Too Old??


New Member
Just wondering if I am too old to get into really good shape at 37yrs old. Seems like everyone is either in there 20's or has been working out for years and years and is older. I am really out of shape due to illnesses and surgeries and am ready to get in the best shape of my life, but I'm not sure if I can achieve a "buff" body at this age.

Please help!!
I'm not Cathe but I thought I'd tell you that, yes, you can get in great shape at 37 years old.

I was 42 years old when my fourth child was born. I wasn't doing Cathe's workouts when I got pregnant but I was in shape.

Due to complications I couldn't exercise the entire time I was pregnant. In addition to that I quit working so was home all the time and I swear, the kitchen was my favorite room in the house! Needless to say, I put on an extra 20 pregnancy lbs. To top it all off, after my daughter was born I suffered from post partum depression. My OBGYN prescribed Zoloft which lifted the depression and restored my motivation to get moving.

I started running again, lost 12 lbs and then discovered Cathe. Fter that I was finally able to say "Bye bye" to the last 8 lbs. I'm now 45 years old and in the best shape of my life. I credit Cathe's workouts for alot of that. In addition to a clean diet I workout at least 6 days a week, running and using both Cathe cardio and weight DVDs. Not only are they effective, they are fun, fun, fun!

So, I can confidently tell you that you can do it!:) :)

Never say die!

I'm 38 yo, and I just found Cathe's special brand of torture about two months ago. I, too, have had major health issues associated with weighing 300+ lbs. I've lost 120+ now and am working to get the last 40 off. Prior to the last 2 months, exercise was non-existent in my life.

Since I was a step aerobic queen in the early 90s, Cathe's workouts really appealed to me, but I was appalled at how exhausted I was after Basic Step. Not only that, my head would spin trying to do the moves. Today I'm blasting through that workout and have progressed to high step circuit and SuperSets. I now have eight Cathe DVDs in my arsenal, including Low Max. I plan on mastering every single one of them and am having the time of my life!

So what are you waiting for? Get moving! :)
Thank-you so much for the encouragement. I think these surgeries have just taken a toll on me. Luckily, don't have a whole lot to lose...5'3/158, so I need to lose 30+.
Thanx so much. All of the stories on this site are great motivation.
I'm 48, and though I've been working out regularly since 1992 (and before that from 1982-1988), but I feel I've made my best progress in the last two years. I don't feel I could be as buff as Cathe or Jai without a lot of work (just not my body type), but I really don't want that look anyway, so I'm very happy with the way things are going. I'm still a work in progress!
My mom goes to a personal training center. they had a competition between the members there. My mom did more chin up and dips than any other woman in the center. This includes teenagers, 20 somethings and athletes. My mom is a grandma. You are never too old to get fit!:7
I just wanted to add that it's very important that you start off at a level that will make you feel good about what you're doing. What I mean is, don't decide you're going to run for an hour straight and make yourself sick and miserable in the process. You will not be motivated to do it all again the next day

Pick a time of the day that is going to be convenient for you each day and work out till you feel slightly tired, a bit winded and you feel a sense of accomplishment that you would love to do again the next day. Even if it's only for 10 or 20 min. Very soon you will see that your workouts get longer and longer as your endurance level goes up.

It's really easy to over do it right away, expect too much too soon and then give up in frustration. Exercising and weightlifting is a lot of fun if you build up to it at a slow and steady level.

Good Luck,

I'm 50.

I was overweight pretty much all my life until the age of 40. I joined Weight Watchers and lost 45 lbs. over approx. a 10-mth period (I'm 5 ft. nuttin' so losing 45 made a big difference in my appearance). I was very strict with my diet. My chief exercise was walking at least an hour three or four times per week.

After a year at goal weight, I discovered Cathe and never looked back. Through her and hard work, I've achieved a fairly muscular and toned upper body -- not perfect, not the six-pack abs I want nor the thighs of steel (my body-type and genetics hinder me) but still, pretty buff. More buff than many of the 20-year-olds at my gym. And I'm still at goal weight, after nearly 10 years!

Never, ever let anyone tell you it's impossible to lose weight after the age of 30 -- that's a myth. It just takes patience, hard work, and perseverance.

You're only 37. So I say "Go for it!", ya spring chicken, ya!

Gladiator Princess
I never lifted a weight until I was 44 years old. I started with 15-20 minutes a day, alternating upper body work with weights, and Winsor Pilates and Lotte Burk for lower body. That was less than two years ago, and now I workout an hour a day, 6 days a week. I have almost everything Cathe has put out since CTX.

I didn't have weight issues, I just wanted to make the most of what I have and know I was healthy. Heck, I was the wheezy kid with the inhaler in high school, and now I can do all if IMAX 2! I'm definitely in the best shape of my life. And it sounds like you have almost a 10 year head start on me!

I turned 50 in February. I just returned from a physical. The doctor said he has never seen such good blood work for someone of my age. He said everything was in the outstanding range...not good but outstanding.

I exercise with Cathe 7 days a week, I alternate weeks with sometimes 5 days cardio, two days weights or 4 days cardio, three days weight. I like full body workouts, lighter weights high rep. For cardio I vary between kickboxing, hi-lo and step. I've been working out with Cathe for about 4-5 years. I try to eat about 90% clean during the week, 80% on weekends.

