Total Body Blast Ck In 6

Thank you again. You all have been soo nice.

Luvcardio - I am interested in what your trainer has to say about your videos. I too would like to figure out my body fat %, I have no idea what it is. I have been shedding pounds like crazy because I started weight watchers about 2 weeks before my intesity series came. I have lost 12 pounds in just 5 weeks! I had to go to the basement and dig out my old high school jeans. Wow, after 2 kids and many years, I never dreamed I would be able to get the weight off. As far as doing more than one workout, I am just zapped usually after I workout. I wonder if I am getting enough fuel (food) for Cathe workouts.

Enough babbling. It is so easy to get carried away because I feel like sometimes I am the only person on the planet working so hard to stay fit. It is also nice to talk to other people who understand how hard I actually work just attempting a Cathe video let along completing it.

Welcome Christi!

Hi everyone!
Didnt check in yesterday-I did imax2/abs.
Today is a 4 mile run&cardion&weights.

Laura-I would definitely reccommend the ctx series-they are awesome!

LuvCardio-dont you love days like that when you feel like you could go for hours!

Have a good day everyone!!
Hi Everyone,
There isn't enough days to get in all the workouts a person wants to do is there? I need to do ME and I wanted to do Leaner Legs, but looking at my log this morning, I saw where I needed another Imax thrown in.
I decided on Imax Extreme...go for it, right? :D By accident, I did the warm up from Gauntlet, but switched over to the right track and did just the cardio sections and did cool down and added Ab work to equal an hour.

If you look good in bright pink or fushia, Imax Extreme cardio back to back without stopping for the compound weight section, will give your face a glow. You won't need to wear blush for quite a while. LOL

Angie: How fast to you run during your 4 mile? I add Treadmill workouts to my routine and try to vary speeds, hills, etc. But I never seem to get my legs strengthened up enough to go faster than 6 mph and THAT only for a minute or two. ;-(

LuvCardio, what kind of feeling are you experiencing in your knees? Is it a tingley, like it went to sleep type, with maybe a tinge of warmth? It that is the feeling, you may be experiencing inflammation in you knees from overuse.
That is the feeling mine get anyway, when I walk/run or do step too much in one day or too close together.
When that happens, I back off and work upper body to let my legs rest.

I haven't decided what I'll do this afternoon. I'd like to get in something though because Indiana is supposed to have an ice storm. When that happens, the power goes out. Grrrrr

Hope you have a great workout day.
Like most Fridays, today was a rest day for me. I look forward to them because it means I can sleep in an extra hour and 15 minutes. Other than that, I really do miss working out and that great feeling I get afterwards.

Well, you all have convinced to buy CTX series plus Interval Max. I've also read someone at said it gave her the most results. It's so hard to choose. I was actually trying to figure out how much it would be to buy all the Cathe videos that I don't already have. :D It wasn't too much considering the more you order, the more discounts you get, but it's probably not a good idea to spend more than I have to right now. Sometimes I just can't decide things and go overboard! To prove my indecisiveness, now I'm struggling with whether to get the CTX DVDs - but then I have to get whatever it is to make my older TV compatible with the DVD. I'm not sure how much more that will cost me.

Wanda, when you do only the abs from Boot Camp, how long is it?

Welcome, Christy! I am only on my fourth or fifth week of the Total Body Blast rotation. I usually stick to one video a day unless I somehow have more time (which rarely happens). I have noticed that the others do more also. I wish I could - but when I tried to do the abs section of ME a few days ago - my son came around saying "Mommy! You're not supposed to exercise at night! Just in the morning!" and then demanded my attention! Luckily, I was only doing the 9 minutes or so of abs from ME because I wouldn't have gotten much further than that! Congrats on the weight loss also! That is great. I did WW a couple of years ago and lost a total of 12 pounds in about 3 months. Then I just stopped losing weight and when they told me maybe that's the weight my body was meant to be, I stopped going. I am in my weight range but I still want to lose about 10 more which would put me in the lower end of my range. Truthfully though, I would be okay if I did stay this weight forever (and I probably will if I don't gain later)

LuvCardio- I would also be interested to know what the trainer say about the videos. I've always wanted to get my body fat % but I am not a member of a gym and I don't know where else to go or how much $$ it would cost. That sounds like a cool service you are getting! Good luck!

