<--They are one person, they are two alone


<---thought she'd try to Arrow-it-up for two days in a row
<---hopes you'll join me
<---thinks she has a quiet work station at work today
<---plans on spend her spare time making lists : packing list, shopping list, !RM test left to do list
<---loves lists
<---could never be described as list-less
<---ugh, thinks it too early to try to make up puns
<---will see you later....
<--- pops in and says good morning to Robin
<--- isn't so good at making lists
<--- is sucking down water and trying to wake up
<--- needs to put on shoes to do Insanity day 3 workout
<--- wishes Robin and everyone to follow a wonderful day
<--- needs to try and come back later with goodies for the hotness thread
<--- hopes that will be around for another day or two :D
<--- signs off to go workout
<---wanted to post something on the hotness thread, but it got too long
<---can't keep up
<---always has been a day late and the last to know
<--waves good morning to Robin, Dawn and all who follow
<--hopes Robin's workday goes quickly
<--wonders if Dawn is done wthi Intensity?
<--needs a mega dose of coffee
<--sees ya later
<--- walks in, drinking coffee, blinking & trying to wake up
<--- is excited to see this thread & be able to post before leaving today
<--- is glad Robin should have a quiet work station today
<--- also loves lists... loves making them & marking the items off
<--- hopes Dawn enjoys Insanity Day 3
<--- hasn't worked out in weeks (workout gear is still in storage)
<--- has been doing physical labor, though, so maybe that still counts
<--- will be grouting tile today... UGH
<--- hands Catherine a big mug of Sumatra coffee & clinks cups with her
<--- needs to scoot for now but will try to check back in later... much later
<--- hopes all the arrow chickies have a great day!

<---waves good morning to you early birds:)
<---tells Robin that<--- LOVES making lists!
<---thinks that's one of the reasons <---loves the book High Fidelity so much, 'cause the only thing more fun than making list is reading someone else's!
<---has trouble actually doing what's on the list, though:p
<---hopes that Dawn had a wonderful workout and <---will join her later on the hotty thread!
<---goes to pour Cat and Kel another cup-o-coffee and gets <---self one, too
<---assures Kel that her physical labor will make up for a workout!
<---needs to get to work on this beautiful sunny day.
<---is deadline free for the next few days, unless something unexpected comes across <--- desk
<---blows kisses at everyone as <---goes off to start the day!
<---mmmmm, Sumatra coffee
<---is drinking ordinary old Maxwell House
<---forgot to mention that <--saw a BEAR this morning
<---saw it cross the road on the way to work
<---stopped and watched it in the weeds until it wandered off into the woods
<--waves a cloudy good morning to the ladies
<--wishes <--could make lists and complete them
<--is so not a list person
<--needs to be a list person
<--wonders what Dawn thinks of Insanity
<--is interested in it
<--wishes <--was with Robin watching the bear this morning
<--watched traffic instead
<--assumes the job is going well for TeTe?
<--also assures the physical labor is a workout for sure
<--needs more physical labor
<--is hoping Catherine has a lovely day today
<--is really not into work this morning
<--had charlie horses in the ole' leg all night last night
<--wonders why <--can't just SLEEP!
<-- is excited to see the <-- thread two days in a row
<-- has to smell the coffee :p
<-- only likes the smell of coffee not the taste <-- is weird
<-- is :eek: :eek::eek: about Robin's bear experience this morning
<-- wouldn't live to write about the exerience :eek::D
<-- wonders what Dawn thinks about Insanity so far
<-- hands Cat the golden pot
<-- is so excited to see Kel, has missed her
<-- is happy to hear that TeTe has no deadlines today
<-- that means you can post more today, right??? :p
<-- has to jump in the shower and has to had out to take pix
<-- has deadlines this morning :mad::mad:
<-- got up to late and won't be able to take the doggies for a run :mad::mad::mad:
<-- wishes everyone a fantabulous day
<-- waves hello to the gang!
<-- needs to make more lists...DH is good at lists.
<-- loved the movie High Fidelity.
<-- speaking of lists, wonders if anyone has seen Iggy Pop's infamous 18 page band rider...now that's a list! :D http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1004061iggypop1.html
<-- thinks Robin's bear siting is very cool!
<-- wonders how Dawn likes Insanity?
<-- sends coffee to Catherine.
<-- sends positiive tile grouting vibes to Kel...did a lot of that last year. Definitely counts as a workout!
<-- envies TeTe's sunshine and hope she gets to enjoy it.
<-- hopes Megadoo gets some sleep <-- 's Gramma swears by bourbon for getting rid of charlie horses. ;)
<-- hopes Carola meets her deadlines.
<-- has meetings ALL day today...blech.
<---waves good morning to Robin, Dawn, Catherine, Kel, TeTe, Mega, and Carola
<---is also excited the thread is here again since this is day two of me posting to it:)
<---is tired so is sucking down the Diet Coke in lieu of coffee
<---doesn't think Carola is weird at all. LOVES the snell of coffee but aaaccckkk to the taste!
<---does like tea though. Just not Lipton and that is what is in the office:(
<---also wonders if Dawn is enjoying Insanity
<---knows it is too insane for her but <---might get it anyway:rolleyes:
<---will live vicariously through everyone for the RT since <---had to cancel:(
<---is a little happy about cancelling since in doing so <---made room for someone on the wait list
<---is really liking the "hotties" thread
<---apparently, needs to get a life:D
<---hopes this thread keeps going, and going, and...

