Today I did my very 1st Cathe workout!!!!


I'm an advanced ex-firmie and today did my very first Cathe workout! Low Max!

When I previewed it yesterday, I was like "YIKES!" in terms of the intensity and the choreography. Just the warm-up alone looked like the toughest part of a Firm cardio segment! But I thought "Well, I can see ways to modify some of the trickier choreography" And then I had it all planned out...I will do warmup-step combo 1-intensity blast 1-repeat the warmup-stretch. And that would give me a good 30 min workout.

Well, I popped it in today, all set for my own little pre-mix I designed. And by the end of Step and blast #1, I was like "Forget my pre-mix, I'm gonna keep going!!!" I was SO proud that I made it "all the way" to the end of step & blast #3!!!!!! And beleive me, I so could have kept going, but I thought "Well, maybe I should still just ease into this, just to be safe." Grant it, there were several moves that I just had no clue on, so I modified, and I kept things pretty shallow during the blasts, and skipped some reps here and there....but I was so siked I did what I did do! And it's really great because I have so much to work toward, and so much to look forward to! I can totally see this one workout keeping me busy and fresh for a while!

And I LOVED the music! Way better than the Firm. And I admit that the repetition of the blasts during the preview looked boring, but actually doing them was super! And the step moves that I did pick up on the first try just made me feel so fit, whereas the Firm cardio moves made me feel like a kid! Also, I guess there is just something about Cathe that I took to her right was like working out with the cool instructor at the gym! Then I did core max, and loved how there was a good amount of reps for each move...I always felt the Firm came way short on ab reps.

Also, when things used to get tough with the Firm, I always found myself swearing at the instructors, because they had this way of coming out with grating and annoying lines during the toughest part of things, that just made the hard part even worse! But with Cathe, there was none of that stupid talk. It was like she was just doing her thing, and saying things that just made you feel strong, rather than saying things that made you feel like a schmuck who needed to be prodded like a kid to finish a rep! And I was surprised at one point with Cathe today where a plan was held for like 2 days...and where I would normally swear at the TV, I instead said real non-chalant and low-key "Woah Cathe"....more like in a "Your killin me dude" sort of tone, rather than a "Shut up you idiot!" sort of way.

Anyway, based on today, my first workout with Cathe, I can totally see myself looking back on it and thinking "I was hooked on day 1"

Tomorrow is Muscle Max, lower only...can't wait!!!!!!!!

Would love to hear stories of others who are doing their 1st cathe workouts, or others who remember their 1st one.
Oh your gonna love MM!!

I think my first Cathe was Basic Step. Yes, that was it. I had been doing the Firm for about a year and wanted something more challenging. I wasn't much used to step so went with the beginner's tape she had out then. I fell in love and then moved on to High Step Training advanced. Loved that one too. Then the GS series came out and I preordered that,..... You just keep buying and buying and buying :+

Glad you had fun!!

Congrats to you!! Feels good, doesn't it? My 1st was KickMax bc I already knew I liked kick boxing, and it didn't seem so bad. The 1st part was relatively ok, I think I almost lost a lung on the blasts, and the leg conditioning drills were hard, but not too bad - until I woke up the next morning and couldn't walk!!! I was hooked. My next purchase was IMAX 3 - that's a big jump between the two, but it's now my absolute favorite, but Drill Max is catching up quick. I've never felt or looked better, although my credit card is looking a little ragged around the edges :p

Congratulations!!! LowMax is one of my favorite workouts. My first cathe workout was Kick,Punch and Crunch. The first time I did it I was convinced I would be able to do the whole w/o cause I had be taking kickbox classes for about 3 months. Boy was I wrong!!! Cathe's kickbox kicked my booty!!!!

I hope you get to "enjoy" many more cathe workouts
Congratulations on your first Cathe workout! I did my first Cathe workout 12 years ago and she is still my favorite instructor. There is no one like her by any means.

My first Cathe was Mega Step Blast. She had about ten background exercisers. I have loved all of her workouts. Low Max is still one I try to do at least once a week. I like to do all of Low Max and then add on the premix of the Leg Blasts only. This makes a great 90 minute workout and it works your legs until they feel fried.

Let us know how much you like Muscle Max. That is one of my favorites, too. The time just flies by on this one.


glad you had such fun...congrats on getting the choreography right away. Wish I was good as it as you seem to be! :)

Isn't Cathe way too likable? Instead of swearing at her, she has a way of making break out in giggles...just when I need to conentrate..and I lose the reps. Oh well!
For me, I think MM and LowMax were my first purchases followed by SB & SJ&P. I tend to focus on newer material with a new instructor for me.
Pretty soon, you'll have a full library and telling your friends all about her.
Good for you! I love LowMax!! It does have fun music!! And after you've done it for a while, if you want a challenge, do the blasts holding an 8 lb medicine ball!! }( Makes it even better!

