I think it would be nice if everyone could see the beauty within the message.
There are many on this forum that know me and what trials I have delt with, and I am still dealing with in my life currently.
I wanted to say a few things in response to so many posts..
I have had many things happen in my life that have been difficult, painful and very very sad. I have had had loss, I have had pain, I have 3 children with disabilities, I have had poverty, I have had defeat, I have had victory.
If I spent my life blaming someone or some unknown force for my life, where would I be? Instead I choose to look at each thing in my life good, bad or ugly as something that I learned and grew from.
Did I purposly bring these things into my life... NO! so why did they happen to me? Maybe to learn, to understand, to feel something, to have empathy for others, to be a support to another, to teach others. I can look back at almost everything horrible that has ever happend to me and I can find something positive about it, I can see how it impacted my life in a positve way, how it changed my life for the better, how it made me grow as a person to be who I am today.
Bad things don't need to be bad...only if you choose to see them to be bad.
There are always 2 sides to all things..you can look at the cup half empty or half full...it is your perspective that you choose to view your life and the lives of others.
So did my negative thinking, negative behaviors, bad choices bring the bad things in my life..Yes I believe they did..and for that I am thankful. If I had a perfect life I would be an empty shell of a person, unable to give to others.
It is not just a negative frame of mind only...in our negative thinking so we have negative behavior, and in our negative behavior we do things that are not positive. How do you feel when you meet someone that is mad at the world??? Are you kind to them when they are yelling in your face..most likely not.
"Your thoughts cause your feelings"
"An affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one"