Think I am ready to give up


I am so tired and sore all over I think I am fighting a loosing battle. I have not worked out now for three days and feel awefull, I am tired and wore out, don't have control of my eating I give into my sweet cravings to often so I think I have lost the battle here.
DO NOT GIVE UP! Boy I know sometimes it is really hard to get going Maybe you have just over done it or you could be fighting a bug Have you slept well lately? Ok I will make a deal with you today I have just not felt like getting started I know once I workout I will feel better so Iam going to go and JUST DO IT tell me you will too! I have read the forums for a couple months and see you post quite often so I know you know all the benefits of working out But sometimes it just seems it isn't working but remember it is not just the scale or the mirror that matters it is your mental health! So if you are not ill try to get it done today even just walking you know the endorphins will kick in and they will pick you up and I find that once I start moving it is so much easier to keep going and to keep the cravings under control! I hope you feel better
Lisa Please let me know feel free to e-mail me we could be each others cheerleaders!
[email protected]
The battle isn't lost, Leslie! We all have those times when we get discouraged and it seems like giving up is an the only option but don't let a little slip destroy all the postive things you've gained. You don't have to wait until tomorrow to start over. Today will do just fine. Tell yourself you will ignore any craving for a sweet for 5 minutes and then go from there. As soon as you can fit in a workout, do one but keep it easy and light since you are sore. A brief walk or a gentle stretch may be just the thing for you now. Muscle soreness passes as do cravings. Don't beat yourself up. It's ok to indugle a little. Your only mistake is that you aren't feeling pleasure from it but don't feel guilty. You can do this! You sound like you may be experiencing symptoms of overtraing and resting is perfetly fine. Just get going as soon as you can, so you don't get into the habit of not working out, something that's a heck of lot easier to do than to get into the habit of working out. Acknowledge negative thoughts but counter them with positives. If your brain says, "I'm a bum" override it say, "I am a strong woman who needed a break but I am ready to begin again!" This too shall pass! Be kind and encouraging yo yourself and make one small change at a time. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

Big hugs!
Chicks's Rule! Bobbi
Okay ... Leslie, when was the last time you saw a doctor? Is there blood work that hasn't been done in a while? Have you had your thyroid checked in the past few months? Your kids have been sick, right? Maybe you're fighting the same thing yourself? As for the eating, don't stop eating but make the better choices. The sweets will give you energy but like all simple carbs when that energy wears off, you crash. You also secrete more insulin than you need when you eat a lot of simple carbs, and your body ends up in a cycle it's difficult to break. Eat protein and small amounts of fat instead. They'll stick around longer and give you more energy in the long run. But for now ... please get thee to a physician. Have him/her check your thyroid (very quick and very simple), and do other blood work. Electrolytes, blood counts, cholesterol, etc. It's a few small tubes and one stick to collect all of it. And please don't beat yourself up over not working out for three days. We all need a break every now and then, especially when we aren't feeling well. Go and find out why you feel this way first, then you can deal with the sweet cravings and get yourself back on track with your exercise routine. I don't mean to sound like a bi*tch here, but this is the same thing I'd tell a family member, a friend, or one of my patients at work. If you feel this crummy for this long, go and find out why. Then, deal with the other issues. Hope this helps!!

Hold it, hold it, hold it! This is one day. Tomorrow is another day. Do a warmup. Eat some veggies, a protein source of your liking, and some fruit. If you still want something more, then have it. Don't be so hard on yourself!
I am sorry for that post. I won't give in just yet. I have done all the blood work, it is just my fibro kicking my butt right now. That is one nightmare of a battle. I am so mad because I feel like I am to old and too sick to get back into shape. And that is why I feel like giving up. I have run my body down so much in the last 35 years, I thought I would always be healthy so I never took care of myself. So my body is paying me back for all the abuse I put it through.
I felt like that last week after doing the Oct. rotation and ended up doing Cardio&Weights on tues. and that was it until the following Monday! On the days off I had a raging headache, I was so sore, my diet stunk, and I gained a couple of pounds. I started up again this Mon. and felt strong and MUCH better. The couple of pounds are coming off, my headache is gone, I'm not sore, and I know I just needed a few days off. One week off doesn't ruin a lifetime of fitness...but probably enhances it. Don't give up! You've invested too much to give up!
Fibro is an Arthritis disease type, it affects all my mucles and has trigger points that hurt like you know what LOL. All my lymph nodes in my neck just about are swollen due to that, and when it gets cold it feels like arthritis. You feel really fatigued and hard to move when so tired. I was on tons of meds for it but I have stopped taking them because they make me feel like a zombie all day LOL.
I just tried to work out just now and my legs are killing me so bad that I have to stop often to get the pain to stop.
I'm sorry to hear about your condition. What has your doctor advised?

Maybe you need to give yourself some slack and try to workout every other day with lighter workouts- at least something to keep you going. As for the sweets and cravings-- have you tried low fat or non-fat alternatives? At least if you give in to the cravings you can try to minimize the "damage".

Try to think positive and take care of yourself. I'd be interested to hear if your doctor might have some helpful suggestions or if there are other people with the same issues who might be able to provide insight for you.
Hi, Leslie--

I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Please try to be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up. Imagine if a dear friend came to you with the same problems that you just came to us with. Imagine how caring and kind you'd be to that person and how you'd encourage them to take care of themself, rest and just try to feel better. Please do the same for yourself. Sometimes we are so quick to offer kindness to others, even strangers, but when it comes to ourselves, we're merciless! Please take it easy, allow yourself some time to feel better. Only do what you feel you can. If you have to stop your workouts because you're in pain, then stop. Keep trying each day. Hopefully one day very soon, you won't have to stop.

((((((((Big hugs to you))))))) I hope you feel better very soon. Please keep checking in and keep us posted.:)

Take care,
Leslie, are you taking medications to help you sleep and relieve pain? I checked out fibromyalgia at WebMD and both are recommended as well as exercise and stress relief. But then you probably already know that. If whatever therapy you are using now isn't helping, talk to your doctor. Some meds work better for different indivduals and it can be tricky finding the right therapy for you. Also, have you tried breathing meditations for pain control? Once mastered, they can be wonderful. Email me your address and I will send you a wonderful book called Healing and the Mind by Bill Moyers. It's based on a PBS series from some years back. And please be kind to yourself and don't be discouraged. I am sure that between the stress of your illness and those everyday stressors life throws our way, particularly when your kids have been sick, you are feeling overwhelmed but you can get back on an even keel but you have to cut yourself some slack and take it gently!

Chicks's Rule! Bobbi
You are not fighting a losing battle. I have been there many times, as I am sure others have. I have had some extremely stressfull times lately and have been eating aweful the last week, along with having company and missing out on some workouts. I am getting back on track today. I just think sometimes we need a break. Sometimes I can get up and feel like a truck ran over me or something, as I am so sore and fatigued. It is just time to lighten up or take a break. When I go back and it is time, I feel so good about everything.
Diane Sue
I know this idea is probably WAY cost prohibitive but I thought I'd share it anyway. A good friend has FM and suffered for YEARS...not sleeping well, medication etc. Well, her dh was quite concerned at her many years of lack of sleep (she was having to take meds to sleep since the FM was so painful). Long story short, they ended up purchasing that memory foam bed and it's made all of the difference for her. I'm not saying the FM is gone, just that she's now sleeping and not waking so pained. I know that's not a fix but maybe it would help? We couldn't afford to get the bed for when she visits, so I got the thickest memory foam topper that I could find (I think 3"). It does warm up to body temp. so by night's end don't be surprised if you're just in underwear.

I'm sorry for your pain.


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