Toss the Scale or the Heavy Weights?

RE: I Have Decided

I agree with the comments about weight training. Like Dorothy, I am 46 and started weight training around the same time (actually, in 1980 at the age of 19 when I joined my local Vic Tanny's gym). Now, I am very strong, my posture is good, I don't get the aches and pains that my inactive peers complain about, I don't have nagging injuries, and I attribute all of this to weight training. My weight is much higher than you would think from looking at me, because of my high muscle mass. I am 5'5" and weigh close to 170 lb but people (including my doctor) have guessed my weight at about 145 lb. I have been somewhat overfat since I had my daughter (that was 5 years ago, guess I can't blame her anymore), but at my ideal weight of around 140-145 lb, I can fit into size 4 pants.

RE: I Have Decided

Good luck Heather. I would love for you to keep us posted of your results/how you feel about it after completing the rotation!
My Breakthrough!!!

Thank y’all again for the support and encouragement! I am loving the 4-Day Split and the November rotation. This is my first Cathe rotation, and I am very excited. I am tired of planning rotations and trying to figure out what works for my body. I wrote Tuesday morning that I would love to have a personal trainer plan my rotations for me so I could simply focus on enjoying my workouts, so I was very surprised by the new announcement the next day! It is a good thing I decided to toss the scale and embrace the heavy weights. ;-) It is so nice to have my game plan prepared by Cathe this month! I started Sunday morning and will wrap up the first week tomorrow with a rest day. I am already able to use heavier weights than I did a few weeks ago, so I am definitely making progress. (The last 3 reps are still very shaky.) The heavy weight training is making me tired (and the time change is not helping with the shorter days). I was planning to do the double cardio premix this morning but only had enough time and energy for the HIS cardio premix because I slept later than usual. It was enough to make me happy and keep the blues at bay. It will be interesting to see how my body responds to only 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. I was not sure how I would like a stretch day in the middle of the week, but the soothing stretches in Stretch Max felt wonderful the day after Kickbox and legs. This rotation feels “just right” for where I am in this journey.

I believe I have experienced my “breakthrough” with this series. When all is said and done, I believe I will testify that gaining 10 pounds when I started this series was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Why? Because it convinced me to pack up my scale and start enjoying the journey again instead of stressing over my weight. I feel so free! The pressure is off! Yippee! :7

I know from flirting with the Slow and Heavy Series for a few weeks last year that heavy weight training makes me tired and hungry. I miss the natural high and feeling of bursting with energy that an intense cardio and circuit training rotation gives me, but I am having so much fun with these workouts. I need to have fun now because it appears that Cathe is going to start cracking the whip in 2008. :eek: I am enjoying every minute of these fun and dancy step workouts because the party will be over when STS arrives!

My eating has been stellar this week. (Yes, Marcy, I am eating 5 times a day in addition to a hemp protein smoothie after my weight workouts). I added a little extra protein to my menus this week in the form of organic air-chilled chicken. I am listening to my body and feel good about my way of eating, so I decided not to make any other changes at this time. I will feel even better next week after my body adjusts to the time change.

Mspina, thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am very reassured and encouraged by your post. Tossing the scale was a big leap of faith for me because I can easily pack on the pounds this time of year.

I will keep y’all posted on my progress and results from this rotation!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: My Breakthrough!!!

Wonderful! I just finished the first week of 4DS and am pleasantly sore, and feel strong and buff because of the heavy weights! The scale is a bit kinder to me, only up 1 from the beginning of the week, but did my monthly measurements and they are all down, so bought my self a sparkly holiday shirt as a reward!
RE: My Breakthrough!!!

Heather, I've decided to go from now until Christmas with heavier weights, ala, Slow and Heavy, the Gym Styles and the 4 day split. You have inspired me to see what this does for me.
Heavy Weights--Update!!!!

