A lot of motivating stories here.
I gained 80 lbs with my 4th child (a very stressful pregancy because the baby had a heart defect) and because of complications after his birth, I simply was not able to get into an exercise routine.
I discovered Cathe about a month before I got pregnant with our 5th child. I was pretty overweight, but I just modified everything at first and slowly and steadily made improvements, even though I was pregnant.
At 2 weeks post partum after baby #5 was born, I weighed 175 lbs and was a size 18. Today I weigh 132 and am a size 6 (I covet a size 4, but it seems that it is not to be--oh well, there was a time I thought I was doomed to be obese)
And then there are the other accomplishments. For example, when I started with Cathe, I could not do even one push up on my toes, today I can do all 72 in GS CT (although don't be too impressed, I have to pause the dvd and take extra rest between sets). Also, I could not do any jumping at all when I started. Today, although I have to make sure to space out my high impact workouts, I can get through all of Cathe's workouts with almost no modifications.
I don't tell you these things to boast, just to let you know that it is possible to make fitness gains if you are consistent and listen to your body. Push yourself, but not to the point of injury (which I have done a few times). As someone else said, slow and steady wins the race.
I also am not as buff as Cathe or Jai or Lorrayne (spelling?), but at 37, I'm in the best shape of my life.
Go for it.