The Truth About Cardio

I generally do running intervals in the morning, a brisk walk in the afternoon, and weight training in the evening or on the weekend, separate from cardio but sometimes on the same day. At least a few hours in between, though. I lift heavy, so I really need lots of energy for that, and I work hard during my cardio, so I really need lots of energy for that too. They have to be separate for me.

That being said, I really like circuit workouts using both cardio and weights, but I lower my weights significantly and just consider it more or less a cardio workout.
I've done cardio before weights, weights before cardio, cardio and weights on different days, cardio/weight circuits, limited cardio, lots of cardio, steady state, intervals and some HIIT over the years and have never gotten the same results twice. There are so many factors involved so I just keep switching it up. If I am doing something and it doesn't seem to be working, I will tweak it and tweak it until I see changes. I am never quite sure what will work best for me at any given moment.

I say do what works for you but it also has to be something you enjoy or you won't stick with it! :D
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(Jane :D )

I still have to read this article, but I noticed Cynthia mentioned cardio twice a day. I know figure competitors do this to lean out, and I'm considering trying it over the next few weeks. Just for fun. I won't do it every day, but I'm considering throwing in a second cardio session maybe 2-3 times a week...see how that goes.

Part of me would love to jump in with both feet, but I have a long history of enthusiasm-related injuries. :rolleyes:
Great article. I liked the no-nonsense level headed take on things.

Personally I have typically liked doing cardio after weights for 2 reasons.
1) I have more energy to do the weights and go heavier.
2) The cardio seems to help reduce muscle soreness. It forces me to do more "dynamic" stretching. Yes, I know static stretching is better post workout, but any stretching has to help some. :D

Oh and how in the heck do some of you manage to fit in two workouts a day??? I do try to do other activities in the evening (esp. during the summer), but they are either household chores or include the DH, so I do things like walk, bike, clean toilets or scrub floors, etc.
Oh and how in the heck do some of you manage to fit in two workouts a day??? I do try to do other activities in the evening (esp. during the summer), but they are either household chores or include the DH, so I do things like walk, bike, clean toilets or scrub floors, etc.

I do it at least twice a week. It's really not as bad as it sounds LOL. But not 2 cardio w/os--I refuse to do cardio at night, I'm just too tired, plus lifting is what I love (cardio is just a necessary evil) & I can't bring myself to do something I don't love after work. Anyway, it's probably easier for me b/c I don't have family obligations, but basically I get up at 6 for about an hour of cardio, then head to the gym after work for about an hour of lifting.

It only works out like that b/c I can't fit my routine in any other way.
this is a very nice study, but it is a bit vague. the following is the main part of the email I sent to PN in response to it:


I read the article describing the study and the results. Granted, this is not for an academic audience, but inquiring minds would like to know more.

For example, I could not tell whether the results are after accounting for the drop outs or not. It would be useful to report Tables 2-7 both for the initial sample and also for the final group excluding drop outs. It would also be useful to know the timing of the drop outs (first day is very different from the day before last day), and clarify in Table 1 whether the sample size is before or after drop outs. (e.g. if it is before, steady state results must be based on 17*20%=3 or 4 people).


I heard back from PN. Apparently PN cannot release additional information, because the information belongs to TRX. I suppose the study must have been funded by TRX (not that there is anything wrong with it, but it may potentially affect how one interprets the results/conclusions--so it would be useful to explicitly mention it).

I personally agree with their bottom line that "When you equate total exercise time, as long as you’re doing an intense, progressive strength + conditioning exercise program, you can feel free to choose whichever program you like best."

However, the study is missing data with respect to drop out timing and whether the sample size/characteristics/results include the drop outs or not. As such, the conclusions in the "Study Results" and "Conclusions" sections do not necessarily follow from the numbers they report (even when one ignores the flaws in the statistical methodology altogether).
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Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? My understanding is your HR has to be up for at least 20 minutes before your body kicks into fat burning mode. If it goes up, then down, then up, it seems like a much less efficient fat burning w/o (that's if burning fat is your goal).
My theory (which I was testing on me!) was that the prolonged warm-up would increase the metabolism, while it would stay elevated when doing the weight work (more endurance oriented weight work, like PUB for upper body, Firm for lower body.)

I did it (at least the cardio before weights, sometimes I didn't get to the cardio afterwards) for a month, using one upper body workout, one lower body, one full body, and one interval cardio (and IMAX or Cardio Coach) and one kickboxing workout per week. During that month, I lost 4 or 5 (can't remember, it was a while) stubborn pounds that I'd been trying to get rid of without success, so obviously something worked.
Re: stretching (which was mentioned up there somewhere!): what I prefere to stretching before a workout is joint mobility. I got out of the habit of it, but for a while, I was doing joint mobility drills (Steve Maxwell has a marvelous DVD set, with different segments for different body parts) before weight workouts. When I did the shoulder (or shoulder and neck) segment before an upper body workout, I felt like it improved my strength and comfort level. (so why did I stop doing it? fickle me! I think I'll get that DVD out again now that I'm finally tackling STS).
I'm a huge "less is best" believer..

Joe agrees :)


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Oh and how in the heck do some of you manage to fit in two workouts a day??? I do try to do other activities in the evening (esp. during the summer), but they are either household chores or include the DH, so I do things like walk, bike, clean toilets or scrub floors, etc.

Well, if you saw the state of my toilet, it would be easy to understand how I work out so much!:eek:
:D !!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I didn't have so much fun chatting on this forum, my house would look way better.

(Does Cynthia know there's a boxer baby in her thread? <3 He's so cute! )

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