RE: Wanda
Hi Jilly,
I also know about those cute little Hershey squares with toffee.

Sugar has been my downfall for eons!
What I'm doing since December is cutting out, at least down, the white sugar where I can find it. To curb my bad sugar cravings I'm substituting with a Gold Balance bar or a Cliff Bar (mostly Brownie and the Almond Fudge, the chocoholic that I am.) I only allow myself one during the day. I upped my protein. I make smoothies or shakes, using Isopure whey protein (that I found on line). I either use low fat yogurt for a smoothie plus flax or a shake using skim or 1% milk and flax. This helps with my obsession with ice cream.
I'm glad Cathe used peanut butter on her diet. This gives me the chance to put it on whole wheat or spead it on celery stalks.
I have to play the mind game thing with this sugar addiction. I do just fine following this kind of routine. When I tried it in the past, and seeing wonderful results, by DH would get an ice cream or Frosty at Wendys. He's say, "As much as you workout, just one won't hurt." But that one make me think the same way the next time I go out. Which, could be the very next day!"
He's since been more supportive and encouraging.
Sue, (WD) said she used Breyers No Sugar ice cream. DH thought it was better than his Edy's. So this can be a real treat on occasions. I have to remember 'occasions' and not excuses. ;-)
I'm eating more chicken, beans, fish. Cooking is not my forte, so I've been eating lots of either homemade stir fry or frozen Lean Cuisine stir fry. I think the protein helps curb the appetite. ? The Balance Bars helps control my sugar urges + I'm getting protein. Granted it does have some sugar in it and the Cliff bars use cane juice and rice syrup.
I'm just trying to use some common sense this time. It isn't a whole lot, but by cutting my sugar and white flour (I'm also a bread person) and with this Intense Series, I've lost 1/2" in my horrible abs since January 1.
Maybe the cutting down sugar is making me have more energy. It is said that sugar depletes your energy stores. Also white flour bloats your stomach. I'm also drinking lots and lots of water.
This is just me routine at present. I know it works as I've seen results before. I just have to watch the sabatagers.