Total Body Blast Ck In


Hi Donna and anyone who is brave and up to the challenge for a Total Body Blast. LOL

I personally am going to try this rotation for 8 weeks, but I will gladly welcome the company for any or all of this time frame. After this, I might go on to either Heavy weights or the Endurance rotation. I'll either use the Intense Series as per suggessted by Cathe or incorporate Cathe's other videos....SH, Power Hour etc. I have a hard time deciding on rotations because I feel I need help in so many areas. ;-)

But for now...I want to see if I can improve with a Total Body Blast. :D Staying on the ball while doing leg lifts will definately be an improvement. HA Ha....

Today I did Imax2. Loved the water break section. :D
Seriously, I think the time goes by in this video. Is it the music or what? I love it at the end when Cathe says, "you can do this, yes YOU can." :-jumpy
Hope to see you here tomorrow and we'll have another Blast.

Your blast partner
Hi Wanda,

I did PLB today, I did a 60min cardio before it to sort of "pre-exhaust" my legs. I'm still feeling like I "might" increase the weight loads next week, still not too sure on this. I wanted to try it with cardio preceeding it before I made up my mind.

I sort of altered my schedule because tomorrow I have to go to MD for a doctor's appointment with my mom, so instead of taking Sunday off, I did Cardio & Weights on Sunday, PLB today and tomorrow (Tuesday) will be an off day because going to my parents is an all day event!
But I pick back up with PUB on Wednesday, so see you then.


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Donna,
I hope all is well with your parents. You are like me in having to sometimes schedule workouts around certain events.

I'm getting ready to do Cardio & Weights this morning. I'm hoping I can do those walkman planks this time. I didn't do so well at that my last go 'round. :D Another goal I hope to achieve in this class, is to have the feet placement one on top of each other during core work. So far I have to place one foot on the floor as an anchor. I've been trying to add more ab work in order to strengthen my core.
I remember WD (Sue) saying she will do 25min of ab work at times. So far the most I can do is 2 classes back to back in Cathe's Ab video which would be roughly 15 or so min. Anyway...after lunch I will either walk/jog for an hour or do some more stepping. ?

See you Wednesday.....and we still have BootCamp to go!LoL

Hi Everyone,

Checking in - I did Muscle Endurance yesterday and this morning I started Cardio and Weights. I made it through the last cardio session and the dead lift/dead row when I had to stop and get ready for work. Will finish it up when I get home. I think tomorrow is IMAX2 for me. Will be interesting to see how far I can make it at 4:45 in the morning with IMAX2.

Well I did Cardio & Weights and could do some of the walkman's this time! Yea I think I might raise my step next time to 8".
I didn't feel really 'worked' during the class. After lunch I walked for an hour on my treadmill.
I'm one who has to workout twice a day for several reasons. One, I'm fighting lupus in my legs and they need to keep moving. The endorphins help me fight pain. If I don't put my legs through the hoops, after three weeks, I cannot walk well. Any longer than that, I can't walk at all. I went through a spell where I had to have knee taps every other week. I pride myself that with my workouts, I don't have to take far.
Two, I have a extremely low metabolism and gain weight very quickly if I don't keep moving.
I also have a desk job at home and it keeps me at home, so I am not on the move other than my workouts and when I clean house etc. I suffer from migraines and panic attacks so that keeps me from getting in the car and visiting friends or going shopping like I used to do. I envy those who can.
I am blessed to have the time to put in my workouts and thankful that my DH gave me the space. I realize that it is very commendable for some to workout out for an hour. Yet some others like myself, may have reasons they have to do more.
If I were new to exercise, I would question my 'brutality' but I've been a consistant exerciser for 17 years.

