The new Tracey's - anything?

L Sass

Hi guys. I got Tracey Staehle's latest series yesterday and was uber-excited to tackle Glute Camp - which I did last night. Now maybe I really need a closed resistance band as I used my dyna-band and tied it like I do for the firewalkers.

I got nothing out of this workout. No trembling, no burn (well, a little burn, but it soon subsided), and definitely no DOMS like I was hoping and expecting. I didn't do any of the balance of the series today because I was so bummed about Glute Camp. I much prefer B&G, etc. Just wondering if anyone else had tried it and what your thoughts were. I love Tracey, so I'm disappointed.

Hey, Lorrie. I got mine on Friday, but I tucked them away with my 4DS for Christmas. I am planning on buying a band and wrapping it with these DVDs for under the tree.

HMMMMMMMMMMM....really? Nothing? I'll have to wait just af ew more weeks before I can let you know!

Try it again, heavier maybe? Wait for the 'reight' band? Not sure what else to tell you!

Oh.......ask Allison, maybe? Can you PM her???

Oh no, I'm really sorry to hear that :-( . Well, I pre-ordered that workout but I haven't gotten it yet. Heck, I haven't opened my Amy Bento Slo-Mo or BBC workouts yet, either. Right now I'm doing the 4DS rotation so I won't be tackling anything else until I'm finished with that. Try Gayle's suggestion to do it again later and increase the intensity. ;)

Edited to ask if you received a shipping notice. I haven't heard anything from Tracey about my DVD being shipped.
I got my HISM 2 on Saturday with no notice or anything, I am in Ohio.

I did HISM 2 today, and it was pretty good. I think HISM is more intense, but I was sweating alot. I am curious what others think, but I didn't care for the production level of this workout at all, and Tracey yells too much for my taste, it was getting on my nerves.
I just got mine in the mail today, so you will probably have yours soon Michelle. I did not get a shipping notice either.

I still think I will like these from what I saw on the previews. This will be my next series to try after working through the 4DS.
>I got my HISM 2 on Saturday with no notice or anything, I am
>in Ohio.
>I did HISM 2 today, and it was pretty good. I think HISM is
>more intense, but I was sweating alot. I am curious what
>others think, but I didn't care for the production level of
>this workout at all, and Tracey yells too much for my taste,
>it was getting on my nerves.

I almost gave in and preordered b/c I really WANT to like Tracey's workouts. I've been waiting for HISM 2 but since the last one was nothing like it, I had reservations about this one being like it. You and a couple of other people's reviews have confirmed my decision not to preorder. I was thinking of ordering from Jen but so far I continue to pass. I'm kind of thankful as I want to wait and have some discretionary funds for the future CIA's, Cathe's, Amy's, etc...I'm glad I went with Amy's preorder this time.
Hi, Lorrie. I began this workout with a Dyna band, too, and felt nothing. I found an OLD band (much like the one Tracey and crew use in the workout) I bought a loooooooong time ago and used that instead. I felt it MUCH more intensely this way. It made the jacks and the walks soooo much tougher. I don’t know why the Dyna band didn’t work, as I really feel firewalkers with the Dyna band, but for Glute Camp, the ‘giant rubber band’ worked much better. Also, I wore ankle weights during most of the workout. You can pretty much put them on after the first segment (the squats, walks, and jacks) and wear them during the rest of the workout. They really add resistance to the quad shredders and floor work.

Just a suggestion.
> I
>don’t know why the Dyna band didn’t work, as I really feel
>firewalkers with the Dyna band, but for Glute Camp, the ‘giant
>rubber band’ worked much better.

I bought several of those during the Perform Better sale ($2.00-2.50 each). They do have more tension than the dyna bands, IMO.
You can get them at , and some people have gotten some at .
Hi Lorrie
I did the upper body and loved it. I felt sore the next day. I liked Tracy's spin on some exercises. It really is a great dvd give it another try. Maybe go heavier with your weights.
Susan G.

After reading a little in the reviews of the new set, I come to realize that's what it is. I may need to invest in these, as they seem to have good reviews!
>Hi, Lorrie. I began this workout with a Dyna band, too, and
>felt nothing. I found an OLD band (much like the one Tracey
>and crew use in the workout) I bought a loooooooong time ago
>and used that instead. I felt it MUCH more intensely this
>way. It made the jacks and the walks soooo much tougher. I
>don’t know why the Dyna band didn’t work, as I really feel
>firewalkers with the Dyna band, but for Glute Camp, the ‘giant
>rubber band’ worked much better. Also, I wore ankle weights
>during most of the workout. You can pretty much put them on
>after the first segment (the squats, walks, and jacks) and
>wear them during the rest of the workout. They really add
>resistance to the quad shredders and floor work.
>Just a suggestion.

I will have to try using the ankle weights for the quad shredders because I did not feel them.
HISM2 and the Parts are my first Tracey workouts. What is the general opinion on which is better HISM2 or HISM??? I havent had to do all of the DVD's since I am in a BBC/4DS rotation. Just curious which Tracey workout is the favorite. Thanks.
I did the upper/lower body on the floor yesterday. I had to take my dyna band off as I kept cramping through my quads.

Tracey is taking orders for the band she uses for her customers and you would not have to pay the shipping charges. You can find the info on her forums.

I like Traceys step I have all three but there is always one combo Tracey has that throws me.

I used a fit Loop for Glute Camp and I got a pretty good workout from it. A different type of workout than I get from Cathe's awesome workouts, but good for something different. I've yet to try the rest of the DVD out, since I've been doing Cathe's 4 Day Split.

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