Today's Dr. Oz show (Monday, 12/27)


After 15 minutes into the show, I started taking notes. But, I can't remember what the first question and answer was.

Did anyone get it?
I think it was about over 40 and metabolism. I do have it taped and I'll try and take notes and let you know as well.

Here it is in a nutshell:

You have to eat less, exercise more, drink ice water and fill up on fiber.

Here are more specifics:

Your metabolism winds down 5% every 10 years. Your mitochondria ("fat-burning factories") slow down so you need to cut back on calories. They suggest cutting back 100 calories a day and making food substitutions like mustand for mayo, fat-free or reduced fat milk for whole milk, etc.

One woman asked why she's hungry all the time. The answer was that your estrogen levels go down and your hunger goes up. Your ovaries aren't working like they used to. Belly fat cells make estrogen and you're hungry because the body is trying to boost its estrogen levels. The cells shrink and the omentum begins to grow (which makes us look like we have menopot). You must exercise more, eat less, eat more fiber (25 grams) and drink ice water. Suggested fiber: cut oatmeal, brown rice, bowl of raspberries.

Another asked: Why can't I lose weight - I exercise and I'm healthy. (She basically said she walked). Answer: Can't lose weight because of loss of muscle mass. Testosterone levels drop, crash diets blow through muscles and aging and disuse - don't use them, you lose them. Muscles burn 3x more calories than fat cells. Dr. Oz suggested doing planks, pushups and squats.

Metabolism boosters:

Oolong tea - Has polyphenols which fight off fat-building enzymes including one that makes triglycerides. Low in caffeine.

Spicy foods help you lose weight - suggested tomato juice with black pepper. Substitute pepper for salt.

Beans - soluble fiber (2 cups a day). Lowers insulin levels and prevents fat from growing.

Ice water - 8 glasses a day.

I'll stop here because this is where the metabolism part of the show ends. I didn't finish watching the rest of the show but he then goes into talking about headaches.

Nice job!! I watched the show and couldn't remember all of that. Some how reading it made in sink in. Thanks!! :D

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