Total Body Blast Chk In #2

RE: Hey Jilly and Wanda..............

Hi Donna,
Oooh I hate those biceps in PUB as well. After the first set using the 12# db's, I just calmly laid them down, put Cathe on hold and walked around my room and then I pressed 'play' picked up the 15's and kept saying, "only 8 of these and 8 of the traditional and we go back down." The pause helped. My arms are a flaming inferno by the last rep of the 12's. At least I kept standing this time and didn't have to sit down to finish them. LOL

I don't think I could do the cardio before PUB. I never would be able to pick up that big bad DB. :D See, I'm still from planet earth. ;-)

We're almost up to our 3rd week already! Wow this is going by fast.

Catch you later
RE: Wanda

Hi Everyone,
Getting ready to do Cardio and Weights. I will do some extra ab work later on.
Indiana is experiencing 3 fronts or as the weatherman says "clippers" coming through. Whoa, the first one that came through yesterday did a number on my head. What a migraine. When I would open my eyes I could see a blue blizzard of snow. It was kinda pretty but I didn't like the pain. :D

How's the weather where you are? Windchill is -15 but I hear NY is -38. That is very cold.

Have a great day. Tomorrow is starting phase 3 of our Series.;)

I'm so jealous of all of you!!!

You are all doing so well on your blast! I can't wait to get back to it.

I am finally pain free today. I even went to church & stood for the most of the singing--about 20 minutes. I haven't been able to stand that long in a week! I feel really good.

I have, however, decided not to jump right back into working with weights & intensity next week like I originally thought. I've decided to wait 3 full weeks to be sure I'm good & healed. I am going to start doing some pilates around the end of the week to strengthen my core but that's it until around the first of Feb--when I will be meeting Francine at Cathe's!!!

Take care everyone! And keep up the good work!

Deborah--formerly known as GettingFit, now the Fitness Goddess thanks to Cathe! LOL [|]
Wanda, thanks for the information! I went to the book store yesterday and read a fabulous (and scary) book on kicking sugar. I believe it was written by the woman who runs the Radiant Recovery website, which I believe Donna and K60 have posted about (I could be wrong!). Anyway, I am going to try to go through sugar detox this week. Today is day one and yeah, I feel fine, but it's been about 6 hours, not 6 days, 6 weeks, or 6 months. However, I have to take this hour by hour, meal by meal or I'll never make it. Have fun doing Cardio and Weights and thanks so much for all of your emails this week - I've really enjoyed getting to know you better!

P.S. I think it's 20 degrees out right now, here in good ol' Minnesota!
Hi Everyone,
I've just finished up my day. This morning I did Cardio and Weights. This evening I did the cardio section of 10 10 10, 8 min of ab work and 22 min walk.
Tomorrow it is Muscle Endurance for me. I'll see if I can do better on the dead rows and then lift that barbell over my head and see if I can do more bicep curls with 20#'s. I'm shaking my head..not. I bet I still have to lower back down to 15#s
I can't figure out why these are so tough. :D

Deborah, Great news about being pain free today. I think you are wise to take it easy for awhile. When you see Cathe in person, perhaps she can give you the perfect rotation that will be gentle on your back.
And....when you come back from seeing Cathe, please please tell us what it was like there. What her studio looks like. You know...details details. LOL

Jilly, it is a pleasure to get to know you better too. Sounds like we have alot in common. I love Donna's slogan about fitness is not a race it is a journey.
That is the mindset we all need to have. There are times when we eat the whole sack of doughnut, or Mars bars :D, but there is no need to go and beat ourselves up. We wouldn't literally pound a fist into our bodies until we were black and blue, so we shouldn't mentally beat ourselves up either.
Wasn't it Scarlet who said, "I'll think about it tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day." or something to that effect?
One day at a time. If we slip up, then we start again the next day.

I've always kept an exercise log. But this time I'm writing down everything that goes in my mouth. That way I will be able to see trends and weaknesses and see how to make corrections.
I love this having to be accountable for my exercises on this rotation. I'm hoping to join another one, or start one after this one is finished.
The feedback, encouragement and motivation from you girls is just awesome.

See you tomorrow. Phase 3
Just bumping this to the top to show that we had the most posts on this page this morning, so far. :D
Not that is matters, but I just thought it was kind of neat. It shows we were busy and hard at work on our rotation and encouragments this week.
:-jumpy Congratulations to us. LOL

Hey everyone!

I dont have the new tapes - but as soon as I'm working again will!

Anyhow I'm not really sure where to post there is a PS checkin and a weight loss checkin and this. I am a total body blast wanna be!!! so I guess this is the best place.

TOUGH week last week (2 Imax) and was fighting something and they were out of my 16 gram protein bars... So I only got in 5 workouts Here's the week

S - Imax
M - Power Hour
T - Imax
W - Rest
T - Power hour
F - Imax
S - Not planned but listened to my body and it said PLEASE PLEASE give me a day off!

This week I'm doing (LL, Circuit max, cardiokick, Imax, and repeat of cardiokicks and circuit max)

Have a great week all!
Hi Robyn,
Welcome. Two Imax's in one week, no wonder you are tired! LOL
Sound like you have some good cardio coming up as well.

I'm anxious to compare LL with PLB and see if I can do better on LL than the last time. ;-) Those half way ups....oh my! LOL
Come on in, share experiences and have fun with us.


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