<--- waves hi to ^^^ and everyone else who stops by
<--- agrees that physical labor is a workout
<--- tells everyone Insanity is tough for <---
<--- enjoys it so far and hopes to complete the series
<--- asks Robin is it was a black bear or grizzly
<--- finds Carola views on Coffee to be perfectly normal :)
<--- hates meetings and feel :( for Gayle
<--- runs off to get a cup of tea

<--- is sorry to hear Carrie had to cancel RT
<--- hopes to make the journey one day
<--thinks hmmmmmm.....bourbon
<--thanks Gayle for the suggestion
<--thinks it may also cure the insomnia problem :)
<--is sorry Carrie had to cancel the RT
<--has never been to one and not going this year either
<--also loves tea, not coffee
<--prefers Red Rose, especially because you get a free little figurine in every box
<--has quite the collection going on now
<--tells Carrie that <--also seem to rely on diet pepsi too much for the caffeine
<--waves good morning to all from near the bottom of the first cup of coffee.....
<--may need to top off today again
<--tells Robin <--is working off no fewer than 6 lists at current time:eek:
<--loves lists
<--remembers not too long ago having to make a list of the lists <--needed to make!
<--is :eek::eek: about the bear sighting - has foxes in the yard and sees fisher cats now and then...no bears though
<--waves to Dawn, Catherine, Kel, TeTe, Megadoo, Carola, Gayle
<--welcomes Carrie! and asks if she'd PM photo-posting instructions to <--as well - might be able to find a hottie or two
<--answers Shelley from yesterday that yes, indeed, <--has a fab dark purple dress for the un-wedding
<--tells Dawn that DF wants a ring that's "different" and that's fine except that his reaction to most rings is "That's different, I don't care for it though." :eek:;) Funny man. May indeed go the twist-tie route....
<--"with this twist-tie <-- thee wed" it might work! :D
<--tells Liann that DF and <--have a very, very, very small ceremony planned for a few weeks from now at a pretty garden up the street.
<--also sends Liann healing vibes for her and the sweet pup, and easy procedure vibes
<--OK, better get rolling on the day
<--hope to BBL again!
<---has never groated
<---wonders what she is missing
<---must put groating on the list Things to Do in One's Life
<---has made one list and has to go start on another
<---says Oh Boy... only 14 posts and she already feels WAY behind!
<---had a good evening with her wienies watching tv and chilling out for once
<---thinks Dakota is looking a lot better, but he slept like crap last night - couldn't get comfortable and there is nothing worse than an uncomfortable wienie dog!
<---says only 2 days until her DH comes home
<---is having mixed feelings about that since she is only just now getting to relax and enjoy her aloneness - but really needs the yard mowed and the pool filter fixed, so guesses she will be glad to have him back ;)
<---thinks he should visit his family by himself every year, but he told <--- not to get used to this :I
<---wishes she was more of a people person but likes being ALONE on vacation without 20 other in-laws hanging around
<---tells Robin she plans to start making a list and pulling stuff together this weekend
<---cannot believe she will be in NJ next week!!!
<---wonders what Dawn thinks of Insanity?
<---sends a mega dose of coffee to Cat
<---waves enthusiastically to Kel!
<---adds High Fidelity to book list
<---is sorry to hear about the horsies keeping Meg up
<---hopes Carola makes all of her deadlines
<---also hopes Gayle survives her meetings
<---is sorry to hear that Carrie had to cancel her RT spot :(
<---just got down to Dawn's answer about Insanity - disregard earlier question
<---thinks Suz's plans sound wonderful
<---wish she had had something smaller and more intimate and NOT in a church (particularly the one she had it in that she doesn't even darken the doors of now)
<---would do it outside in a garden or by the ocean now if she had to do it again and wouldn't invite half the people who were at her original wedding!
<---thinks Suz is a smart chickie!
<---is sooo hungry and it is only 10:22!!!
<--pops in late to say hi just like Kramer...bursting through the door
<--offers Carrie some Tazo tea
<--is glad Dakota is better
<--is sorry Carrie had to cancel the RT
<--can't keep up with all of today's posts
<--is glad to see the gang is all here
<---yells OUCH as the door hits my shoulder
<---says "Get OUT!" while pushing Beavs in the chest ala Elaine
<---wonders how Insanity is liking Dawn
<---adds that it was a Black Bear
<---doesn't live in Griz country
<---is also sorry to not be meeting Carrie on the RT
<---has finished list #2
<---loves coffee smell and flavor
<---had to learn to love the flavor though - studying late nights in college
<---agrees with Liann that a vacation with the whole fam damily is not condusive to fun
<---wonders if Suzanne could get rings made that look like twist ties
<---thinks that would be unique
<---tells Meggels that there is a shelf full of Red Rose figures in my kitchen window
<---PM'd Suzanne
<---hopes it works
<---loves all the hotties;)
<---forgot to :eek::eek:at Robin's bear sighting!
<---only saw one bear (outside of a zoo) and that was on way to PA Grand Canyon
<---DH said "there's a bloody bear"...bear wasn't really bloody. DH is a Brit. He still needs to learn to speak American:p
<---tells Robin she must grout at least once in her life
<---agrees with Liann <---likes "alone time" vacations
<---asks Suzanne if she picked out a polish yet?
<---is wearing Purple-opolis which was suggested <---thinks it is a little too pink/fuschia for the dress
<---thanks Beavs for the Tazo. Tazo is <---favorite tea. <---likes the Earl Grey (Gray?) from Tazo
<---thinks as long as Beavs isn't "out there and LOVIN' it" like Kramer, it's all good;)

<---wonders where the heck Carrie lives?!?!?!
<---lives not too far from the PA Grand Canyon
<---bets no one else knows there is a Grand Canyon in PA

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