That's just my thoughts on exercising 2 hours a day. Somehow I felt I needed to defend why I workout. ????? :D

See ya tomorrow for more Intense workouts.
Good Morning everyone,
All dressed up and can't decide where to go. LoL.
Seriously, I can't decide whether to do Pyramid Lower Body or Boot Camp. I'll see what mood hits me when I get to my workout room. :D This is why I can't follow a rotation the the 'T'. While I know I have to do ALL the videos in the rotations, I still feel like I'm in control by giving myself options. Does that make sense? :D

The changing weather patterns are playing havoc with my migraines the past two days. After taking two pills, the body sometimes doesn't want to do things that require alot of jumping. pills cost $18 each. That makes me want to get my money's worth out of them as well.

Anyways, I'll let you know which workout I chose later on this morning.

Have a great workout day. :-jumpy
Hi again,
I ended up doing Muscle Endurance this morning. I certainly didn't go as heavy as Cathe when she used 40#'s. I only went to 30# on the squats and deadlifts. THen I had to lower to 25# to do those rows and overhead presses.
My biceps are the weakest. My goal is to get them stronger this year. On this tape I was only using 15#'s to Cathe's 25#'s. Lots of room for improvement here!

I decided to save Boot Camp to do with you so I don't have to suffer alone. :D :D :D
I'm surprised that I can do the airborne jumps in this class and I couldn't in Imax 1. It doesn't make much sense???

I may tack on some cardio and some extra ab work later on and then call it a day. Yea....

Hi all,

I did PUB this morning (bless my new little 3#db's)and that bicep section was just as ugly this week! I cannot get over how "fried" they get by that heavy set of 8 reps! I am barely hanging in there by the final set of 12! I am actually shaking!
And my wrists did better with the chest exercises today, I guess since I knew what was coming I didn't have the "Vulcan death grip" on them so it wasn't quite as intense this morning.

Tomorrow morning is Imax 2 (oh yay!)

See ya then,


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Donna,
When I saw we would be using 3#'s I thought "yeah right!" It is amazing how you can still feel it when you come down off the pyramid. And we WILL tackle those biceps before long, won't we??
I hope the answer is yes, because whoa, my whole arm is shaking even when we get to the 12's. And...they are still burning with the 10#s. It is hard to believe it will get better at this point. LOL

I might join you for the first half of Imax 2 and tack on PLB. That way I could be on the same page as you by Friday. ??
It isn't a big deal though. It is still neat to see how we handle the challenges in this series.

I'm going to practice my plank work this evening from the Ab tape.
I'll be back in the morning with my sneaks double tied and ready to roll...:D

Hi Wanda,

I am still so amazed how much PUB gets into the muscles. My lats are sore this morning (the kind of sore that without even thinking about them, I know they're there!) and my biceps and forearms are still feeling the biceps workout! Those 3#'ers really made a difference for my shoulder workout. I'm glad I got them. If I'd taken a bet that I could feel the burn from a 3#db, I would have lost because who knew? But by the time you work your way back down the pyramid, 3# is burning like it was 10#! I really like the pyramid workouts.

Today is Imax 2, maybe I'll actually get through more intervals today? I can only hope! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Everyone,
GettingFit, you are one brave lady to put two Intense Series together in one day.:D
I did the Lower Body Pyramid this morning. I was able to up my weight this time. But the 40# barbell was only reserved for the dead row lifts. I didn't go over 30#'s for the squats etc.
But Oh those leg lifts on the ball!!!! The first side I get through it okay, but going to the other side with your first leg already fatigued...that is another story. WOW!
And as suggessted on the Total Body Blast Workout, after I did the Lower Body I did the first 5 intervals of Imax 2. After all the hamstring work and leg lifts from the PLB, Imax 2 seemed like a relief to my legs. Am I crazy or what? ;-) At one point I even thought about raising my board to 8" and then I saw Rhonda with the 6" and about that time here comes the 7 twirls back and forth along the board and those airborne jacks. I'll stay with 6. LOL

By taking a suggesstion from someone on this board about securing the ball with your step while doing the hamstring leg lifts, really helped. A big thanks to the girl who figured that out. Yet, I'm not sure if I get a better hamstring workout by placing my foot on the step? I have to experiment with that one.

