Total Body Blast Ck In 6


Hi Everyone,
Here's the start of a brand new week of high Intesity workouts. I'm hoping to get my DVD's going.
I got the TV Sunday. By the time I got home, I had one of my migraine attacks. After taking my pill, it knocked me out for 5 hours.
All I could manage to eek out of workouts was 8 min worth of ab work.
Sometimes I feel like Bubble Boy. You know that little boy who had to live in a bubble.
When cold air hits my face, I'm done for. I need to live somewhere tropical. :D

I will be doing PUB and I want to do leg work as well. I will either do PLB or just because I haven't done it since early fall, Leaner Legs. Sounds brutal now that I've seen this in print. ;-)

Your girls have a nice sweaty workout. LuvCardio hope you find the solution to your lower body recovery.
Donna, I hope you have that virus under control. Have you seen those Dimetapp lollipops shaped like Carebears? I got some when I had my sore throat.
I'm a big baby when I'm sick and I need all the comfort things I can find. LOL
Hi Wanda,

No, this virus is still sticking with me like glue! I was really feeling it today during BootCamp, but it was actually kind to me by not sending me into a coughing frenzy until the cooldown! It was probably the first opportunity it (the virus) had to catch up to me during the whole hour!
Tomorrow is PUB.

And I try to go med free as often as possible. My dad raised us on the saying, "nature does the healing, doctors get the pay!" So usually unless a limb is falling off I don't go to the doctor, but if I don't begin to see some improvement soon I may have to go get something for this, I'm really not trying to deal with bronchitis and I'm afraid that's where it may be heading. Hope not! And no, I haven't seen the Dimetapp lollipops. :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Hi everyone!
Donna - I am so sorry you are still sick! Hang in there! Take those vitamin c's and get your rest!

WAnda - glad to hear you got your TV all set up! I am sure you are excited to get kickin' with the dVDs!

I am still so confused with how to integrate the terminator in these workouts! I just love the terminator vids but am struggling with knowing when it is alright to lift 2 days in a row.

I did buy some EAS Betagen on Friday,hoping it helps with recovery. I also did Imax2 Extreme on saturday and believe it or not but it actually helped kick the soreness in my legs out. Makes me wonder if I should go back to doing 2 days of pure cardio a week?? My legs are doing better:) So, we'll see. I think I am going to start planning PLB when I know I have a planned rest day after. Last week I had to throw an unplanned one in due to the soreness PLB left me with. Guess my legs just aren't use to workin' that hard. They are definitely the area that needs the most improvement including muscle definition! I think I am not going to do an all leg day this week. I am going to work legs into the other days and give my legs a break. Not that they even get a break with these videos;)

Here is what I have done so far this week.... I always start my weeks on Sat... it seems to motivate me more during the week.
Sat - Imax Extreme!
Sun - PUB + 2 segments of Viper

Haven't committed to my week yet as it is all dependent upon how I feel tomorrow. Thinking I might do Gauntlet with really light arms and heavy leg wts?

Maybe something like this:???
Mon - Gauntlet
Tues - PUB + extra core
Wed - Rest
Thurs - Muscle Endurance
Fri - C&W w/very light weights
Sat - Imax2 Extreme + Core (LOVE this one for SAturday mornings:)!!!
Sun - PUB

Any bets on if I'll be alive after this week? ha ha ha ha
Luvcardio - that rotation looks great! Okay I am in the best mood today - Kevin Garnett was MVP of the NBA's All Star Game! (I'm from Minneosota and I LOVE the Timberwolves!) WOO HOO!!! Okay, back to Cathe... Yesterday was Imax II (on 8" much better!) and this morning was Cardio and Weights. I am just obsessed with that Elvis song during the 3rd cardio segment. Okay, tomorrow is Imax Ii (1-5) and PLB. Have a great week everyone!
Hi Everyone....hey mind if i join you???I just got my intensity series in last week and i am loving them!!!
Hey all,

Knocked out PUB this morning, the biceps are becoming more do-able, they still burn like MAD, but I'm making it through it! I added Gilad's Quick Fit Abs to the end of my workout, I suck so badly at this new-fangled ab work that I'm afraid my abs aren't getting the workout they should, so since Gilad's is just a 15 minute "old fashion" ab routine, I threw it in to make sure my abs get a burn.
I'm always the last one to "get" the new stuff! If it isn't a balancing problem, then it's the lack of ? to hold the position, so I'm working on it, but give me an old fashioned crunch any day, I so have THAT down! :)
PLB + Imax2 tomorrow~oh yay!