Thank y’all for encouraging me to toss the scale and stick with the heavy weights. I am wrapping up the third week of Cathe’s November rotation and loving every minute of it. :7 I am getting better results with her game plan (and all the scheduled rest and stretch days) than I was on my own. Thank you, Cathe! :* (I do enjoy one of the cardio premixes on the optional cardio day every week.) I am getting stronger every week too. I can use 20 pounds for incline presses now, and 12 pounds was heavy for me last month! My measurements are smaller (other than my chest), and I had to buy a smaller pair of jeans tonight to wear tomorrow for Thanksgiving. :) I do not want loose-fitting jeans to lull me into complacency and entice me to overeat rich food. I have already enjoyed mashed potatoes and pumpkin cheesecake in moderation this week. :9 I am working way too hard to overindulge! I can enjoy a feast next year to celebrate reaching my goal! I had my car professionally detailed today. No more eating in the car! I am very inspired tonight! :)

Who cares what the scale says?! I dropped a size in a few weeks! Yippee! My body “feels” different too. I can feel muscle under the fat now. Everything is starting to get firmer and tighter. I have faith that I will love what I see when this layer of fat melts away! I have a long way to go and a lot of body fat to burn, but my body is being transformed from the inside out. I am having fun and enjoying every step of the journey. :7 That is what really counts! I am still amazed that I found weight work I love. Bring on STS!

I am ready to return to a plant-based way of eating. Even organic chicken makes me feel sluggish when I start eating it on a daily basis. I am still fine-tuning my nutrition, but I am pleased with my progress so far. My body does not tolerate much animal protein for some reason.

I apologize for pulling up an old thread, but I wanted to update this since others are experiencing the same thing I did. ;-) Keep pressing on!

I pray y’all have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Dorothy, enjoy your sparkly holiday shirt!

Rhonda, keep me posted on your progress!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Heavy Weights--Update!!!!

Oh Heather, congratulations. Reading your post has inspired me. I have been in a slump with my workouts lately, but your enthusiam as inspired me to get back into. I am so glad you are seeing and feeling results so soon.

All the best
RE: Heavy Weights--Update!!!!

Awesome news Heather. The thing about weight training is that it takes longer to see results than just dieting, or even cardio, but once you build a good strong muscle base, even when you go away from it, it comes back fast. I think Cathe shows that over time having that muscles keeps making you better and better. I know that I feel that way about the muscle I have built over the last 20+ years.

My massage therapist told me yesterday that I am most unusual for a 46 year old and she wishes she could use me as a training model for clinics because my muscles are so well defined.
RE: Heavy Weights--Update!!!!

Glad someone pulled up this thread. I really enjoyed it. I'm going to "hide" my scale for a while. I try to only weigh myself once a month to plug it in to my Cathe calendar.

I was wondering why sometimes when I'm % " myself with workouts that I dont see results, and sometimes gain weight! When I look at myself in my mirror, I definitely see muscle, but I cant seem to get rid of what's in front of my abs, and I work my abs alot too. Any suggestions?

I seem to only get rid of weight when I do my cardio (plus I like it). Unfortunately, there's only 7 days a week and when you try to do weight training for all your body parts, etc. I just cant fit in everything I want to or should be doing!

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I behaved quite well. Of course, I've had a wicked, wicked cold for a week which didn't let me exercise at all this week x( Am going to try to Cardio & Weights today to get back into the game.
RE: Heavy Weights--Update!!!!

Congratulations, Heather! Enjoy your new wardrobe!

jansattic1 - There's an old saying "abs are made in the kitchen". Try and write down everything you eat (and drink) for a month and maybe that will help you (that's the number one thing that helped me). What's also worked for me is heavy weights and less cardio. I also found I don't need to do intense cardio anymore to see results. How many days of cardio do you do? If it's everyday or most days, try and eliminate one of them. I think Cathe's 4DS rotation is great - works all body parts in a week, you get 2 great core workouts, a yoga or pilates day (which definitely works your core) and a day or two of rest (or in your case 1 more day of cardio.) Even though I like doing circuits, they don't seem to do as much for me as what I just mentioned.

RE: Heavy Weights--Update!!!!

Heather, thanks for reporting your progress. It's inspiring! If I can ever stop looking at the scale, I swear, I'll throw a party in Madison Square Garden and invite you all. I would love to someday lose my fear of heavy weights. Reading posts like yours really helps! :D

ETA: I forgot to mention how beautiful you looked in that NY Times pic! Just lovely.
RE: Heavy Weights--Update!!!!

Thanks Marcy for the advice. I agree with all of it.

I think I'm on the right track right now. I've been eating pretty darn good and just this week, after a couple of cardio days, did the gym style arms & Legs and Glutes. I even bought a 20 lb. weight already to use for back, biceps and triceps!! Definitely feel that!!

I do have the 4-day split dvd. I'll re-check Cathe's rotation. It's nice because you do get a cardio workout and then get busy with weights!

I do agree heavy weights are the way to go. Do as many at the heaviest weight, and then drop to lighter if you need to to complete the workout!

Enjoy your upcoming workouts everyone!

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