The new Bento DVDs arrived!

>Anyone going to put a rotation together with these Bento
>DVDs? I also received the new Coffey-Meyer ones.

I'm doing a Kelly rotation right now, but after that, I plan to use Amy's workouts like this:

Day 1: Slo-Mo upper body split back/shoulders
Day 2: cardio (maybe her step workout, but on the floor, because the choreo is trickier and "spinnier" than I usually like---but she's so motivating!)
Day 3: Slo-Mo Lower body
Day 4: cardio (her hi-lo?)
Day 5: Slo-Mo Chest/arms
Day 6: cardio?
Day 7: off

Maybe two weeks of this, then:

Day 1: Slo-Mo full-body premix 1
Day 2: cardio
Day 3: Slo-Mo full-body premix 2
Day 4: cardio
Day 5: Slo-Mo full-body premix 3
Day 6: stretch?
Day 7: off

I don't remember what the other premixes are off-hand, but the fact that the three full-body workouts are all different (according to the comments I've seen: I haven't previewed them myself) makes them very appealing to use in rotation together.
I have some similar rotation ideas to Kathryn's.

This week I'll do a 3-day split with Slo-Mo alternating with cardio.

Mon. Cardio Kick Step-Boxing (Kelly Coffey-Meyer)
Tues. Slo-Mo Back & Shoulders, Core
Wed. Kickboxing--one of my Tracey Staehle's, perhaps
Thurs. Slo-Mo Legs, Core
Fri. Cardio (new Amy Hi-Lo or ASC2)
Sat. Slo-Mo Chest, Biceps & Triceps, Core
Sun. Rest

The cardio is not set in stone yet, but I know I'll do the Slo-Mo workouts, at least.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:
Amy said she would be coming up with a rotation this weekend. I look forward to seeing what she comes up with.
Wow! I just checked out the Slo-Mo workouts on Amy's website and on Collage and I can't believe she's offering so much for only $19.95! They look like very high quality workouts. How does she do that?
First Impressions of Advanced Step Challenge 2

Once again, the music to voice ratio was very poorly done. I wanted to give this workout a try because it looked really good. I quickly became frustrated with the sound quality. The cues sounded as if someone had their hand loosely over Amy’s mouth. I seemed to be a couple of steps behind and was not having much fun. As a last ditch effort I used the vocals only option. Without the music, Amy’s voice was clear and I could understand her perfectly. I moved through the workout without any difficulties whatsoever. The choreography wasn’t difficult to follow & the pace didn’t feel frantic once I could actually hear the cues. During the stretching section I could hear the background music on the vocals only setting. The ratio was a nice mix and definitely more enjoyable. I checked it on the regular setting and sure enough the music level was louder again.

Sound problems aside, this workout was fun and the intensity was there throughout. I learned some similar moves in another pre-order & some familiar moves from the past that helped me in keeping up with this workout. But, don’t get wrong this is complex choreography. Amy arranged the moves together well to provide a nice challenge for advanced exercisers. Also, there is a preview chapter available on this DVD, which I partially viewed but didn’t use. I will definitely reach for this one again. The power up section was a nice addition- loved it. There is also a sampling of Slo-Mo.

I enjoyed the music in this workout much more than in her Hi-Lo Dome. However, she gets a big raspberry for the sound problems. In time maybe I’ll be able to anticipate the cues, but I shouldn’t have to use the workout with the music off.

(Did I miss the vocals only option on the Hi-Lo DVD?)

I do like that the modifier was on the other side of Amy on this DVD, so she was more visible.

The premixes seemed to have something for everyone. It was nice of Amy to include the circuit premixes, but I don’t see myself mixing this type of weight work with a hard thumping aerobic workout. It seemed like an odd pairing. However, like I said something for everybody.

All in all, the workouts are good but I hope she fixes the sound on her next go ‘round.


