Total Body Blast Ck in 5


Hi Everyone,
So far it looks like the Rotation forum is for rotations and not check ins. I could be wrong....

Anyway, this is the kick off for the 5th week...yippee!
Due to another migraine, I didn't do Imax 2 today as planned. This evening I could only do 40 min of Interval treadmill and 8 min of ab work. My migraine pill makes me sleepy and a little dizzy (some would argue that the pill is not at fault on that count.) I didn't want to do something that I might fall or trip over.
Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully the weather front that is coming through will be out of Indiana by then. GRRR.

I should be a weathergirl and get paid for my headaches. :D

See you tomorrow, though I won't get to check in until evening.
You girls have a wonderful workout day.
Hope your head feels better soon Wanda! I did Cardio and Weights this morning. I used 15's when Cathe used 12's. I will have to keep my 12's handy though and switch when Cathe does that last set of back work because I felt my shoulders drop and my spine round. Other than that, what a fabulous workout! I loved it! Oh, and those walking planks are another story! Tomorrow is PLB and 1-5 of Imax II. Wish me luck!
Hi! Wanda, I hope your head is feeling better!:) I can't stand little headaches let alone a migraine!!
My week went really well. I even stuck with my clean eating and it looks like its working! This week goes as follows:

Sunday: Pyramid Upper and NordicTrack(40mn,5 miles)

Monday: Off

Tues: Pyr.Low.Body and Step Works

Wed: Cardio & Weights

Thursday: Muscle Endurance and Cardio Kicks

Friday: OFF

Sat: BootCamp

Sunday: IMAX2

I'm on a 3 day on 1 day off rotation and I really like. My body seems to be really responding to it also.
Hope you all have a great week! Susan
HI everyone. I am working from home today since it snowed so bad here. Would have taken me 1.5 hours one way just to get to work (usually only takes 45 min). So, I opted to use the time more wisely (for Cathe workouts - hee hee)

I am going to IMAX2(5 intervals) and PLB. I am nervous as this is the first time I have ever done this combo. Is it brutal???

I had a rotation planned for the week that I posted on the other boards. But it is already different due to not doing ME yesterday. I opted for PUB so I could truly work my legs today. I am so happy because my legs feel recovered today from Gauntlet on Saturday! I feel pumped to do IMAX2 and PLB:)

I think my week is going to look like this....
Sat - did Gauntlet
Sun - did PUB
Mon - IMAX2 (5 intervals) + PLB
Tues - PUB
Wed - Boot Camp
Thurs - Rest
Fri - C&W (Light Wts)
Hey all,

Hope you're feeling better Wanda! :)

I did a cardio (Still Jumpin')+ PLB this morning. Tomorrow will be a CTX cardio + PUB.

See ya then,

Hi Everyone,

Did ME this morning. Question for everyone regarding BootCamp. Is it me or when you get to the last segment of abs where it is planks, I have such a hard time holding myself up due to my arms and shoulders being fried. Does anyone else have a hard time with this? I think is circuit 7.

Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for the get well wishes. I am super sensitive to changing weather and we sure are having changing weather lately!
It is super foggy here today.
Sounds like you girls are making some great strides. Good for you. Yippee! Susan with your diet, Jilly for your 15# weights, LuvCardio for trying to tame the Gauntlet.
Rhonda, I'm having a time with anything after bicep work. On those side planks, I still have to use that foot support position and I can't put a weighted ball on my hips. Just something else to work on, right?
I think we should have some kind of reward for doing Boot Camp, don't you? :D :D

Donna, I just saw your pictures and read your bio on Connie's link. I already was impressed by reading the posts here. But I am so proud of your accomplishments. I love your attitude about fitness and I am thrilled to be sharing this rotation with you.

I'm happy to get better acquainted with all of you.

I did Imax 2 today. I plan on doing PUB in a little bit.
See you all tomorrow for my fave class...C&W.

