Total Body Blast Chk In #2


Hi Everyone,
This makes 2 weeks of my 8 week rotation. I started December 30th. I notice more stamina with this rotation so far.
This morning I did Cardio and Weights. I raised my step height to 8". I kept my highest db weight to 12#'s Cathe used 15's so I've got room for improvement.

Have a great workout day. I have paperwork to do this afternoon. Oh Boy! :-(

Hi Wanda,

I just started the Total Body Blast rotation last Wednesday. My body is definitely feeling it! I did Cardio & Weights this morning. I was a little worried about the choreo since I am choreo-challenged, but I didn't do too bad at all. Cathe makes it so easy to follow her. As for the weights, I would like to work up to the same as Cathes, but most of the time I end up using one size smaller dumbbell than her. C&W was probably the least difficult video in this series (not to say that it was easy, though!) I have done all videos at this point except Pyramid Lower Body (scheduled for tomorrow) and I am a little scared! (Okay, a LOT scared!:))

Good luck to everyone!

Hi all,

I subbed Imax in for Imax 2 this morning and BOY OH BOY didn't I pay for shelving Imax for 3 weeks! It felt like I was learning it all over again! I hadn't done it since about 2 weeks before I got the IS because I did a 2 week rotation of CTX Series.
I am now totally confused as to which Imax is the bigger monster? I thought Imax 2 had Imax beat, but now I'm not so sure? I was struggling with the plyo jacks like crazy, I struggled with the plyo scissors like I was doing them for the first time, and interval #10, well lets just say it was barely recognizable as anything even remotely like leaps, jacks and tuck jumps, more of a mish mush of flailing arms and legs trying to leave the ground!

Tomorrow is Cardio & Weights, I LOVE that workout so I'm already looking forward to it! :)

See ya tomorrow,


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Welcome Laura,
PLB has lots of inner thigh work which I'm happy about. Thatis a weak area for me. Let us know how you do on the leg presses using the ball. I had to stablize the ball by resting it against my step. I hope to get better coordinated to do it as intended before long. :D

I'm planning on doing Leaner Legs this evening to give my legs a good workout.

See you tomorrow.
Howdy Hi Donna,

Your comment about Imax and Imax2 was just what I was afraid of. ;-) I THOUGHT there must be something wrong that I can get through all of Imax2 complete with the airborne jumps and and I can't even do one airborne jump in Imax!

I'll join you in the comparison and do that video later in the week. You are scareing me. LOL

I just want to add that I am thrilled you are posting your workouts here. You are quite an achiever and I am proud to share this space with you.

See ya for more Intense workouts tomorrow,
I am also in week two the blast. I did Imax2 this morning. I am wondering about doing PLB and Imax first five intervals to see the difference in the tapes again. I have more fun with Imax2. Tomorrow is Cardio and Weights for me.

I like this check in. Keeps me on my toes. I have noticed I am making it through the videos a little easier this week. When I did BootCamp last week it was the second time and I noticed a big improvement from the week before.

Hope everyone has a great day,
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-03 AT 10:06AM (Est)[/font][p]Good Morning Everyone,
I'm getting pumped up and ready to do Muscle Endurance. Confession. I wimped out of doing Leaner Legs yesterday. I went for a 30 min walk and did 16 min of ab work instead.

And...Hi Rhonda. I think this check in is cool too. I love to see how you girls are doing as well. Check in's are great motivators aren't they?
On Cathe's rotation for this Body Blast, you do Imax2 and the first 5 intervals all in one week. I really think this helps to make Imax2 easier. Maybe I should do the same with Imax, and even continue after this rotation???

I'm definately being converted from being a person who just puts in a tape at random to a specific rotation person. You really can see the results more clearly. Whether it be strength,endurance and the getting through the workout easier.

Now off to those leg pressess....oh boy!! :D
Make sure your laces are tied good and have a great workout day.
(my laces came undone the other day and I just about fell over the step.)

Hi all,

Did C&W this morning, and it's still fun, fun, fun! :) I used really light weight since I do Muscle Endurance tomorrow and I really don't want to overwork my muscles too much, I do believe that proper recovery time is essential to overall progress, so I stayed really light and just used an 8#db for each weight section. I felt it kept my heart rate up enough and really made C&W more cardio oriented.
So now tomorrow I'll go heavy as I can for Muscle Endurance. :)

See ya tomorrow!


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Everyone,

Whew! The abs were tough yesterday,on Muscle Endurance. Especially the part where you have your legs in the air at a 45 degree angle and you do sit ups with your arms overhead. I can see where this will really help your core.

I've getting ready to do PLB and I will tack on the first half of Imax2. I may try to insert Imax somewhere this week, to test my stamina. :D

Have a great workout day. Stay warm. Here in Indiana, it is cooooold! Brrr

I did Cardio and Weights this morning through the last cardio section. Will finish the rest tonight. I have to split most tapes up like this due to a limited time in the morning. For some reason this morning I was having trouble catching on to some of the cardio segments and it seemed like she was moving really fast from cardio to weights, but then again at 4:45 in the morning a lot of stuff seems fast.

tomorrow will be PLB, I usually have enough time in the morning to do the standing portion and then in the evening I do the stability ball work, which is a laugh for me. I really need to get coordinated. I try one set of the hamstrings on the ball and if it isn't working I do what Brenda is doing and go to the step. I can really feel it then.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Hi everyone,

