Total Body Blast Chk In #2

RE: Thanks Wanda!

Thanks for your kind thoughts. I am really jealous of you guys too, into your 3rd week of this new series, but I too am willing to wait for all of the features the DVDs will possess. Just an FYI, I sold all of my Firms (lots of them in clamshells) on the Fit Prime forums and made quite a bit of money. Good luck!
RE: Thanks Wanda!

Hi Jilly,
Not aiming to be nosey...
What did you list your videos for? Do you list a price and then add extra for the postage?

Thanks in advance for your advice and suggesstions.

Hi all,

I came off the rotation to add an extra cardio in so today I did a PowerStrike workout. Tomorrow I double up with Imax 2 + PLB, so I'll see you guys then.


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Wow, I am sore in places I haven't been after I did PLB. My butt and hips are sore this morning. Did PUB this morning, still have the biceps and ab work to do this evening.

Saturday morning is the Bootcamp day. Then my full two weeks will be done and will start the third week on Monday.

I feel like I am improving each week with this series. Hoping to see some weight loss and toning by the time the eight weeks are up.

Hope everyone has a nice day and weekend.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-03 AT 10:22AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Everyone,
I'm going to do PUB this morning and tack on some cardio afterwards. I'm excited about doing my class this morning. DH said to me last night: "I noticed your back and shoulders as you were exercising. Have you seen your muscles lately? :D:D

I went and had a look. It's working!!!! All those shoulder presses and those BICEP curls :D is giving my arms nice defintion. So Rhonda, we truly are improving. :-jumpy I definately love this rotation. Think how much better we are going to be at the end of 8 weeks.

Cathe had inserted a PS on her notes about the Intensity Series. "How long you stay on these rotations is totally based on how your body is responding. If it feels good continue,if you feel pretty tired and sore, modify the intensity within each workout to fit your needs, if you fell flat out exhausted and ultra sore, alternate it with some less intense workouts."

Catch you all later. Have a very fun day.

Greetings from freezing Toronto.

Just a question. Have any of you done the PLB then the first 5 intervals from Imax 2? When you do the Imax portion, do you include the warmup and stretch or just go to the first step routine and interval? Could you tell me how long does it take? I only have about an hour and fifteen minutes to workout in the morning. And I'd like a brief rest after PLB. That's the one thing that gives me pause about the rotation.


Hi Patricia,
I do the first 5 intervals from Imax 2 after PLB. Since I don't have the DVD's to make the transition easier, I do the warmup with the intervals.
Jillybean could probably tell you the exact minutes that it takes to do the whole thing.
However, I take a pause between doing the two workouts. I may do the PLB in the morning and do the Intervals in the afternoon. I feel I'm still getting the benefits of the workout.
What is so neat about this series is that you can just have fun. :D
Come on over and join us. :-jumpy

Hi all,

Well, I survived Imax 2 + PLB, but it wasn't easy! Talk about pre-exhausting the legs! After Imax 2, I was ready to throw in the towel by the 2nd set of static lunges on PLB! I was absolutely giddy with delight to reach the calf raises! In my head, the hard part is over! :)
Of course, then comes the floorwork, which took on a whole new meaning today after Imax 2 preceeded it. By the time I reached the final exercise (outer thigh lifts) my legs were shaking, I could barely lift each leg off the floor. I actually had to pause the stretch while I just laid there in a pool of sweat waiting for my muscles to relax enough to enjoy the stretch!
But it's over and I survived! That's a tough combo, so anyone looking for a "good" workout, do Imax 2 then immediately go in to PLB.

See ya then,
Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Donna,
I had to smile at the thought of you having to pause after those outer thigh lifts. I had to pause before I got to the other leg. Even then, the second leg was really trembling. Do you think we will ever be able to strap on ankle weights?
I tacked on Imax2 right after PLB. I think my legs were so happy to be done with all that weight work that they allowed me to do the entire Imax 2 tape without so much as a whimper of complaint of what I was putting them through. LOL
I'll have to try it the other way around sometime, but my legs might be really mad at me? ;-)

Doesn't it feel good to survive Cathe? :D :D

I did Cardio with Weights this morning to finish off my week. I really like the cardio cycles, but I cannot do those final walking planks. Any suggestions? I start to tip, tip, tip . ...over.

I cannot believe Rhiannon says this one is too easy over on the video site. It's just fine for me.

Thanks for all the advice on cardio. I think I'll do more cardio in my next rotation, but right now I feel like the added weight work is really doing some good things for me.
Yes it does feel good to survive Cathe!
And sitting here right now I must add that I think it is totally inhumane to put anyone through those many deadlifts! I don't think the body was meant to do 52 reps of deadlifts! I am sore from the top of my shoulders down my back! WOW!

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
63 minutes (not including cool down or stretch) give or take a few seconds to switch tapes, etc. How big of a nerd am I?
Good Morning Everyone,
I haven't decided what I'm doing today. On the 12th I did all of Imax2, Monday I did Cardio & Weights + 1/2 hour walk and 16 min of ab work. Tuesday, Muscle Endurance+ one hour walk. Wednesday, PLB + Imax 2 and 19 min of ab work. Thursday, Boot Camp + one hour walk, and yesterday PUB + Rythmic Step and 12 min of ab work.
Those jackknife planks on that ball is still difficult for me to do. I really need to practice those! :D

I'm leaning towards doing Cardio Kicks, Imax or Step Works. My arms are a little sore (good sore) from PUB yesterday, so I thought I'd rest up a bit on the weight work today.

