Total Body Blast Ck In 6

Good Morning Everyone,
I'm getting ready to do Cardio and Weights. Yippee!! But I also love Imax 2.
LuvCardio... I just email Chris about my audio problems on the DVD's. He said to try and change the audio setting on the DVD player to "PCM".
I'll try it and see if it helps on mine.

Do you suppose that increased muscle will help the extra skin issue. I know that fat takes up more room than muscle. So once the fat is disappearing, it may take awhile for the muscle to grow to replace the space. Does that make sense?
Have you posted this question to Cathe yet? I would like to know her answer as well.

Well, as they say, "I'm burning daylight" :D I'd better get off the computer chair and burn off some calories.
I'll check in again later.

Welcome on board, Sara
Good day everybody!:) I did PLB this morning. I tell ya that stability ball work just doesn't let up!:eek: I plan on doing MIC this afternoon. Probably just the hi/lo portion of it.I'll have to see how my legs are feeling!
Tomorrow is Cardio & Weights for me.That's such a fun tape! I love the last step section with the Buttercup song! :* Take care ladies! Susan
This morning was the last half of Imax II (6-10) and PUB. I cannot believe how tough that biceps section is! 10 lb. dumbbells have never felt as heavy as they do during that last set of 12 reps! Aaagghh! I remembered it as being tough from last week, but I didn't remember how tough until I actually did it again. I upped the weights for tris and shoulders, but found myself rocking during the front raises, so I think I will go back to Cathe's weights for that segment next time. Tomorrow is Boot Camp. I love it! Welcome Sara!
Hi gals,

I did IMAX2 this morning. It is one of my favorites. It feels like it's getting slightly easier now. I guess that's good and bad. Good because that means I can endure more than before I started this rotation, right? But bad because I'll have to find another video to SHOCK my metabolism. I'm thinking of getting the first IMAX since I don't have that one yet and I've heard it's actually harder than IMAX2!:eek: Tomorrow is Muscle Endurance - I always dread that one but feel good afterwards! My least favorite exercise is probably the leg lifts and there are so many of those in ME. I'm thinking of getting a head start and doing the abs section tonight. hmm...

Welcome, Sara!
Thank you for the warm welcome everyone!!! Laura - you definitely have to invest in the original Imax!! It is one of my favorites!! I still have to modify that one from time to time!! ;-)
Well, I did ME today and boy did it kick my booty! It felt great!! If my son takes his nap soon, I might do a split and do a cardio from CTX. I feel like I have some extra energy today - better use it while I have it! Hope everyone is having a great day! :)
Hi all,

Well yesterday was PLB + TaeBo (30min), I liked that combo! :)
This am was Imax 2, I still ain't winning no trophies on this one!
Tomorrow will be C&W!

See ya then,

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
In regards to Imax, I upped my step to 8" on Imax2 and I still think Imax is harder. I haven't figured out why, yet. :D

So far I've done C&W and CST from Pure Strength Series.

I'm still having audio problems on the DVD's. DH checked and rechecked it. Chris suggessted hooking it up using the PCM output. But we aren't using an amplifier. Just the TV and the DVD player. The manual only shows the way we have it hooked up and hooking it up using extra speakers.
Hmmmmm. It is very annoying for the sound to get loud then soft.
We have a teenager who works for us on the farm. I've sent out a bribe. Pizza in exchange for looking at my DVD player. ;-)
When in doubt about electronics, ask a kid...right? LOL

See you all later. Have a great workout day. Don't forget the water.
I've started writing down how much water I drink during the day. It is easy to not drink enough. Of course at my age, you 'bout have to write down everything. :D
Sounds like Imax2 was a popular video for all of us today. I did ImAX2 Extreme this morning (all but the last cardio & Wt cycle as I ran out of time;)

This evening I think I am going to do ME.... uuggggghhhhhh!!! Primarily because I have to be to work by 7:00 and won't have time to work out. So.... I am feeling like I have lots of energy. Figure I might as well use it. Then, tomorrow I will probably take another rest day:( I took one on Tuesday too because my body needed it soooooo badly! Oh well... I will be ready to rock on Fri, Sat and Sun. Friday I am doing Boot Camp, Sat it's PLB + imax, Sun it's PUB.

