Too old to become a personal trainer?



I have been an electrical engineer for over 20 years and let's just face it - I'm tired of it. I've had several people tell me I would be great as a personal trainer. I've lost over 45 pounds, exercise regularly and eat a clean diet. I've been told I am an inspiration to others to get in shape. But I'm 44, and wondering if that is too old? What do you think?
I don't think you are to old at all. I am 63 and would rather have someone your age or older instead of someone in their 20's or 30's. I think there is a great need for older trainers and I know I would feel more comfortable with someone that is in shape and closer to my age.

Susan N
Well, I'd prefer a personal trainer who's overcome what I'm dealing with vs. a 25-year old Barbie who's never been fat and unfit and has no clue as to the various limitations I face (and have faced) at various stages on the road to physical fitness. This is where age and experience make all the difference. No, you are NOT too old!!
Not Cathe here:
I became certified @ 44! My clients range in age 30-55, they seem to prefer someone a little older that totally understands the aging body! Go for it!
Are you kidding? Too Old at 44? I am 44 and feel that this should be considered young. People are living longer these days due to better health management. We need people like you and I agree with all those above. GO FOR IT!!!! :7
Nope, I started the course work this semester. Since I cannot take more than about 4-5 hours of class work a semester, it will be 2010 before I can take the test...I am 46 now. I figure that with our aging population, people need a trainer that can relate to what their bodies are going to. They also need the encouragement that they too can work out and get fit and lose weight at an older age.
Absolutely not. In fact, I would think that MANY women would be much more comfortable with someone close to their own age than some 20-year old who can still get away with no sleep, eating crap, and barely working out while still looking amazing (I don't mean to generalize - I used to be that 20 year old, and now definitely am NOT, so I would personally have a hard time listening to the 20 year old version of myself about fitness at this point in my life...).

Go for it!
Hi, I have been in computer science for nearly 30 years, am about 51, and am thinking of doing the same thing - so I am glad to see all of these replies. BTW, there was just a brief blurb in the newest Oxygen magazine about a woman who became a personal trainer at age 79!!! You go girl!

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
I think it is a wonderful idea! You will do great! I became a personal trainer a few months ago because I had lost 50 pounds when I was age 20 - now I am almost 29 and left a career in Human Resources to pursue this! I know what it is like to be overweight!

I have 11 clients and all are quite older - even a 70 year old! I always get the question, "how old are you?" So, people must ideally want older trainers. PS - you are still young by the way!!

Clarissa :)
So, how do you get clients. Since I am just starting this(I too am a computer science person), I am not sure how it fits. I make good money at my job, so this would be something on the side, because kids will be grown and gone by the time I get the class work done(well grown, but maybe not gone).

Do you start in a gym, do you have your own clients, just curious.
Thank you all for your great words of encouragement!
I have been talking to my family, and I have their support as well.
Looks like I'd better get busy . . .

Thanks again!
I just got certified (through NASM -- great cert, btw) two years ago at age 45 and am now training clients and loving it! At age 47 with two teenage sons, I have TONS more credibility when I talk about how to have the body you want than I would have had twenty years ago. I have clients ranging from 20's to 50's, all women (I think women should train women and men train men, but that's just me) and I couldn't be happier.

So in a nutshell, GO FOR IT! You will never regret it!

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