torn meniscus in knee


Well, I guess I really did it this time. I was so excited to get my new tapes. I just jumped right in and on Monday when I was doing Cardio and Weights my knee buckled right out from under me and I was in tears because of the pain. The doc thinks I tore my meniscus. No high impact until at least late February. What am I going to do. I was so excited with the new tapes and they are all brilliant and sooooo much fun. Anyone else experience knee injuries and how long does it take to heal? Depressed in wisconsin/amy jo hauge
Hi Amy,
I am a usual lurker on this site so you probably don't recogize my name - but I had to jump in about your knee injury.

My husband not only tore his meniscus last year, but also tore his ACL. Did you have an MRI done or is the doctor just going by the look & feel of your knee?
I would suggest the MRI if you can get it, that would definitly show you what your problem is.

I don't even want to tell you how long it took till my husband was back to running - but his injury was different than yours. (if you really want to know - he injured it in Aug and wasnt back to full use of his knee until around Feb or March.)

Anyway - here is a great site with lots of personal experiences that we used a lot during his recovery:

Best of luck and hoping you experience a full SPEEDY recovery!

Thanks so much Anne. I have a twin sister Anne and she also has knee problems. So I will pass her the info as well. I went to the web site and it seems very informative. I have not had an MRI yet. So we will see. Thanks again, Amy Jo Hauge
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-03 AT 03:50PM (Est)[/font][p]Amy Jo,

I so feel your pain. Literally. Mine is not the knee, though. I, too, have an injury that I created using the new intensity series!!! I hurt my lower back with all those daggone deadlifts. I have disk problems & have been told by a pysical therapist not to do them. Did I listen? Nooooo, now I can barely walk. I've loaned my videos out to some friends that couldn't afford to buy the whole series. ONLY UNTIL I'M WELL!!! They were thrilled that they are getting to try the series without having to buy just yet.

I came back to say, I know a young man that had a terrible meniscus tear from playing football. He had surgery in September & was running winter track in December.

Hope you feel better soon.

formerly known as GettingFit

Just some commiseration here. I injured my knee last year, just in time to have to put off doing all my lovely new Christmas workouts from that year. They think mine was a torn meniscus too but never did an MRI so we don't know for sure (I had read that MRI's give many false positives about torn meniscus so I chose not to push for one). The bad news is that the combination of my age (45) and keeping trying to increase impact before I should have led to a long healing time--about a year. The good news is that during that time I found many forms of exercise that previously had not interested me but that now I love. Racewalking and Yoga especially come to mind. I also got very clever at learning ways to modify videos so I could do them without hurting myself. So sorry you're down for now. I hope you heal fast and find many ways to use that strong body in the meantime. --Karen
Hurting, too

I strained my patellar tendon and the doc said no jumping on it for 6 weeks! I'm not doing lower body work either because I tried doing it before seeing the doctor and it caused pain in my knee. I've been doing upper body and very low impact cardio (walking, marching in place, Nordic Track) for 2 weeks and am taking Piroxicam. My knee feels better but not doing my step videos is killing me!

I don't know where your meniscus is but it sounds like we're in the same boat. If I wait 6 weeks it'll be almost the end of February before I can do high impact also. Maybe we should start a support group (ha ha).

By the way, I also live in Wisconsin so we can also commiserate the bitter cold weather. It was 5 degrees out this morning when I drove to work.

Take care and hope you feel better soon.

RE: Hurting, too

Hi...just wanted to chime in and say I feel your pain in more ways than one! I too have a knee injury and have to refrain from doing high impact which is killing me especially since I havent ordered the Intensity series yet and now I'm sad that I may not ever be able to do it :( I just got Charlene Prickett's Cruising Altitude hi/lo tape and have done it once. I got a surprisingly intense workout with no knee pain. I felt it most in my butt and hip flexors the next day b/c of all the "big knees" she does. I have also found that the Powerstrike videos dont bother my knee either but I do avoid the squats in the squat-side kick sequences. Hang in there!


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