Hi everyone.

Today I pulled out MIC and did the Hi/Lo. I had minor surgery on the back of my shoulder yesterday and it is sore so I thought I would do a "lighter tape" than Imax 2 and one without weights. I did quite well on the Hi/Lo. I used to never be able to get through it but it was pretty easy this morning.

Tomorrow is Cardio and Weights but not sure who the shoulder will feel so I may just have to use very light weights or skip them and do just the cardio.

Oh no how about PLB, I don't think I can put anything on the shoulder so soon since it has 8 stitches and I don't want to pull them out or make it hurt more. Hmmm what to do in in place if I have to? Leaner Legs maybe?
Good Morning Everyone,

Getting ready to do C&W. I did PUB last last BEFORE the power went out! It only lasted for a couple of hours, but we got out the candles and the flashlights.

Rhonda, sorry about your shoulder. Please by all means modify so as not to cause more injury to it. Leaner Legs still has you lifting the barbell, would a step tape be safer until your shoulder heals? ;-)

Cathe says: "We just want to push ya, we don't want to hurt ya."

I'll check in again later on today. Have a good workout day and try not to get blown away......we have 45 mph wind gusts here and it is cooooold.!
Rhonda, I would have to say that maybe you do Circuit Max since that doesn't have you lifting a barbell over your head. How about just doing bicep curls or kickbacks during the shoulder work? Or do tough step tape - those always seem to fry my legs. Just watch the arm movements though. I know you want to workout but you don't want to run the risk of further injuring yourself and not be able to workout at all!

This morning I did PLB and the 1st 1/2 of Imax II. I planned on using an 8" board when I got to Imax, but my legs were cooked so I stayed with 8". Tomorrow is PUB. Wish me luck - haven't done that one yet!
Thanks Jillybean,

Haven't thought of doing circuit max but maybe I will give it a shot. Thanks for the idea.

I'm back again...LOL
Just finished C&W. This can be a very challenging class when you up the step to 8". I use the same weights as Cathe except the first tricep section. Cathe used 8 and I used 10#'s. Everything else was just fine where it was. :D

I ordered the series on DVD last night before the power went off. While at it, and DH was in a good mood, I also got the CTX on DVD. I might sell my video sets later.

So Jilly......perhaps I can join you on a Terminator, Gaunlet type rotation later on. LOL

Enjoy your workouts today.
I did PUB this morning despite having this virus. I skipped doing cardio, I figured I'd save my energy for the weight work!

I'm noticing the chest work getting more do-able, my hands still hurt, but being under the weather I had a "death grip" on my 20#db's, all I could think about was how ugly it would be to lose grip and drop one on my chest or head! So I was holding the db's extra tight this morning! :)

Tomorrow is Imax 2, if nothing else kills this virus, Imax 2 might! I can only hope! :)


P.S. And Wanda, there is NO living with my hubby now that you made your statement, "is that your son....he's good looking." I may have to glaze him, ham that he is! :)
Hi Everyone,
I'm calling it a day with Interval treadmill for 30 min and some ab work.

Donna, I'm so sorry about your virus. It can really tax the immune system. I could only use the 20# for the flies. I was too fried to do the presses. Getting hit in the head with them would not be good!!
You also have a PM waiting for you from me. :D

See you all tomorrow.
I'm a little late but would love to join you guys. I just received my dvds yesterday and did Bootcamp right away. While previewing Muscle Endurance, I got a little anxious and did 1/3 of that video as well. This morning I was feeling good and surprised that I wasn't hurting anywhere. But now it's a different story. With every step I take, I'm reminded of Cathe. I'm especially feeling soreness in my glutes from all those leg presses. Tonight I will finish up the rest of ME. :)

Do you guys always rest until you're not sore anymore or do you work right through it if the soreness is mild? Also, which video hit you guys the hardest in terms of muscle soreness? Thanks!
Hi again Keilan,
Welcome to the Body Blast rotation. How did you like the Terminator move in Boot Camp? ;-)
The other girls are more educated than I am. They may have more insight. I only speak from my own experience from working out for around 17 years. So take what I say with a grain of salt. I work through my muscle soreness IF it is just mildly sore and not pain. For example if my legs are still sore from the previous days workout, I will do cardio. If they are very sore, I will do upper body work. If it is pain, I come to a halt.
You soon can tell if you are a good sore from pushing yourself to the limit or the bad sore that makes you take a rest.