You can do it!
I'm going to chime in here just with the suggestion's of start off slow and easy. Start with walking and work up to walking at a brisk pace over a few weeks. You could also start weight training, just use very light weights so you don't get really sore muscles. You're going to get muscle soreness because you haven't worked out and probably don't do any heavy lifting in real life. So, go very light on the weights, 3-5 pounds for the first few weeks and then move up gradually to 8's, 10's...listen to your body and don't overdo it.

You'll have the best success if you take things slow. When people jump into exercise too fast and furious they experience alot of muscle soreness, shin splints, etc. and then they get discouraged and stop. If you've purchased Cathe workouts start out with doing modification's to some of the more intense/higher impact moves. Cathe also lifts very heavy weights in her weight up to that, don't start off with 15 pound dumbbells or you could risk an injury.

We've all been beginner's at one time or another and it's never too late to put your health first and get in shape for the years ahead. Especially for those of us who are women and face body chemistry changes in the years ahead, that can wreak havoic on us.

Remember the Tortoise and The Hare...slow and easy will win the race...eventually.:)

You are not too old, I am 47 and started 3 years ago - I am in great shape and I started at over 200 lbs. You can do it! It isn't too late!
I'm in my fifties and didn't lift any weights until I discovered the firm about 3 years ago. I've never looked back. Cathe is harder and more advanced than the FIRM and I like her results -- so no, you are never too old. It's just a frame of mind, anyway, in my humble opinion.
I love reading these stories! I find them very motivating. I'm 43 and Cathe keeps me in Great shape! My mom started working out in her late 60's. She's 73 tomorrow and still going strong. She's an avid golfer and works out with weights at least once or twice a week. Helen:)
A lot of motivating stories here.

I gained 80 lbs with my 4th child (a very stressful pregancy because the baby had a heart defect) and because of complications after his birth, I simply was not able to get into an exercise routine.

I discovered Cathe about a month before I got pregnant with our 5th child. I was pretty overweight, but I just modified everything at first and slowly and steadily made improvements, even though I was pregnant.

At 2 weeks post partum after baby #5 was born, I weighed 175 lbs and was a size 18. Today I weigh 132 and am a size 6 (I covet a size 4, but it seems that it is not to be--oh well, there was a time I thought I was doomed to be obese)

And then there are the other accomplishments. For example, when I started with Cathe, I could not do even one push up on my toes, today I can do all 72 in GS CT (although don't be too impressed, I have to pause the dvd and take extra rest between sets). Also, I could not do any jumping at all when I started. Today, although I have to make sure to space out my high impact workouts, I can get through all of Cathe's workouts with almost no modifications.

I don't tell you these things to boast, just to let you know that it is possible to make fitness gains if you are consistent and listen to your body. Push yourself, but not to the point of injury (which I have done a few times). As someone else said, slow and steady wins the race.

I also am not as buff as Cathe or Jai or Lorrayne (spelling?), but at 37, I'm in the best shape of my life.

Go for it.

I will be 50 in a month. I joined WW in 10/2003 with 100lbs to lose. Never exercise and was the girl that never brought her clothes for gym. I have lost 55 lbs so far and love Cathe. I also started riding a bicycle and have worked up to 28 miles. I still have alot to lose. Like someone else said start slow. I am fine on all the upper body workouts but have bad knees so I still dont use weights when doing lunges. As Cathe says during all her workouts, do what you can do.
Don't ride faster than your guardian angel.
I had to chuckle when I read you're only 37. Because of your title I thought you were 70 or older. I'm 51 so you're just a young kid compared to me.

I was a hard-drinking, chain-smoking, steak-eating couch potato until I had my sons at 36 and 37. I ended up weighing 220 and very weak and out of shape. My turning point was the day I tried (for whatever reason)to chase down a UPS truck. I'd barely gone a single yard when I had to stop. I felt like I was trying to run with a linebacker on my back.

I started with a Firm tape (Volume 2)and took them at their word when they said no weights, and a Kathy Smith Fat Burning tape. I'd already given up cigarettes, meat, and most alcohol, and I paid close attention to good nutrition for myself and my sons. I continued to buy exercise videos and after shaking in my boots for years, tried Cathe.

I ended up losing 80 pounds and now do mainly Cathe step and weights tapes, along with a few other tapes, walking, biking, and I'm really trying to become a runner. I'm at the tail end of menopause but feel stronger, healthier, and happier than ever.

You have the rest of your life to enjoy physical fitness so don't feel the need to rush or push yourself too hard right away - injuries are a pain. My advice is to a.) Buy good shoes that fit well, and b.) Try not to frown and scowl with effort. Have fun!
I had to also chime in here because I only started working out when I was 37. I'm 50 now and in better shape then ever. I started running when I was 37. At first I only walk/ran for a mile, then 2 miles until eventually I was running 2 miles a day. A few years later I discovered Cathe and have been using her workouts ever since. I have every Cathe workout and "usually" keep up with her on weights, and always on cardio.

You can do it, like everyone else says....start slow!

Good luck!
Donna :)
I'll be 40 in 2 more months (gulp) and I'm still at it working hard. Get up and get moving. Your heart, muscles and bones will thank you for it later.

Shopgirl :)

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