The prenup thread got me wondering - married, single, divorced?

The prenup thread got me wondering - married, single, divorced?

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RE: The prenup thread got me wondering - married, singl...

Robyn: I consider myself a single mom in some ways. I have a very different relationship with my SO. He does not contribute at all in my raising my daughter. I told him from the start that Sophie has a father, and doesn't need another one. He IS a positive male influence in her life, but he isn't involved in any part of raising her. All our finances are separate so there's no contribution that way either.
I will be married 20 years in Septeber (college sweethearts) I have four children 15, 13 11 and 8 years old (2boys and 2girls).
DH and I will celebrate our 22nd anniversary in November. This is the first and only marriage for both of us. We spent 11 years trying but were never able to have children.
I've been married 6 years in my second marriage. They have been absolutely the best years of my life. I have a 31 year old daughter from a previous marriage and a 10 year old granddaughter.
RE: The prenup thread got me wondering - married, singl...

Married (first and only time) 18 years in July. Five children 21 year old DS, and 4 DD's 11, almost 10, almost 7 and 4.
RE: The prenup thread got me wondering - married, singl...

Married...9 years as of the 28th of June.
We have a 6 year old and 5 year old.
Really LOTS of married. I figured there were easily 25 or so single Moms... Jeez I was way off!

Also suprised how many of you have 20 or more years married! CONGRATS!

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