To Tae Bo fans.............


Anybody ever shelve Tae Bo for a few months only to revive it again from your archives?

Man oh man! I felt like I was doing intervals!
I shelved my Tae Bo "Get Ripped Advanced" videos for a while, just rotated them out after sort of burning out on them a few months ago, and this morning I decided to pull them back to the front and shelve the PowerStrikes for a while!
Well I put in video #1, and by 16 minutes into the workout I'm looking at the counter and thinking, "16 minutes? You Are S--tting me!? THAT'S IT!? I'VE GOT ANOTHER 40 MIN OF THIS!?"
I'm sweating buckets and my heart was racing like I was doing Imax!

I'd forgotten what a workout Tae Bo can be! My butt cheeks are still feeling the kicks! But you do feel like you've accomplished something after it's over! :)

Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Taebo is the only 'cardio' I do anymore and usually I do the Impact tapes w/the kickpunch standing bag and gloves. You're right, its SUCH a feeling when you're done! Its like you can conquer the world, you feel so strong and powerful! :)

I've always loved Billy, he and Cathe can motivate me to reach inside for one last kick or rep when I'm sure there's nothing left.
Oh dear I am now very scared I haven't done Get Ripped or Imax for a few months and was planning on doing them again. I think I will do Imax first and Get Ripped in the New Year.

One scared Taebo buff.

I started doing Tae Bo about 4 years ago - I saw a significant difference in such a short time on my love handles and my waist and stomach.

A few months ago did shelve him for about a month and did some yoga in its place. I found my love handles coming back and I starting gaining in my waist again - even though I do step (Cathe) every day.

So, I started doing Tae Bo again, and voila, the love handles are gone and I whittled my waist back down. I use 2# hand weights with his tapes. I just love the kicks.

I do the Get Ripped advnaces volumes 1 and 2 and I also have his 12 volumes of the advanced series. I also bought a few for my cottage and I ended up with volumes 1,2,and 3 being totally different than my previous volumes. WOW! IT is great.

I would like to know what hi Impact Tapes are like compared to his advanced tapes - do you need the punch bag? Could you do it without it?

Funny you should mention that - I'm going to do a Taebo Get Ripped Advanced tape TOMORROW after a lapse of several months. I know I'll be sweating buckets.

Just Do It! :)
Cheryl, I suppose you could do the tapes w/out the bag, but the Impact series is primarily focused on punches and kicks that you do w/your bag.

If you like Taebo, using the bag really intensifies the workout and man will you feel it! Its the best stress reliever I know of! I see the bags all over now for sale, even on ebay, so you may be able to get a pretty good deal on one, don't forget the gloves!

Have fun!
Question about Tae Bo

I have a question that I am sure you all can answer! :)

I have the original 4-tape workouts. I haven't done them in ages...but that is another matter....:)

Ever since I had my last baby, 8 months ago, I have noticed my waist is getting thicker and I figured it was my belly going back to its original shape. However, it is not going anywhere. Since it was mentioned here that Tae Bo is good for this area, I was wondering if you could tell me which Advance tape is good. Considering Billy does not keep a good count on both legs at all times!!! Could I get your comments/suggestions on which tape you think is good to get?

Also, what is the difference between the original and the advanced??



I'll defer the critique of Billy's videos to Honeybunch, as I only own the "Get Ripped Advanced" videos.

But as far as count goes, I do a mental count along with him, so once I know he just did 3 sets of 8 on one side, when we switch sides, I'll stop at 3 sets and usually "do my own thing" while he does a 4th or 5th set of 8 (like 2 sets of jumping jacks). But on these tapes he must have gotten better because there are few instances of uneven counting, maybe just in 2 or 3 places? And it's not off by that much that I worry about it.

I need to add some more "quality" Billy to my sad little 2 video collection. He really can work you! And everything that has been said about how it works your waist/hips is true! He erradicates them! :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
RE: Runathon...............

Thanks Donna! I really appreciate your quick reply. Today I am going to Walmart to get Taebo for Kids for my children. They love working out with me and a fitness tape of their own will send them through the roof with excitement! :-jumpy


RE: Question about Tae Bo

I have Advanced Live 2&3, and the Get Ripped Advanced tapes. I have done none of the original tapes, so I can't comment on them.

I like his tapes because he really gets into the kicks, and to me, the real key to getting a superior ab workout is to really throw some hard punches. Use your obliques and your lats and not just your arms. If you really concentrate, you get an ab work out that will hit your love handles hard.

Just Do It! :)
Get Ripped Advance DVD

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-02 AT 05:51PM (Est)[/font][p]I ordered the Taebo 2 Get Ripped Advance 2-60 minute workouts-DVD set for $38.80 at Do you think it was a good price? (It also includes the 8-minute workout.) (Just wait till my hubby sees the credit card! I have been going crazy buying fitness stuff like running shoes (ASICS), Ryka Alchemy III (2 pairs!), Cathe's IS and now this! :-wow - pray for me people!)

I am going to dust off my original taebo workouts and practice for a while...until Cathe's Intensity DVDs arrive.

I really appreciate all your input on this. Thanks! :-jumpy

Hey Donna!!!
You got me so excited about tae bo i just ordered that get ripped advanced dvd !!! AND i joined weight watchers online..:-jumpy so i should be on my way to good things.. thanks for tip regarding tae-bo

Candy :)
I have the original, the 1st live set, Get Ripped, all of the other live tapes, 1-12, basic and advanced, I have Taebo Gold, Inspirational and Impact.

Yes I'm a bit of a Taebo freak. *S* But I owe Billy a lot..when Taebo hit the waves, it got me off my rear, Billy inspired me, gave me the confidence in myself to DO IT and not give up! Thanks to him my life has improved so much, my confidence in myself and my abilities and now I do Cathe where a couple years ago, I'd have just LAUGHED at the thought of ME keeping up w/her!!
Oh you guys that are kind of new to Taebo or kickboxing in general? Don't rush through the instructional videos..make SURE you understand how to throw a punch and how to do a kick before you move on. Even if you're not doing the Impact w/a bag, your form must be good to avoid injury.

Course you all know that..just a reminder not to get ahead of yourself. Billy always says "take your time and pace yourself."
RE: Get Ripped Advance DVD


Yes, that is a good price for what you got. I do have the original 4 series and his newer tpaes are better, not that the other ones weren't good.

The 8 minute workout is really 16 minutes and believe me it is very fast paced and a killer. Once you get to know the tapes you will be able to tell which parts the count may be off. There is some of the time that I do his kicks at a slower pace if I feel my muscles will respond better.

I am going to try the Impact Series that Mindi talked about - for I love Tae BO so much and I would like to move it up a notch!


I hope you really like it! :)

I loved it the 1st time I popped it in the VCR, and the "Get Ripped Advanced" was my intro to Billy! He wore me out in the same way as Cathe, but also kept me pumped up to get through it in the same way as Cathe!

His pace can be quick for kicks and punches, so be very careful, especially with the kicks, but I had no problem with it at all. Tape 2 in that series has a floor portion of about 5-7 min at the end that will have your entire lower body about to burst into flames! Warning~his count is off on this section and on one side (2nd side) you'll be doing side leg raises to the point your leg will detatch itself from your body and slap you back into your right frame of mind!


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
RE: Candy................

Guys one of the most brutal workouts on the planet is Taebo Abs and Glutes, I can't believe I forgot to mention that one! If you like pain and the feeling of your belly and butt on fire, I suggest this one, there is not a minute's rest throughout the 30 minute, mostly floor, workout and being Catheites and loving the burn, I bet you'd like this too. :)

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