know my back issues & have worked with me through them but to get these tapes was so exciting for them! They actually had a moment of jealousy over who got which tapes! One said to me "but I thought you love me best!" LOL! So, while I am really bumming over the forced time away from exercising, I get to share my new toys with great friends!
My back feels better today than it has all weekend. I'm taking it really easy for a couple of weeks, I guess. It will be tough because I was seeing great progress but I have to get right again.
I'll watch your progress & wait to see what results you all get with this rotation.
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