Hope you are all doing great! Keep up the good work.

Wanda - thx for the tips on the DVD audio. I'm going to try it too and see if it helps. However, a little scary because i have never seen that feature???
Hi all!!

well it sounds like everyone is loving the new series!!
This morning I did muscle endurance,this afternoon i took a 3.5 mile walk then was still in the mood for more so i did ctx all step.Dont you all love the abs on the I series!!you can really feel it!

Laura-the first imax is definitely harder than imax2!
Hi Everyone,
I finished the day with Strong Legs and Abs. Our teenager friend came over and re-set the DVD player. He played with the wires and decided my problem was in the player programing. So the audio fading problem is taken care of. Yea!!!!

Tomorrow I want to do ME and then try the Gauntlet. I previewed it this evening and it looks like a fun combo.

I for one love the ab work in the CTX series. There are 2 or 3 of them on Cathe's Ab video so I get to do them every week.

See you all tomorrow. Get ready to break a good sweat. :D
Good Morning All
It didn't work out for me to do the Gauntlet or ME. I did Boot Camp instead. This afternoon will be some sort of Cardio.
We have a big winter storm coming again. I need to get some supplies in. We have lots of power failures out here on the farm.

There's an interesting thread going about Code Orange. ???

See ya this afternoon
Hi all! I made it through Imax 2 this morning. It seemed much more fun than the first time I did it! :) I managed to do a split yesterday - ME in the am and CTX All Step in the afternoon. Laura, it looks like we had a similar day! I just love those two workouts! I might do Pilates this afternoon - we'll see. Have a great day everyone!
I did Muscle Endurance this morning - all except the abs section which I did last night. One weird thing I've noticed about Muscle Endurance the last few times I've done it, during the static lunges (esp. low ends) my legs have this weird feeling - it feels like when your leg falls asleep. I have to step both feet together for a second to get that feeling out. I wonder if I should be using a lighter weight. Has anyone else experienced anything else like this?

Wanda - I'm so glad you got your audio problems fixed. It's so annoying and distracting when you can't concentrate completely on the video.

I was all ready to order Interval Max and I got distracted looking at other Cathe videos. Now I have a huge list of videos I want to order (thinking ahead for a future rotation) but I need to cut down my list first. I'm want to try to put together a good rotation to help me lose those last ten pounds! Any suggestions are welcome! (Cathe Videos I already have are MIS, MIC, Cardio Kicks, and of course, the Intensity Series)
Hi Everyone,
Wow what a workout day! :D I could have been happy just doing Boot Camp. That would have been enough right? But the new DVD player stood ready to try out my CTX features.

BTW Laura, my very next favorite Cathe videos, my can't do without, is the CTX series. I got them on video when they first came out. There is so much you can do with them, EVEN on the videos. There is excellent step, circuit training, weight and ab work on them. So that would be my vote for your next purchase. :D:D:D

Anyhow, this afternoon I played with the fast forward button on the DVD remote and put the Cardio sections of Power Circuit, 10 10 10 and All Step together. I did warm up from Power Circuit and this gave me about an hour's worth of cardio. This was really fun plus the added bonus of intesity.

My abs had got a good workout with the core work in Boot Camp, but there is a whole section of Just abs on the DVD. (I had to try out the new features, didn't I? LOL)

Now perhaps tomorrow, I can try something from the Terminator and ME awaits me. I'm going to try it one more time as is, and if I still have trouble with the biceps, then....the next time I'm going to do the biceps BEFORE those rows with the clean and press.
My brain has to be programed to make those biceps muscles believe they can lift that 20#barbell. LOL

See you all tomorrow.