I'll check in later today and post what I did.

You girls have a fun day and enjoy the weekend.

Yo Donna,
I just finished up Imax this morning!!! What step height are you using for Imax and Imax 2?
I'm using 6" for Imax 2 but forgot to lower and used 8" for Imax this morning. Oh my my!! Judging from my beet red face, I'll have to say Imax is tougher. Maybe I should lower the step to have a better comparison or raise it on Imax2?

For me its those scissors in interval 8 that get me. It really fries my quads. I got through half of them but had to modify. All the practice of the airborne jumps in the Intense Series helped with interval 10. For the first time I could do them and those tucks. Yea.
But I'm definately red, fushia pink. LOL

Doing all this intense workouts we ought to be ready for swimsuit time this year. ;-)

If swimsuit time will be held in a pitch black cave this year inhabited by only legally blind folks - then I'm ready now! Wanda, I read your post about doing Imax II and PLB. Did you do just the first 5 intervals and PLB or all of it? You seem like quite a workout queen! ME and a one hour walk? From the sounds of ME, the only thing I'd do for an hour afterward is sleep!
Hi Jilly,
Yes I did the entire Imax 2 and PLB. Believe me, I'm amazed that I could do it. I don't know where all this energy is coming from as Lupus automatically makes you tired. I might feel good one day and the next day I need a nap. I would still do about the same duration of exercise, but I did more low end workouts.
So the only thing I can think of that is helping me, Boot Camp truly increases stamina. Plus, these videos back to back helps the endurance level. I've really picked it up a notch and I'm shocking my body.
I also think the music in this series is so inspiring and Cathe is so happy and motivating.

I'm taking the suggesstions Cathe had about her diet in the Behind the Scenes section. I was one sugar and white flour junkie. I could sit and eat the whole sack of Krispie Kremes. :D
Talk about sabatoging all your good efforts, right? LOL

I can't wait for you to get your DVD's because I just know you are going to love them. :-jumpy
I liked your comment about the swimsuit. My DH doesn't like me wearing a two piece because my abs aren't in good shape. I hope to change that this year. Here's hoping. ;-)

Hey Jilly and Wanda..............

Jilly: don't believe Wanda, she's from some neighboring planet because her workout schedule is just too "not earthly!" :) I can't do ANY cardio after ME, I darn near need a nap afterwards. It wears me out like PH does!

Wanda: I use 6" for all workouts. I once tried 8" and it not only felt funny on my knees, I was winded in the warm up, so I'm a 6" girl and happy with it! :)

I did PUB this morning and a 30min cardio before it. Talk about sore and tired! My muscles are fried and I'm just too tired to even eat! (Now that's a first!) The biceps section IS STILL NOT ANY EASIER! I hate that section! But it's over til next week! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Wanda

Okay, I just ate an entire bag of Three Musketeers. You know, the kind that you usually hand out to about 50 kids on Halloween? Well I ate the whole thing in one sitting by myself. So what was the point of working out this morning, I ask you? I am addicted to flour and sugar. I really do think I'm addicted. I act like an addict. Did you just cut it out cold turkey? I am afraid that I might have to do that. It is totally sabotaging my workouts, and yet, it feels so scary to give these two things up!
RE: Wanda

Hi Jilly,
I also know about those cute little Hershey squares with toffee. :D
Sugar has been my downfall for eons!
What I'm doing since December is cutting out, at least down, the white sugar where I can find it. To curb my bad sugar cravings I'm substituting with a Gold Balance bar or a Cliff Bar (mostly Brownie and the Almond Fudge, the chocoholic that I am.) I only allow myself one during the day. I upped my protein. I make smoothies or shakes, using Isopure whey protein (that I found on line). I either use low fat yogurt for a smoothie plus flax or a shake using skim or 1% milk and flax. This helps with my obsession with ice cream.
I'm glad Cathe used peanut butter on her diet. This gives me the chance to put it on whole wheat or spead it on celery stalks.

I have to play the mind game thing with this sugar addiction. I do just fine following this kind of routine. When I tried it in the past, and seeing wonderful results, by DH would get an ice cream or Frosty at Wendys. He's say, "As much as you workout, just one won't hurt." But that one make me think the same way the next time I go out. Which, could be the very next day!"
He's since been more supportive and encouraging.

Sue, (WD) said she used Breyers No Sugar ice cream. DH thought it was better than his Edy's. So this can be a real treat on occasions. I have to remember 'occasions' and not excuses. ;-)

I'm eating more chicken, beans, fish. Cooking is not my forte, so I've been eating lots of either homemade stir fry or frozen Lean Cuisine stir fry. I think the protein helps curb the appetite. ? The Balance Bars helps control my sugar urges + I'm getting protein. Granted it does have some sugar in it and the Cliff bars use cane juice and rice syrup.

I'm just trying to use some common sense this time. It isn't a whole lot, but by cutting my sugar and white flour (I'm also a bread person) and with this Intense Series, I've lost 1/2" in my horrible abs since January 1.
Maybe the cutting down sugar is making me have more energy. It is said that sugar depletes your energy stores. Also white flour bloats your stomach. I'm also drinking lots and lots of water.

This is just me routine at present. I know it works as I've seen results before. I just have to watch the sabatagers. :D


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