I did Quick NRG premix of ASC II last night. I was giving it my all now that I know all three combo's. I really worked up a sweat in combo fun! i only have two more combo's to learn. Amy teaches the combo's fast, but you get to do them several times on one side before moving onto the other, then you go back and forth between both sides. Combo's 1 & 2 aren't as intense as combo 3, but it's easy to power up some of the moves. The preview chapter helped a lot. I actually had difficulty with the mambo, shuffle or cha cha or whaterver the heck it is on and off the step into a grapevine in the first combo, but I've got it down now! I will say the pace is a little bit slower than I would have preferred but the music is rockin' for the most part and the choreography is fun. The music to voice ratio is perfect in this series. The music is slightly louder than Amy's voice, but I can hear Amy fine and I like the music louder. Her voice is not muffled, just a bit softer than the music and I don't think this was a mistake or oversite. I think it was done intentionally because Amy listened to what many of her customer's asked for...louder music and we got it!!! I will revisit this thread to post my thoughts on the rest of ASC II when I learn the last two combo's. I love, love, love, that Amy puts all the combo's together at the end of the workout!
>First Impressions of Advanced Step Challenge 2
>Once again, the music to voice ratio was very poorly done. I
>wanted to give this workout a try because it looked really
>good. I quickly became frustrated with the sound quality.
>The cues sounded as if someone had their hand loosely over
>Amy’s mouth. I seemed to be a couple of steps behind and was
>not having much fun. As a last ditch effort I used the vocals
>only option. Without the music, Amy’s voice was clear and I
>could understand her perfectly. I moved through the workout
>without any difficulties whatsoever. The choreography wasn’t
>difficult to follow & the pace didn’t feel frantic once I
>could actually hear the cues. During the stretching section I
>could hear the background music on the vocals only setting.
>The ratio was a nice mix and definitely more enjoyable. I
>checked it on the regular setting and sure enough the music
>level was louder again.
>Sound problems aside, this workout was fun and the intensity
>was there throughout. I learned some similar moves in another
>pre-order & some familiar moves from the past that helped me
>in keeping up with this workout. But, don’t get wrong this is
>complex choreography. Amy arranged the moves together well to
>provide a nice challenge for advanced exercisers. Also, there
>is a preview chapter available on this DVD, which I partially
>viewed but didn’t use. I will definitely reach for this one
>again. The power up section was a nice addition- loved it.
>There is also a sampling of Slo-Mo.
>I enjoyed the music in this workout much more than in her
>Hi-Lo Dome. However, she gets a big raspberry for the sound
>problems. In time maybe I’ll be able to anticipate the cues,
>but I shouldn’t have to use the workout with the music off.
>(Did I miss the vocals only option on the Hi-Lo DVD?)
>I do like that the modifier was on the other side of Amy on
>this DVD, so she was more visible.
>The premixes seemed to have something for everyone. It was
>nice of Amy to include the circuit premixes, but I don’t see
>myself mixing this type of weight work with a hard thumping
>aerobic workout. It seemed like an odd pairing. However,
>like I said something for everybody.
>All in all, the workouts are good but I hope she fixes the
>sound on her next go ‘round.
It's perplexing, or should I say puzzleing, to me that some are having sound issues with ASC 11, I have used this workout 3 times now and have not noticed having any issues with it. I do notice that the music rocks and I want to step up my intensity, once I can get all these moves down, that is. Is it possible that sound issue is only on some DVDs? :)
I watched the video Friday night and did the workout (ASC2) Saturday. I thought it was a great step workout! I got most of the steps and those I didn't, I subbed and my heart rate stayed up there. Really, really liked this workout!

>It's perplexing, or should I say puzzleing, to me that some
>are having sound issues with ASC 11, I have used this workout
>3 times now and have not noticed having any issues with it. I
>do notice that the music rocks and I want to step up my
>intensity, once I can get all these moves down, that is. Is it
>possible that sound issue is only on some DVDs? :)

SIGH :( , I don't how or why this is happening. All I know is that once I turned off the music, Amy's voice came through clear as crystal. This just emphasized how poorly the music & vocals were mixed. I'm not giving up on these just yet.

I thought the music was loud (in a good way) on the step and weight workouts, without drowning out Amy's voice, but the mix in the Hi-Lo workout seems to be off: there are a few spots where I couldn't easily tell what she was saying.

How different people are 'hearing' them (ie step voice muffled, or not) may also depend on the audio set-up or balance one has.
"How different people are 'hearing' them (ie step voice muffled, or not) may also depend on the audio set-up or balance one has"

I definitely agree with that statement. I have watched these DVD's on three different t.v.'s and they all were excellent to me. I could hear the music as well as Amy's voice. There has to be something in the audio set that triggers some people having excellent reception and others not. I leave my settings the same all the time and have only had one series of workouts where there was an imbalance. That was the Hardcore videos where I could barely hear the music at all. Since then every video I've ordered from both Cathe and Amy have been perfect with my t.v. I didn't even have the sound problems with Body Max 2, Low Impact Circuit etc. Anyway, I've now done all 3 video's and I have to say for the cardio enthusiast these are basically must haves. The Hi-Lo definitely moves. You have to be ready to move quick on that one, but the amount of sweat pouring off of me was amazing. I sweated much harder and much quicker on that one that the other two. The music has a very driving beat, Amy cue's before the move (which makes it much easier to learn) and she teaches you what to do quite a few times so you can catch on. The warm-up moves really quick and I did have to watch that one very carefully but the actual combos are taught where you can pick them up easily. The step workout on the other hand had me sweating especially at Combo's 3 and 4 but took me longer to catch on to. The choreography is definitely complex, but not so much that I can't learn it. After doing it once and watching it again, I've alreay picked up much of what I was confused on. Now I'm excited to do it again. Once again the music is awesome, everything is cued to the music which makes it fun. Slo Mo so far has been great too. The leg portion was awesome. I definitely hit failure quickly. I haven't tried the two upper body ones yet but am doing them this week. The three videos will have a very prominent place in my library. I'm so glad I got them.

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