PS...DONNA.....what Tae Bo video do you use?
Hello. My name is Christi Martin and I usually just read posts and don't chime in. I am certainly not on week 6 of this rotation because I waited patiently for the DVDs. I am on week 2 of this rotation. I was wondering if it was o.k. to tag along on your check in.

I am sticking to the rotation though I have seen many of you are doing EXTRA workouts. This makes me feel as if I should do more. You know how it is though, you get showered and then sweaty again, then shower etc. I know I am babbling.

My week looks like Cathe suggested:

Monday - Boot Camp
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Muscle Endurance
Thursday - Imax Extreme (I did this for the first time today)
Friday - Cardio and Weights (I was thinking about doing good ol circuit max instead. I feel this would be a similar workout. What do you think?)
Saturday - Going out of town, can't work out.
Sunday - PUB

I guess I can't get any leg workout this week.

Thanks for letting me chime in,
Hi Christi,
Welcome. Glad you can join us. I for one committed to 8 weeks of this rotation, and it may be longer if I still am seeing results. I may do a week or two of Heavy weights but I will come back to this Blast rotation.

Please don't feel intimidated by some of us doing more workouts. I have a medical reason for more workouts, and others have their own reasons. You have to do what is best for you. :D

Jillybean, Donna and LuvCardio can probably break down the Intense Series better than I can, but the tapes are basically, 1. weights with cardio, 2. high intensity cardio, 3.cardio weights, high-low,
4. all weights, high reps, 5-6 all weights pyramid.

A week or two while waiting for this series I prepared by doing, 1. Body Max, 2. Interval Max, 3. Circuit Max, 4. Power Hour 5-6 Pure Strength and Slow Heavy.

So your Circuit Max is an excellent alternative, IMH.

Congratulations for sticking to a rotation. I'm finding I can see better results when I stick to something for awhile.

Come on over anytime. :D
Hi everyone! It seems as though we all had a good week so far! It is amazing how far we have all come so far in this series isn't it.

Wanda - you go girl! I love the CTX sections w/the DVD!

Laura - I also get a funny feeling in my legs sometimes (particularly the knee area) I thought it was just me.

Sara - Glad you liked Imax2! It is now one of my favorites!

Christi - Welcome!!!! You are going to love this rotation. After reading all the posts today I can really see how far everyone has come. I would just start out just as you are and listen to your body. I actually had a tout w/overtraining my first week and 1/2 of the Total Body Blast rotation. I was just so excited with the new tapes I couldn't stop. Then, I took it down for almost 2 weeks. Then, this week I am just rarin' to go! You should still see results with the rotation you are doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I did a ton! There must be a full moon or something. Yesterday in the morning I did Imax Extreme. Then in the evening I did ME! My wts must have not been heavy enough because I wasn't even sore today at all. So... this afternoon I did Cardio & Wts and also the floor part of PLB and shoulders and abs of PUB. I still felt like I could keep going but my huubby got home! It was time for me to stop anyway!

I think I might be starting to lose some muscle mass though. I can't tell if it is muscle mass I am losing or if I am just getting smaller? I have lost inches and I have extra skin. I think the week after next I am going to add in a 2-3 week rotation of S&H. I will use the cardio from this series. I am just worried about losing the muscle? Who knows... it might be my imagination.

I am going to a free training/fit evaluation at my club on Tuesday. So I will let you all know what they say about my body fat % and if it has went up or down. Also, she said to bring in all of my videos and she is going to help me put a whole plan together! She is also going to tweek my menu as well. I can't wait! Too bad I don't get more than 1 session:(

Christi - feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions!

Have a wonderful Friday!
Thank you Wanda for the nice response. I believe Circuit Max feels like a more difficult workout for me than Cardio & Weights. Though I LOVE how fun Cardio & Weights is with the terrific music and great step routines.

Thank you for the O.K. on Circuit Max. I think I will do that one tomorrow.

Good evening,

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