My mother in law has toe nail fungus. From what my brother in law says (he's a family practice Dr.) it is pretty hard to cure. He mentioned something called Lamisil which aparently is an oral med that has really horrible side affects with no guarantee of a cure. With that said my mother in law has chosen to just live with it. Apparently it IS contaigous so the best prevention is just to be aware of your surroundings.
My husband had this problem. Neither one of us likes to take medication. I did some research and found that apple cider vinegar was a very popular treatment. I got one of those dish tubs. Filled it one to one with apple cider vinegar and water. I think it took three full glasses of apple cider vinegar and 3 full glasses of water (I used warm water for his comfort) to cover his feet. Let them soak for 30 to 40 minutes in this. We did this once a day for 5 days. My husband is now fungus free! He is so excited because he was having problems with running etc. because his toes were bothering him. Now he is pain free - we did the 5 day soak about 8 months ago. He has had no return of the fungus either. It is a very cheap and effective treatment.
Thanks everyone! Before I posted here, my BF said that he had heard about the Vick's but I can't remember if he said he tried it or not. I am passing all of this great info to him.
Jess, did you use a carrier oil for the tea tree oil? I know it's said to not use it directly on your skin without diluting it. Did you put it on several times throughout the day? Thanks.
Are you serious??? I have been batteling fungus on all 10 of my toes for YEARS now. I cannot find anything that works. I've soaked my foot in everything but acid and this stuff will NOT go away. I am frustrated because I cannot wear sandals in the summer. I hate my feet.
So this really worked??? 5 days and it was gone? I don't get how it's gone in 5 days because it takes at least 6 months for the nail to grow out. How did you know it was gone??? Did he have it as bad as I do?