Have a good weekend!
Hi guys! Just wanted to tell you all that I stopped the Blast Rot after 4 weeks. Now I am on to a Fitprime rot with all my new vids and have found that I am sooo much stronger - especially in my abs.
Good luck to you! Cathy
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! This morning was C&W so obviously it was a fun workout!! How appropriate that they are wearing red, too! Anyway, I might try to do a cardio from CTX later today - DH has to work until 8:00 p.m. :( It's our 5 year anniversary today. Have a great day and enjoy your workouts!! :)
Wanda- i did a 4 mile run in 35 min. I kind of mixed it up -started at 6 for 2 min. then 7 for 2min.-8 for 2min.back to 7,6 for 1 min.ect. and did that at incline of 2.then if i felt like going longer on 7 and 8 i did.Not really a set thing just intervals.

Sara-Happy Anniversary!!
Just stopped in to say Hi.
Sara, Happy 5th Anniversary! :D

Laura, on the ab work from Boot Camp, on the DVD's you can fast forward to the ab sections to make about 8 or so min of core and ab work.
But I actually used the CTX DVD's yesterday. There is a seperate disc that has a just abs section. It has all the ab work from the series back to back. I also have an all ab video of Cathe's. This really helps me to put in extra ab work. It has made my sit ups much better and my core work stronger.

Cathy, I for one will miss you. Glad you good see improvements when you went back to another routine. Hope we can be together on another rotation sometime.

Donna, have fun doing the Strength workout. You get those biceps under control, okay? ;-) I may come over to visit you at your other check in. :D
Hi Everyone,
Now I can call it a day! After Imax Extreme all cardio and 8 min of abs, this morning, I did PS Back Biceps and Abs this afternoon and finished with 30 min of Interval Treadmill.
Tomorrow is ME for sure!

See you later
Wanda - How on earth can you do ME the day after PS BBA???? That is two pretty intense bicep workouts in a row!!!! All I can say is "WOW!!!" :p
Hi all! I am so proud of everyone on this rotation! It seems like everyone is so motivated and really getting the most out of and sticking to these videos!

Today I took a rest day. I had worked hard the past few days and want to make sure I am not overtraining. Plus I was a good sore from my crazy workouts yesterday. Figured I would get all rested up for this weekend.

Still haven't decided what I am going to do on Sat. & Sun. I know it will either be Viper or Gauntlet on Sat. Then Sun... Imax Extreme + S&H Bi's :) Monday since I have off I am going to do PUB + S&H legs.

I think I am going to start working S&H into my rotation this week. Still working on the specific rotation.

Hope you have a happy valentines weekend! We and my lovey are celebrating V-day Sat. night! Dinner and a movie (Chicago!) Yippppeeeee!
Hi Everybody,
Are you snowed in? We have 5 inches with more on the way. The wind out here keeps the snowplow working overtime with all the drifts. I'm glad it is snow and not the ice that was originally forecast.

Anyway, I tried something new today. I did the Bonus workout on the BootCamp DVD. It combined intervals from Boot Camp and Muscle Endurace. So see.:D:D:D I DID do ME today....sort of....LOL
Does it count? ;-)
The bicep section was STILL after those rows and clean & press. I tried to psych myself out by using 10# DB's instead of the BB. Didn't work. My muscles are smarter than my brain. Had to lower to 8# Db's for the last reps.
I'm going to tackle this problem if it is the last thing I do. LOL

This workout is fun though, for you who have the DVD's.

