So I had emailed Sylwia about how often these workouts should be done. She gave me an extened reply email. She is so nice. Below I placed her response.
This is recommendation based on 3 dvds and optional INTERVAL running or WALKING
I added Intervals for your cardio but you can substitute with other cardio workouts/aerobics/rope jumps etc
Monday - Tonique 1 and for additional challenge you can add interval running approx. 10 -15 mins start 2-3 mins your usual speed not too fast then move to 1 min faster paste than your usual paste, come back to the starting point for 1 min then go back upinto speed phase but this time .5 faster than your previous fast run..come back after 1.5-2 min to the starting point for 1 min and go back to speed run for 2 mins this time again .3 or .5 faster and back for 1 min to higher .5 than you r starting point - it is excellent for fat burning and training your oxygen intake / or add your other video with some super cardio – Tonique offers cardio though.
Tuesday – Tonique Mat workout plus cardio of your choice I would recommend 10-15 mins steady run, followed by 10 mins speed intervals - targets buttocks and shreds the fat or 15-20 mins of any section from Tonique of your choice, however mat is also great on its own and I promise you get up your heart rate up at doing few exercises...
Wednesday - Tonique 2 disc 2 plus extra stretch for your quads and hamstrings, lower back...important to get stretched while muscles are still warm up after the intense workout/ or Tonique 1
Thursday - Tonique 2 Disc 1 or Tonique 1- perhaps add extra 10 mins run for extra fat burning and calorie burn - only if you feel up for it.
Friday – Tonique 1 (1 section of your choice ) and Tonique 2 disc 2 or Mat
Saturday or Sunday - relax either sat or Sunday! And reward yourself , remember that your body still burns calories and your muscles grow when you are resting! The more muscles you build the more calories and fat you will burn...and muscles (I'm talking about building small but strong muscles) growth speed up metabolic rate
Saturday/Sunday - Mat 30 mins section on the side and on the knees plus select lunge section from Tonique 1 or do straight 20 mins workout from Tonique 2 mix sections where I do cross lunges with squats .... or any other choice for cardio.
WEIGHTS - I always recommend to use - I use 2- 4 pounds maximum - you can also rotate your weights between exercises so you confuse the muscles and for less challenging and less impact exercises you can use heavier weights like
4 pounds and then change into lighter ones when jumping or using more your.
I hope my email and program will be helpful especially when you have 3 discs use them for few weeks and yo will see results then you can mix with other workouts but I would like you to see results before you mic them so you will be sure that it comes from Tonique
Intervals are optional and you can also mix it up for muscle confusion so start Monday's workout on Tuesday and Friday on WED...alo you can do 30 mins one dvd then swich to section of another dvd.
I wish you much success and wonderful weekend and MOTHER"S DAY!!!!!!
Hope you will enjoy Tonique!
P.S. Today may be the day for me to finally do the workout
I'll keep you posted