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Everyone,
I did PUB today as well. I can get past the first set of biceps with the 15# and then I have to put them down and count to 30. Improvement but barely. LOL
I'm like Donna is understanding the position we are to get in doing pikes. So until I master that, with DH around so I don't get injured on THAT ball, :-( I'm also doing the ab work that I can handle. LOL

I have all my new equipment layed out on the floor of my workout room. I just need another surge protector and I'm ready for get go on the DVD's.

I'll check back with you all tonight.
Hi everyone!

I got a great start to my week. Friday was my rest day, Saturday I did Cardio and Weights. Sunday, I was alone for 3 hours (I am a mom and could not remember what it feels like to be alone! I didn't know what to do!) The first thing that came to mind was Cathe! I did PLB, the first 5 intervals of IMAX2, PUB, and the abs section of MIS. I felt so good. I really felt I needed it after pigging out on Mexican food Saturday!:eek: So, this morning, I decided to do Cardio Kicks. I have been missing this video. It was nice to be able to change the routine a little.

Wanda - sorry to hear about your migranes. I've never had one but from what I hear, they are not very pleasant.

Donna - I've been sick for a few weeks now. I think I had the flu. It's gone for the most part, but I still have a yucky cough and stuffy nose. I took four miserable days off. I was mostly miserable because I couldn't do my Cathe tapes!

LuvCardio - What is IMAX2 Extreme exactly? That helped your legs recover? After PLB yesterday, I did the first 5 int. of IMAX2 and it takes awhile for my legs to feel loosened up again. Well, take it easy if possible (take it easy with Intensity series? Huh?):eek: Also, what is Gauntlet?

Jillybean - I love that Elvis song also. It's pretty cool! Have fun with Cardio & weights and IMAX2. I think those two are my favorite. They feel so fun and dancey.

Smiley2 - welcome! I am loving the new tapes, too. I'm on my 4th (I think?) week and am seeing results already! I'm not sure how long I will stay on this rotation, but this is my first real rotation and I'm worrying about what I'm going to do after!

Have a great week!
A quick check in to say Hi and Welcome to Smiley2.

Catch you all later tonight. I've almost got my DVD's going!! Yippee :D
Hey everyone!! I just did bootcamp for the first time today...what a fun workout!!It goes so fast too with it split up like that.Thanks Laura and Wanda for the welcome!Laura what rotation are you doing w/ the series? I copied all the ones that cathe had made up and i just started w/ the total body blast one.this is my first week w/ the tapes so i am looking foward to getting into all of them and really challenging myself...ttyl!
Hi Everyone,
Finished up the day with Interval Treadmill. I used an Ifit Video of Hawaii. It was a moderate video but I reved it up to intermediate-advanced. DH is playing with my DVD player. I just as soon he learns all about the whistles and bells and then Shows ME how it works, as opposed to me pushing something I'm not supposed to and breaking it. LOL

Tomorrow I will do PLB. I wanted to do LL today but didn't get to.;-) I will put it in somewhere this week though.

See you later,
Today is my "off" day but I may do some lighter cardio. I have some energy I could release! Yesterday was PUB in the am and Cardio Kicks in the afternoon. I really pushed myself on PUB,went heavier than usual and today I am feeling it. It's a good pain though not like I injured anything.
Tomorrow is PLB in the morning and some cardio(haven't decided what)in the afternoon. I'll be measuring myself again at the end of the week. I feel so much firmer since starting this rotation. Last measurement I had lost a half inch in my waist! Love that core work! Susan
hey everyone!I did imax xtreme this morning .I felt so charged up after i was done-that is a fun workout!Is everyone getting blasted w/cold weather still?
We just got another cold front that blew in..cold for Fl. anyway..its about 50 deg.!!well off to check the forums!!see ya.-angie
Hi Everyone,
I just did PLB with my new DVD. :D:D:D My...Cathe sure looks alot bigger. LOL My little VCR tv was only 13inches. The new TV is 27 inches. THAT sure made a difference!!!

The leg lifts were better today, yet my leg got into a cramp 1/2 way through on the second leg reps. I'm challenging myself to put ankle weights on in this class by summer. Something to reach for anyway.