LuvCardio, where did you go for dinner? DH usually takes me to Applebees or Red Lobster. I have to watch looking at the dessert menu though. They sure have some tempting ones. ;-)

Have a great weekend everyone. We're getting ready for Number 7. No matter what week you girls are personally on, what matters are working out. You are doing great things for yourself. :D
Hi all,

Oh Wanda, before I start posting and forget, I teamed the first 30min of TaeBo Advanced (actually 35min) w/PLB. The second 25min of the workout is a floor workout for abs/legs, but I was afraid to do the whole 60min then tackle PLB, so I stopped after the cardio portion and went into PLB. I also have the Get Ripped Advanced set which I LOVE! But I haven't tried teaming them with Cathe yet! Not sure if I'd survive! :)

ME was today, those leg presses do get more do-able as time goes by! I did CTX PowerCircuit before ME, I was in the mood for a real cardio blast, so I threw it in. AND I knew immediately upon the 2nd set of leg presses in the FIRST section that THAT was NOT my most brilliant idea! Talk about the quads feeling tight! YOWZA! And my only thought was, "OMG~there are two more sets of these things before the workout is over!" My legs are feeling this particular pairing! :)

Tomorrow is just a nice long steady state cardio like Charlene Prickett + a stretch video! My legs are already looking forward to a good stretch!

See ya next week,

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
HI all! Today I did Viper. What a fun workout! I used heavier weight than the last time I did ME. I feel a lot better and like I got more of a wt workout. I also added abs from ME onto the end:)

Donna - sounds like you had fun w/Taebo and PLB. Glad to hear those leg presses get easier. I will be doing them sometime soon in the next few days:)

Cathe4me2 - I still haven't tried the Boot Camp bonus yet. Those biceps still get me too. I have been using dumbbells and it seems to help. Today I made it all the way thru with 10 lbs:)

Tonight we went to a restaurant called Hibachi. It is a japanese grill where they cook the food right in front of you! It was awesome! It was low in carbs and high in protein. We had the V-day special which was filet and lobster. They cook you fresh veggies, rice, and salad! It was scrumpious! Then, we went and saw the movie Chicago! What a fun date night!

Tomorrow I think I am doing Imax to help burn off some of the extra calories I ate today! We'll see though. Who knows... I might get a wild hair and do Boot camp or something!
Hey everyone!!
yesterday i did 1st. 5 interv. of imax2/abs/plb.
today is supposed to be my rest day..i will let you know if that changes;-) sounds nice to workout.

Luvcardio-I have alot of friends that have been into those Japenese grills.We will have to try it sometime-thats what everyone says that they are really good and alot of fun too!
Oh,i still havent done viper:eek: i need to!!!:)
Hi Everyone,
I did Imax just before lunch. Again, I feel it is harder than Imax 2.
This is based on my heart rate level. I think it is because there are more plyo jumps and jumping jacks.

Are you girls using the Spreadsheets to write down your workouts? Even though I've kept a workout log for years, I find this spreadsheet to be of great help. You can see at a glance what you have been doing for the week. For example with me, I counted up my days I did cardio and found I'm 4 classes Behind what I did last month, but I worked my legs more.
I recommend them if you haven't tried them yet. You can download them from a thread called Spreadsheets. If you have Excel or equivalent, you can make your own pretty easy. That's what I did, using Connie's pattern.

I plan to do PUB this afternoon and perhaps a 30 min walk.

LuvCardio, I'm jealous. :D We don't have a Hibachi nearby, but we went to ones in Nashville, TN, Indy and South Bend. What a treat when the chef is in an entertaining mood, twirls his knives, throws them in the air and catches them. :D

I'll check in again later tonight.
Hello all,

I just got back in town. My small family spent 2 nights in Branson, MO at a motel that had an indoor water park. We had loads of fun. I ate horribly though on Friday night and ALL day Saturday.

Friday I did CTX Leaner Legs and increased all my weights. and then I also did Step Works on an 8" step. This is good for me as I usually only do one workout a day, but you guys have inspired me. It felt good.

Saturday of course I played all day in the water.

Today I just got done with PUB and I actually did 4 of those pike things where you stick your butt in the air. Definitely an imporovement from the first comical time I tried it. (Though I DID NOT laugh, I'm sure if anyone had seen it, they would have)
My daughter has a basketball game at 2:00 so after that I plan to do Imax 2. I'm trying to make up for all the eating I did. I started back strictly counting points for weight watchers today.

Sara - Happy Anniversary!

Wanda - You are amazing! How do you do all those tapes and not just die and fall over in bed. I envy you. Good job! Also, you mentioned all the snow you received. Where are you from?

Well, have a great day and I will check in tomorrow after I do Boot Camp. I love that one.


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