On what video makes you sore, For me, PLB is the hardest in terms of leg muscle soreness. That is because I have to pause between those leg press extensions on the floor with the ball. That is murder for me. ;-) In contrast to the floor work on the Pure Strength series which I use 4# ankle weights.
The first few times I did ME with the 76 leg presses on each leg, I was sore for 2 days. LOL

But I also have a time with 15#'s in the bicep section of PUB. The rest of the videos are doable for me. I get the DVD's pretty soon. There will be challenges on those I may have a very difficult time in reaching. LOL

Looking forward to your posts.

HI there! I did IMAX2 (1st 6 intervals) + PLB yesterday.... I am soooooo sore.... but it feels soooooo good. It is the perfect sore. I can't believe how much PLB works the butt and saddle bags! Did anyone else experience this? Today was my rest day.

I am due for upper body tomorrow! I am thinking of doing ME w/upper only plus some core work. It is amazing I am still sore from PUB on Sunday (2 days ago!) I upped my wts so that could be part of it!

Do you guys ever do this? Substitute ME upper or anything else for PUB? Or do you think I should stick to the total body blast to a "t". Maybe I am just being lazy??? Maybe I should just to PUB?

Also,,,, have to note that I think my weight loss is now being shown by some loose skin. I know it is a good thing but an ugly thing. I have extra skin around my abs (yeah!!!!!! this means it is maybe finally going away!) and also around my arms, under arms and back! Basicly my entire upper and core body!!!!! The bummer thing is even though my upper body muscles are still there now they are covered in extra skin. I hope it goes away soon!!!!

Anyone have any good advice on how to get the skin to tighten up? I have heard of lots of water! I am eating tons of protein and tons of fruit and fiber! I have been good on my diet this week! (Except for the very small bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal I just inhaled) I don't know why I even buy that stuff! I need to quit!

Thursday I am doing Boot Camp and am already nervously excited!
Hi everyone,

Since I didn't want to do any weight work until my shoulder heals a little more I did Cathes CTS step and intervals this morning and for the first time was able to do all the power 15 and power 7s. I am going to try to do PLB tomorrow or may do Leaner legs. All depends if I can get my heavy barbell to rest on my shoulders without hurting. We will see. I don't like not being able to do the rotation to a "t" right now.

Hi Everyone,
Getting ready to do PUB and intervals 1-5 of Imax 2.

Rhonda that is great that you could do the power 15's. That shows your endurance is still up there. Step Intervals is some workout, isn't it? You think it's only about 25 min, but it catches up with you. ;-) I can empathize with your feelings of not following the rotation to a 't'. I have been injured many times and during those times I mentally beat myself up because I can't do what I previously eased right through. know what? If we are patient and let the body heal, we will soon get back to full speed. The muscles remember where we were before the injury and they come back better than ever.

However, if we jump in too soon, we can re-injure and sometimes that is worse than the injury itself. Please use caution with your barbell and perhaps go light with it if you use weights at all. Just a suggesstion. :D
As far as this rotation, I'm going to be here for awhile. Even when I do something else, I will come back to this. So there will be a Total Body Blast going somewhere when your shoulder is all well and happy again. :D:D:D

Donna, my DH says to tell you DH that he's going to buy a 6 pack this weekend and see if will help him look younger. LOL ;-)
Hope your virus is better by now.

See you later. Have a good workout


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