I want to do all the classes as is on the DVD's before I do any experimenting. Mainly to see if the DVD's are all okay. On another thread, some of the girls had some skips etc on them.

Do you notice the sound fading around on the PLB DVD? It seems the music gets loud and then fades way down. It didn't do it all the way through but mainly in the beginning. ????

I finished up taxes for the farm the morning. I'm always so happy to get the DONE. Farmers has to have it done by March 1. The day we send the forms in, the farm usually takes me out to lunch. :D

and a note to Angie, yes it is brrr cold and windy in Indyanna. Can't wait until Spring. If Florida is still cold during the Spring break, the kids may have to rethink and go further south..???
I don't understand the global warming thing. :D

Catch you all later this afternoon. Imax 2 is on my list to do.
Well, I did Boot Camp this morning. It was hard getting started at first, but after the first few minutes time just flew by! It was definitely easier than last week when I was barely recovering from the flu.

Smiley2 - I am doing the Total Body Blast rotation. I just got a little ahead of myself on Sunday when I was able to do more than one video. So, since I had been missing Cardio Kicks, I threw that one in one Monday. Plus, I prefer not to do Boot Camp the day after PUB because I am usually a little (sometimes a lot!) sore.

Wanda - I am so jealous that you have the Intensity series on DVD. I have a DVD player but it is not compatibale with the TV in my little fitness room so I am just staying with VHS for now. I do want to get DVDs sometime in the near future and from what I hear about Terminator and Gauntlet, I may have to start with those!
RE: Ouch!

This morning was PLB and the 1st 5 int. of Imax II. I upped my weights for PLB today. I did 30-35-40 for leg press and lunges, 35-40-45 for deadlifts, and 40-45-50 for squats. That felt much better. But MAN! do not underestimate the power of that floorwork! My adductors, hammies, and calves were sore! Then I did 1-5 of Imax II. I really like that combo. I did it on 8" instead of 6" and you should have seen those long hop turns of interval 5. It wasn't pretty. Tomorrow is PUB. My favorite of the series. We have a love/hate relationship. Hey Libra, glad to hear you only did Bootcamp today (which is plenty)! It sounded like you did a bit much yesterday. But isn't that the way with new videos! I want to do them all right away too! Talk to you ladies tomorrow!
Hi Everyone,
I did Imax 2 this afternoon. I upped the stepbox to 8" because I can't feel the intensity on the 6" compared to Imax which I've always done with an 8" box. NOW it feels more like it...LOL I did lower on #9 the froggy hops or elephant jumps, but upped it again for #10.

I still had sound problems with this DVD the same as PLB. I will start a thread to see if anyone else experienced this.

Laura, glad you are feeling better. That flu really did a number on me when I had it. Concerning my DVD purchase, I had to talk it up BIG time to my DH. Our 32nd anniversary is coming up or I would probably still be dreaming of Cathe on DVD. :D

Jilly, I'm right with you on the leg presses etc, but Wow! I can't imagine the 40-45-50#'s for squats.

I will end up the day with some ab work. Cathe's ab work on one tape sure makes it handy to include this, especially on days when the workouts don't have abs on it.

See you all tomorrow.
Hi everyone! I would also like to join in here if you don't mind! I just started the Body Blast rotation yesterday. I changed it just a little bit by adding a cardio day in (7 day rotation instead) because after trying PUB last week, I don't think that there is any way that I could do Boot Camp the day after it! I was super sore!! I love reading all of the results that you guys are getting!! I am hopeful that I will be right there with you all!! Tomorrow is ME, one of my favorites!!
Sara :)
Hi everyone. I listened to my body today and took a rest day:) It felt so nice. I think I am going to do Imax 2 tomorrow. I am going to add in a couple extra days of pure cardio for the next couple weeks. I have lost some weight and now I have some extra fat/skin hangin' around my middle. I have shrunk in inches and still have muscle... I guess it is just that my skin has to catch up with the rest of me? I am hoping cardio will help?

I posted a post on the Open Discussion for advice... but nobody has responded:( Maybe nobody knows an answer? I sure don't!

Welcome Sara! Glad you can join us!

Wanda - Isn't Imax a blast! sorry to hear about your DVD problems. I have a few audio problems too. I experience them really bad on all the Terminator videos. Hmmmmm....

Hope everyone is good!

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