The only way I can do inverted pikes...


New Member
(I usually lurk, but just wanted to share this for anyone else who is really struggling with these...)

I have been having a miserable time with those inverted pikes. I just cannot keep control of the stability ball AND move in and out like that - I end up crashing to the floor or twisting into contortionistic (is that a word?) positions to try to avoid having the ball go flying out from under me! :)

SO, today I decided to do them up against the wall. I place the stability ball against a wall, and then align myself parallel to the wall. That way, while I'm moving the ball in and out, there is at least ONE direction that it can't go rolling away from me! (Of course, there are several other directions it can escape in, but at least I've eliminated one!)

I'm going to stick with this method for a while, until I feel more confident, or until I feel like the ball isn't really using that wall for "support" anymore. I could definitely feel them working my core, so I don't think this method has rendered them ineffective - at least for me...

I think this is a great idea. "Training wheels" of a sorts.

Inverted pikes on the ball are hard. I don't have my dvds yet ;-), but I've done this move before, and keeled over (I had some magazine article with 30 ball exercises).
I can't picture this move somehow. Can anyone tell me what pikes are, and what inverted pikes are?

What are pikes? (What are secs, Mommy?)

My DVD's are coming but I would rather know now.
The inverted pike is where you have your hands on the floor and your feet are on top of the stablity ball. You then bring the ball in towards you til you're on your tippy toes. It does sound confusing huh? When she does this move I usually do the "easier" version she does prior to this one. Being on the ball the same way but draw your knees into the tummy and back out. I've tried those pikes over and over- I just can't get them. But I won't give up! :) Susan
Has anyone seen the balls that are oblong as opposed to totally round? My local Walmart sells them. I keep thinking maybe I could do those durn ball exerices if I used a ball like that. It would eliminate the side to side movement allowing you to concentrate on pulling the ball in with your feet & abs.
Thank You Kat!

I am going to try that the next time I do UBP. I just can't seem to get it without practically killing myself. But you have a great idea!
Another way to make this exercise easier is to let some air out of your stability ball. Then you don't end up with an oblong ball that you might quickly outgrow.

I was also looking through my "Pilates on the Ball" book and there is another intermediate version of the pike illustrated (p. 104 if anybody is interested).

1. Walk out until your shins are on the ball.
2. Keep your legs very straight, inhale to prepare.
3. Exhale to lift the pelvis a few inches using the abdominals.
4. Inhale back to the plank position.

Keep your shins on the ball the entire time, and just lift up the pelvis a little bit. Should be a good prep exercise for full pikes.

To prepare for pikes, I would also suggest doing push-ups with legs on the ball, starting with the thighs, progressing to the upper shins/knees, and then to the ankles. That darn ball (not to mention the full range of Pilates torture machines) takes some getting used to!

P.S. I'm just going off what has been mentioned in this thread. I don't have my DVDs yet!
I tried those Inverted Pikes today for the first time and I could not do them at all! x( The ball was rolling everywhere. The make it look so easy! Their moves are sooo smooth and controlled. I will keep working on them, but I wish I would have had a video of me today! I will definitely try it with the ball against a wall next time! That is a good idea. Thanks! :7

Okay....I am back. I went downstairs and got that dern ball out again and tried to do the inverted pikes again. I tried Kat's suggestion and I still kept falling off. Then I finally figured out that if I start with me knees under my chest and then go out and THEN go into it..I can do it! I was so excited. Then I tried what Kat suggested and started with my knees in first, (instead of straight out) to get positioned and that worked too! It did help when you keep the ball against something. After a few times of that, you kind of start really getting the feel for it and can "let go". I also tried the exercise that she does before the pikes with my knees in first and I could do that one sooo much better. Anyway, thought I would share that with you.


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