<--- This one goes out to the ones I love...

<--has an OAL quiz
<--says if you cannot answer at least 4 of these questions, you are not a "true" OAL:

1. What is the official beverage of the OAL?
2. What is the official weapon of choice to attack enemies of the OAL?
3. What is the official OAL name of nancy324's DH?
4. Who designed the official OAL t-shirt logo?
5. Why are foil hats important?

<--has 5 more:

6. What does "BGR" stand for?
7. Who was born on Halloween?
8. What is Amyg's official OAL name?
9. Name the OAL member who had 4 sons and no daughters
10. Name the OAL Chin-up Queen
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<--- is ROTFLHAO at Nance's OAL quiz!!!
<--- knows ALL the answers and can recite the complete history that goes with them
<--- wonders where she should submit her quiz for grading
<--- doesn't want to post the answers for fear of CHEATING amongst OAL pretenders!! :eek: :D

<--- edits to add that she is TOTALLY kidding ;)
<--- is SO tired!!
<--- has been paying bills, scheduling appointments, chatting on the phone with Aunt Rose (usually an all day affair -- LOL!), and cleaning the kitchen
<--- is planning to sneak in a little nap if at all possible
<--- has to be ready by 5 to go sit with her DFIL at the horsepistol
<--- is hoping DH will get home in time to go out to dinner
<--- waves to everyone and may not BB until late tonight or tomorrow
<--- just about spit out my coffee at today's OAL REVIVAL
<--- waves Hello to old friends!
<--- misses everyone, but
<--- doesn't get here with any regularity
<--- sends Big Hugs to all OALers :rolleyes::p:eek:
<--says you can send your answers to me in email or PM
<--says the person with the highest score will be announced tomorrow
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<---Sent answers off to Nancy
<---Fears that major brain farts during quiz will give appearance that <---is touched
<---Is very smart but has the memory of an ant. :)
<---Skips away singing
<--waves a quick hello
<--has missed the AOL, even tho <--is not a charter member
<--must scoot, but will be back later!

<---tells Anne she is totally a member!
<---says <--- wasn't a "charter" either ;)
<---wonders how she has been?
<---says thanks to Robin for the happy Feb wishes
<---also says thanks to Michele.
<---sighs and says that DH was up on some wood on top of two sawhorses draining some pipes that had burst in our house the weekend before (did <---mention how terrible January has been?), and was coming down when the wood flipped up from under him. He hit the sawhorse on the way down. It was very scary, but could have been much worse. He is still in some pain, but not nearly as bad as a few days ago.
<---is glad Catherine has somewhere warm to stay. <---was touched that even with no power Catherine would come post here.
<---knows a few answers to Nancy's quiz, but feels like <---should know more of them.
<---wishes TeTe a happy birthday also!!
<---likes Lainie's t-shirt design!
<---actually managed to workout today
<-- waves hellooooo
<-- is really late; sorry about that!
<-- should be working :rolleyes:
<-- love the shirt!!!!
<-- misses all of youse
<-- knows most of the quiz answers :cool:
<-- loves Nance for the quiz
<-- is stuck on one of them :eek:
<-- better get back to work!
<-- thanks Shelley, loves Liann's hair short, thanks Lainie, waves to hawt Robin, uh... and lots more but <-- can't remember :eek:
<-- Ohmygosh
<-- almost peed her pants seeing the <-- thread
<-- is so happy to see everyone
<-- waves wildly
<-- was just peeking into Catheland to check on PP Saturday and what do you know the OAL is baaaaaack :D:D:D
<-- had a busy day today and is still doing ChoreMax :confused:
<-- see you guys later

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