Cathe does have a way about her, one of the reasons I love her workouts so much!

Muscle Max was my first Cathe workout. That and KickMax! I love them both. MM is a great one to get started weight training w/ Cathe. Hope you enjoy it!

Cathe is wonderful, and Low Max is one of my very favorites.:) The first Cathe workout I did was Butts and Guts. I was hooked.;)

She has such a great sense of humor and gives great encouragement when I need it. I did a Slow and Heavy workout the other day for the first time. I was just finishing the final set of tricep dips when Cathe said, "My triceps are shaking a mile a minute, shaking like a chihuahua." I almost hit the floor, because I started laughing so hard and my triceps were shakin' too!:)

Great!! welcome to the obsession }(

my first was rhythmic step, lol. i had no idea that some prior experience would be necessary, and i spent two weeks mastering it. it's the greatest thing i ever did.

enjoy muscle max!!!!
My first Cathe workout was Kick Max. I ordered at the same time as Amy Bento's Kickbox Xtreme (another great DVD) because I wanted more kickboxing stuff to try. When she got to the blasts I was already worn out and I was panting, "Huh? Wait, you want me to do what?"

After that I decided I wanted to try more Cathe, so I bought a step (which came with Basic Step + Cardio & Weights). I mastered Basic Step easily but the first time I tried Cardio + Weights I was totally lost and couldn't believe the weights she was lifting (which seems funny to me now since it's not one of her tougher workouts). Would you believe I got these back in April and already I am a devoted fan who owns all but two of her DVDs? That's the way the Cathe vidiot addiction works, I guess!


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain
Congratulations on coming over to the "dark" side!!!:7 ;-)

I, too, am an ex-Firmie and also, my first Cathe was LowMax! I got it from CollageVideo have NO IDEA who Cathe was, but soley based on the length of the workout! I thought I was going to die the first time through! In fact, it took me the better part of 4-5 months just to be able to make it through entirely and only on the step....NO risers!!! Now, I love it, although I was burnt out on it for a long time because it was a once a week ritual for me to do for about 10 months!

MM is one of my favorites of Cathe's weight work! You'll love it and yes, she's like an awesome personal instructor!
"She has such a great sense of humor"

I know, I was so surprised during the "arm lift-up" things in core max and she starts struggling to get up and says "I know your thinking "How's that happening?" It was so funny!
"In fact, it took me the better part of 4-5 months just to be able to make it through entirely and only on the step....NO risers!!!"

Yep, I did mine on my 6 inch top portion of the transfirmer. I don't think I will EVER go to 8 inches....not because I'm scared or new to Cathe...I've just never felt comfortable going there in general with any workout.
I started on CTX express LL with a warning from my sister who gladly shared Cathe with me "no weights". Well, pumping it out with the Firm I couldn't get throught the warm up my legs were on fire! But, kick max is my favorite and when Cathe does the leg drills and my legs are slowing going down to the floor I hear her say Oh boy we got work to do! Makes me come back everytime!! duck

Low Max was my first Cathe workout too & after that, I was hooked! Now I own a bunch of Cathe workouts & rarely do any others. I know you're hooked now too! I also never thought I'd go up to an 8" step & now I do nearly all of them on 8 inches. Thanks for sharing & please let us know what you think of the others when you do them too. Enjoy!:)
Congrats on Your first Workout!

I don't have Low Max,yet! But its just around the corner until I purchase it! My first Cathe was Basic step and boy there was nothing basic about it(at the time)That last combo really got me! Body fusion is another great begginer that one I still own and do often.

Im kinda stuck at an intermediate intensity,and love it! I do own some of the advance stuff,I just modify!

Welcome to Catheland....Your Credit Card will stay nice and warm,LOL!
I'm almost jealous, thinking of the fun you're going to have getting to know Cathe and the crew. My first Cathe workout was "How to Get In Shape For Your Wedding", 10 years ago!! Time flies, especially when you're having this much fun!!! I also make comments back to Cathe, its like working out with a bunch of girlfriends to me. I just can't imagine that I would be anywhere near as fit if I hadn't stumbled onto Cathe. I have all of her workouts, asking me to pick a favorite is like asking which one of my kids I love the most.......
Can't do it - they're all great!

But, I would say to go with newer workouts and work your way back as you buy them. Congrats & Welcome,


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