<---This goes out to the one I love


<---Waves to the loverlies this wonderful Friday Morning!
<---Says it is supposed to snow here this evening into Monday!
<---Thinks snuggling down with DH and the furry babies sounds like heaven
<---Came home to find dear Zeus ripping up the carpet in the living room last night:mad:
<---Couldn't believe it! He will be 1 year old at the end of the month and thought this behavior was over!
<---Explains that dear Jake has been sick and DH thinks that he may have had an accident on the rug while we were at work
<---Replied that "I HOPE SO!"
<---Picked up the remains and went with DH to do IMAX2
<---Thinks that after that workout NOBODY could be mad! LOL :)
<---Wishes you all a happy Friday...need to scoot!
<---waves hi to Melissa!
<---says that even after all these years, she still occasionally comes home to a surprise from the wieners
<---says they will be on their best behavior for months and then out of no where someone will decide to eat the corner of the wall or something
<---thinks it is their way of keeping us on our toes
<---hopes that Zeus is on his best behavior this weekend! ;)
<---thinks that Melissa's weekend plans sound like a winner!
<--waves to Melissa, Liann and all who follow!!
<--understands the occasional unwanted doggie accident
<--wonders if it's misbehavior or just accidental
<--thinks it's both sometimes LOL
<--wonders how everyone is liking STS
<--just started doing her 1 RM this morning
<--is so late in the game LOL!!
<-- waves hi to Melissa, Liann, Catherine and anyone else who pops in
<-- knows y'all wonder who the heck I am? :D
<-- has seen this thread so many times but rarely has time to "play"
<-- took a day off work so has a little time until the chores begin
<-- has one large fur baby left and disliked when the last one had accidents
<-- is not looking forward to my Zellie getting much older and going through it
<-- was very lucky our two didn't do much damage
<-- hopes all the furries are good during the "indoor" weekend
<-- from CA so no snow but we now have rain
<-- we need it desperately so it is good
<-- kept us from freezing last night
<--thinks it is nice Melissa's DH plays Cathe with her
<-- knows DH would never make it through :p
<-- has done first STS and had delayed DOMS
<-- likes not doing exercises more than once
<-- runs off to start either chores or STS
<-- yes, admits <-- is feeling chatty today
<-- may pop back in later
<-- thanks y'all for letting me play :D
<---waves to all the loverlies^^^
<---is grateful knowing that all of youse have had naughty furry babies
<---thinks Zeus is a sweetheart with a naughty streak. :)
<---really does love STS
<---admits that this is the only "routine" or "rotation" we have every followed and don't regret a minute of it.
<---has a bit of soreness in between the shoulder blades that's it!
<---thinks DH is worse off than me...he is SORE EVERYWHERE!
<---has a quiet day here and feels like playing
<---thanks for playing! :)

<---thought you guys would get a kick out of this...almost forgot!
<---says this last weekend the "babies" were driving us nuts and DH told me to get out the squirt gun (definition: squirt bottle filled with water used for gentle disciplining when you have reached your limit ie 500 times saying "no")
<---continues...so grabbed the squirt gun and squirted dear Zeus on the bum (it didn't penetrate but got his attention).
<---says fast forward to Monday pm...DH and <--- arrive home to find the squirt gun chewed to shreds! HILARIOUS!
<---reminded the "babies" that humans have MANY more squirt guns so straighten up or else! :)
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<---waves hi to Jacque!
<---says she is also dealing with DOMS from the first disc
<---is scheduled to do disc 2 today, but will have to postpone it until tomorrow due to previous plans
<---thinks she needs the extra day anyways - my arms are killing me!!!
<-- says thanks for the wave Liann
<-- didn't like the delayed DOMS for the same reason
<-- finds that UB work uses all muscles even when they aren't targeted :eek:
<-- is glad yesterday's workout didn't happen either
<-- thinks I may try to figure a different way so UB has an extra day in between
<-- can't wait to try another STS
<-- tells Catherine to hurry with the 1RM's !
<-- ^ needs to get started on STS to have DOMS like the rest of us ! :p
<-- had to lower targeted #'s from 1RM listing by the end of the 1st workout
<---tells Jacque that she is VERY tempted to just switch the legs with the other upper body workout
<---doesn't see why that would be a problem and thinks it would give the upper body more recovery time
<---says never fear Catherine, STS will be a breeze for you
<---has not been exercising regularly and her muscles started screaming when she turned the video on ;)
<---knew it was going to take <--- longer to get in the groove
<---runs back in and says she crossed the 4000 post mark and didn't even notice!!!
<---had planned a moment of silence or something...
<---will have to wait until the 5000th post now to have her party
<-- moment of silence observed
<-- congrats on crossing the 4,000 mark, Liann
<-- waves to everyone else
<-- is busy saving the world :p
<---thanks Carola for the moment of silence!!!
<---hands her her cape and wishes her luck on saving the world! :)
<--tells Carola to stop by and save <--from the couch today whilst she is saving the world please ;)
<--tells Liann that <-- is not up to all of those pushups in STS:eek:
<--also tells Liann that <--is getting ever so close to the 10,000 post mark
<--perhaps we can celebrate together;)
<-- is not on the couch like Catherine but the computer instead ;)
<-- needs to get behind away from the computer so Carola can save the world !
<-- waves to Superwoman Carola ! Fly high !
<-- now comes back to tell Catherine not to wimp ;)
<-- only did about 2/3 of the push ups cuz shoulders and back hurt
<-- tells Catherine to do what she can
<-- loves the STS - such a challenge
<-- congratulates Liann and Catherine on lots of posts
<-- had to start over with the new forum
<-- waited about 3 weeks and finally gave up getting old name back :(
<-- is glad she looks like a newbie (on the forum at least ! :eek:)
<-- has to run, really this time :rolleyes:
<-- waves happy FRIDAY
<-- woke up at 4am this morning to squeeze in Pour Hour :eek:
<-- also needs to get a move on with those 1RM tests! ;)
<-- hopes everyone has had a rockin day so far
<-- hopes everyone has an uber fantastic weekend!!!!! mwah!
<---waves a better late than never good day to the OAL gang
<---has been super busy at work
<---got up early to do circuit 3 of Chalean Push
<---feels ultra productive now
<---will go home, do some ab work and chill for the rest of the evening with DH
<---has no plans for the weekend and likes it like that!
<---wants to chill out tonight too!
<---is going to sis's for a "game night" with her family and a mini-birthday party for her nephew
<---feels like a bad aunt, but would rather go home and take a long hot bath
<---admits to NOT being a group game kind of person
<---says in fact <--- hates group games - would rather be hung up by her toe nails and forced to listen to a mix of Beyonce, Nickleback, and Celine
<---hopes you all have a lovely Friday night! ;)

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