Well, got through Muscle Endurance again today! :) Those leg presses don't get any easier either! WOW! I really have to psych myself up to that 3rd set at the end! And I can't figure out why I'm struggling with the weight for static lunges? I normally use 35#, 40# or even 50# for static lunges in other Cathe workouts, but even at 25#, I am struggling to strain out the last set of singles? Could it be because my quads are fatigued from the leg presses that preceed them? I'm ashamed to say I'm about to drop down to a 20#bb just to get through them with proper form and complete the set. And has anyone noticed how tough the biceps section is in this workout? You know you're doing crazy 8's but I think Cathe is trying to lull us into a false sense of security by not mentioning the crazy 8's in the middle of the biceps section! :) That biceps section is killer!
Well, tomorrow I'm throwing in a kickboxing workout because I'm doubling up on IS workouts Friday. I wanted a day of kickboxing in this week so Friday I'm doing Imax 2 + PLB (wish me luck with that one!) :)

See you guys tomorrow,

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I am in my second week of the Total Body Blast, and I already feel an improvement--especially in Boot Camp. I am doing the same weights with Cathe on almost everything. Cannot do the 20 pound barbell on biceps in ME, as I discovered this morning. Also cannot do some of the Stability Ball acrobatics in various tapes. The first time I did Imax 2, I did it only on the 4 inch step, but I have done PLB with the first 5 intervals on 6 inches 2 times, and tomorrow, I will try to do Imax 2 completely on the 6 inch. My one question is, am I getting enough cardio? I certainly feel like I am doing a lot of weights.
Hi Everyone!

I have been away due to a horrible cold (boo-hoo).
I was so sick I actually did Firm"s Fatblaster instead of IMAX2 (ha-ha) then took a rest day!

Today I feel much better after resting and had a blast doing C&W. I love this video! It is so fun and just flies!!

Tomorrow, on to PLB and IMAX2. I better get some good sleep tonight!

Fitness Goddess - Sorry to hear of all your trouble! I'm glad you're doing better today - Nothing like a good leg-shaving!!

RE: Lynda

I don't have the new series yet (I'm a DVDer) but the Total Body Blast rotation consists of 115 cardio minutes. However, the heartrate probably stays elevated from the cardio minute of BC into the leg work minute and the heartrate probably elevates in ME too. I would say that this is plenty, but if you feel it to be too light on cardio, why not do the last half of Imax II after PUB or a CTX cardio. Just a suggestion. Like I said, I haven't done any of the new tapes yet. Have fun!
Hi Everyone,
I just finished up my day of workout. I first did PLB and this time I did the same weight as Cathe. I kept saying to myself, "Come on, it's only 8 reps with 40#'s." :D

I took a 30 min break and then was going to just do the first 5 intervals of Imax2. After the 5th interval, I still had loads of energy that I said: "Why not?" I ended up doing the whole thing. Then I did 19 min of ab work.
I haven't the foggiest idea where all this energy is coming from?? I can only think that between all the weight work and Boot Camp, I'm getting this extra stamina.
I could even do all the froggy jumps today. Amazing for me!

Lynda's question about are we doing enough cardio is a good one. I wonder that myself. Because my exercise needs are different from anyone else's, I'm throwing in some extra walking about 3 times a week and I've thrown in another step tape during the week.
With this series we are getting 1 hour and 1/2 of Imax 2 (tacked onto PLB) and what would you say, about 1/2 hour of cardio in the Cardio & Weights? Raising the step height can make it more challenging. We also get some cardio in Boot Camp.
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

Donna, I hear you on the bicep section of Muscle Endurance. I wimped out and only started with 20# barbell and half way through I said Enough already and lowered to 15#'s. I have the worst trouble with my biceps. Grrr.
Do you count 16 leg presses on the first set and the rest of them are all 12 or am I counting wrong? ;-)

See you all tomorrow.
Hi Deborah,
Congratulations on being able to stand up straight. Are you totaly pain free by now?
Glad you are feeling better. :-jumpy


YEP! There are 16 leg presses in that first set, then 12 on each set that follows.

I'm thinking about using my 18# bodybar for those biceps! I haven't made it through the biceps section yet without having to put the barbell down early. So next week I'll try the 18# bodybar, and if that doesn't work I guess I'll be trying a 15#bb. I don't want to lower the weight any more than necesary, but man do my biceps burn on this workout!

As for the cardio I too am concerned which is why I added in the kickboxing for tomorrow and decided to double up Imax 2 and PLB for Friday. I know there is considerable cardio in C&W, and BootCamp keeps my heart rate up like a cardio workout, and I don't know about anyone else, but ME has me panting like a dog too, especially after the leg presses, so I'm wondering if there is at least mild cardio benefit from ME?


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Donna

Did you read my post to Lynda, I kind of said the same thing you did. I haven't done ME yet, but I wore my heartrate monitor during PH and during the squats and the chest segment (must be those burpie push ups) of PH my heartrate got about as high as it does during Step Fit. Just an FYI...
Hi Everyong,
I was off to Boot Camp this morning. Glad all those airborne jumps are at the beginning!! :-jumpy
The second round of Terminators...oh boy! ;-) I wonder what did I ever do to Cathe that makes her want to kill me. :D :D :D

I could use a 25# bb on the bicep work. That makes me want to try harder on the Muscle Endurance tape. It must be all the crazy 8's that makes me have to lower down to 15# bb. Definately room for some improvement.
I'm feeling the side planks this afternoon. ;-)

Hey Jilly,
I read a post between you and A-jock. I'm jealous of you getting the DVD's. ;-) Sounds like you have some interesting rotations coming up using the Intense Series. It makes me want to get busy and see if I can sell my Firm tape collection. I have all their videos, the originals in the clamshells. I have to find a way to raise the money to buy a new TV, DVD player and the DVD's. My tv is one that has the vcr in it. I got it small enough to carry around when on vacation. make the upcoming rotations sound so much FUN..I gotta have them. :D:D

Enjoy your workout day, everyone. This Intense Series really rocks, doesn't it?

See ya tomorrow

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