Donna, I read your post about taking a nice hot shower. I think I'll get out my Night Blooming Jasmine collection by Bath and Body Works, which I save for special me times, and join you. My legs are flamin' LOL

See ya tomorrow....hup two three four....left, right.....

:D :D
Good Morning, all you brave ones tackling the Total Body Blast.
I'm sitting here psyching myself up to do Boot Camp. My legs are still jelloey (is there such a word?) from yesterday's Pyramid Lower Body + the first 5 intervals from Imax2 and.....I did 12 min of ab work. I am noticing that the plank work is improving by doing it more often.
I used to only do it only 4 times a month or so, because I tried to rotate all of my Cathe tapes in a month's time. I would challenge myself to try and do most of them twice a month...but that was getting stressful.
I now find that I see more results by sticking to one particular thing for awhile. For example I did a 3 week rotation of S&H and then a 3 week of Muscle Endurance and now this Body Blast challenge.
I'm also taking WD's advice about adding more ab work. I'm finding, as mentioned above, that my core is getting much stronger.

Well I'm ready to roll....let's see, if I don't come back for awhile, you can write APO address is....:D:D:D

Catch you later
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-03 AT 11:14AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi There Gettingfit,
Have fun with the Cardio & Weights. So far, I think that video is my favorite. I like the Build Me Up Buttercup song...

How are you getting along with the walkman planks? I was able to do better the second time with this video but I'm still pretty clumsey?

I've off kelter with this rotation as to doing it the same days as it was written. I haven't figured out how to get on the same page with the schedule I have in my life right now. I do accounting for our farm business and the taxes and it is getting to busy time right now.
While I will still do my day's worth of exercises, it helps reduce to stress on me to be albe to choose between this or that day. Between high exertion or low. Even though I know I will have to do all that is in my rotation for that week, it just somehow helps to have a choice. Mind games, huh? :D

But it would be cool to all be doing the same thing at least one day. I'll see what I can do.

Have a wonderful workout day.
Well~ I ALMOST caved this morning!

My body/mind was playing tricks on me and I thought I was going to have to go off rotation and just do a "plain and simple" cardio. I was scheduled to do ME but my arms from the elbows to shoulders were saying, "we don't think so Donna!" and it wasn't until I'd mentally caved and said, "okay, I'll do a regular cardio today and do ME tomorrow," when suddenly my body says, "SIKE~you can handle it, go ahead and do ME, we'll work with ya!"
So I did Muscle Endurance and got to use my new 8# med ball (love it). Cathe was right about adding weight to an ab routine, my obliques are fired up right now! And I cried "uncle" on several portions of the ab work! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hey Hey Donna! Great job! :D How do you like all those leg presses in Muscle Endurance? What is 72 presses per leg? Wowzers! I wonder if Leaner Legs will be any easier now?

Yes the weights do make a difference in the ab work. I've not been brave enough to use the 8# ball yet with the abs. I'm sticking with 3# for awhile because I'm really feeling with the lower weight right now. I noticed that WD (Sue) used weights with her ab work. I'm going to try and incorporate weights more.

I survived Boot Camp...but oh boy....those Mountain Climbs (Terminators). Now THAT is a sight to see in MY workout space. LOL

Catch you later

I am also doing the total body blast. I am just starting week 2.

I did PUB on Thurs - those ab segments were killer! How did they do it???

Today I did BC to begin my 2nd week and tomorrow is rest.
I must say it felt a little much to do BC after PUB - a lot of upper body work. But it was more endurance focused - man 1 minute of tri dips!!

Good Luck!

Welcome on board Cathy,
Congratulations on surviving BC. I'm thankful that Cathe put the airborne jacks at the beginning of this workout. If she put them closer to those mountain climbs I would have been dead! ;-)

One minute tricep dips...hey we can do anything for a minute, right? Yeah right! :D Do you think the dips are harder than using a 15# db in overhead presses?
Do you suppose by summer, we will be using a barbell for extra resistance in those dips? Anything is possible,right? :-jumpy

Enjoy your rest day. See ya when you come back.


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