The new Bento DVDs arrived!

First Impressions of Hi-Lo Dome Challenge

I liked this workout, but not as much as I first thought based on the clip. A couple of the reasons I didn’t enjoy this workout more is based in the production.

Amy’s voice has a muffled sound and the volume of the music doesn’t help. I couldn’t tell if I even liked Amy’s cueing because I was focusing on watching the screen for my cues. The 3rd combo (I think), was the worst. The volume of the music seems to get louder &” I’ve got the beat” screeches over & over which really interferes with the cueing. I didn’t love or hate the music; it was just so so. But, as the workout went on the music began to be a bit much for me; too many toots and sirens. Even though the songs did change, they all began to sound the same. I think some songs just looped around to extend their play time. Still, the biggest problem with the music is that it interferes with the cueing and should have been fixed prior to distribution.

I didn’t care for the camera angles. It looked like the exercisers were crunched together and yet many times the modifier was cut out the camera shot. Personally, I don’t care for modifiers in aerobic workouts and would have preferred she stay out of sight. However, if she is going to be there, she should be seen. There were also many shots where feet and legs were cut off. Another thing I found annoying was the camera shots from the rafters (top) and the wings (sides). Lastly, the picture didn’t seem crisp (not enough to interfere with my workout) but I just didn’t expect it. This was probably more noticeable because I had to really look at the TV due to the fact that the music & vocals were mixed poorly.

I don’t know how often I’ll reach for this one. I might be spoiled by Christi. I haven’t found an instructor who makes me want to do Hi-Lo like Christi. I thought this was going to be the one, but I’m not so sure. I did enjoy the intensity but could have done without the jumping jacks. The choreography will grow on me the more I use the workout and maybe my ear will become accustomed to the muffled cues.

Bonus Dome section: This was fun to do- once, but I just don’t know that I would use it. It just isn’t enough of anything to fill a place in my rotation. My first thought was to use this section as part of a circuit workout, but the dome section is a single block and not chaptered. The triceps exercise reminded me of the fitness equivalent of the one man band.

The premixes freeze and could have been fixed before shipping.

The short comings don’t make this workout a bargain, but it was fair market value.

I viewed parts of Slo-Mo. After a quick glance, I was happier with what I saw. It didn’t remind me of S&H but more like the Hardcore Series weight workouts (in the feel of it). I saw some things that I liked. A bit different than what I expected, but I can’t fairly assess the workout until I see more. I do look forward to trying all three once before I put them away for a time.

I am glad that I tried this workout,

I just previewed Hi/lo so far and agree that the sound is bad. I will have trouble because I like to listen for cues, more than watch, so that will be difficult because the music drowns her out.

I thought the hi/lo was "turny" too for those that don't like it. It looks fun, and am starting a rotation that used both these and Cathe's new ones so should be a fun 6 weeks.
Good morning all!

I also watched ASC 2 last night - wow, this looks really good (won't know for sure until I do it). Fun and advanced. Looking forward to trying this, hope I like it as much as I think I might!

Have a great Saturday all!
>I did have a problem w/the sound though. Maybe it's my cheap
>TV but the music seemed SO much louder than her voice, which
>made the workout 10 times tougher for me. I could barely hear
>her cues--sometimes I couldn't hear them at all--so I never
>knew what was coming next & had to watch very carefully.

I fininshed previewing all the workouts, and I agree with you about the sound on the hi-lo. The music-to-voice ratio on that workout isn't ideal, and her voice seems more muffled than in the other two workouts. I noticed especially at least once during a crucial point (when she was cuing a new move) her voice was drowned out--and probably even more difficult to hear while actually doing the workout rather than previewing.
>Oh Kathryn, let me clarify...only the intervals are simple.
>The combo choreography I will have to learn...but it will be
>sooo worth it!!!

Oops! I misunderstood. But after previewing, I see! It does look like a fun workout.
I "got" the Slo-Mo one, it's sitting in the corner. I just have to wait till my birthday to actually get it though, lol. It's hard to be patient after reading all your reviews, it sounds like FUN!
First Impressions of Slo-Mo Strength Challenge

I liked this workout sooooo much after the first viewing that I couldn’t wait to try it out. I chose to let Slo-Mo jump the line in my rotation. However, I couldn’t decide which one to use first, so I used a total body premix.

I didn’t have any problems with the premix. There were good selections & variations to tried & true exercises and everything worked well together. I felt like I got a very good workout and Amy led this one well. I can see a lot of ways to use this DVD in my fitness routine. It is a big plus that the split is on one DVD. This one gets very high marks and I give it a triple thumbs up !!!. Best of all, this DVD is a very good bargain for what it offers. If you have a limited budget and you are looking for this type of workout, this is the ONE to get. In full disclosure, I did have some freezing issues but they did not disrupt the flow of the workout.

This just seems to be my year. First, the weight work in the 4 DS and now Slo-Mo. I love the pace in both workouts. It is strange but I felt like these two were made to work with each other. Hmmmmmmm…… I see a change in my rotation plans. For those that didn’t like the pace, recovery & amount of reps in Cathe’s 4 DS this may not be for you. OTOH, if you like less reps/sets & less rush give this split a try.

This one is a gem,

Hi Adina,

Warning- Don't read the next post. It'll just make things harder.

:) ,


ETA: Sorry Adina, this posted out of order
Jordan, I've been reading your reviews, both here and at VF, and I really appreciate your fair and unbiased critique. I've never done Amy's workouts but based on the description alone, I went ahead and pre-ordered Slo-Mo. I haven't had a chance to preview it yet, but after reading your review I can't wait to try it.
>Jordan, I've been reading your reviews, both here and at VF,
>and I really appreciate your fair and unbiased critique. I've
>never done Amy's workouts but based on the description alone,
>I went ahead and pre-ordered Slo-Mo. I haven't had a chance to
>preview it yet, but after reading your review I can't wait to
>try it.

I'm always ready and willing to enable :D . I really think that you are going to like this split. Did I say like... I mean LUV. But if you don't (you odd ball :7 he he) I'm sure you would have no trouble unloading it. The price for this split is a GREAT bargain even at full price.

Let us know what you think,

Are any of these DVD's sold in stores? If they are, do you think it would be awhile before they get them since they've just been released from the website? Thanks.

Anyone going to put a rotation together with these Bento DVDs? I also received the new Coffey-Meyer ones. So much to try. There are so many of you are so good at putting together rotations so if you have any ideas please post them.
Hi all,

I did all of Hi/Lo Dome Challenge and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The Hi/Lo was great with good choreography. I think once I really learn it, it will be a great calorie burn. At one point, the music was a little too loud, but I can get past that. I was able to hear her cue, and by the way, cuing was excellent. It was just good fun!

The dome workout was different, but I think has a place in my rotation. Since I don't DO ab work, the core engagement throughout the entire dome portion will be counted as core work for me. This could be a good finisher or warmup for an upper body workout or circuit workout.

Kathryn, I think you commented on how is she possibly making money. Another example of a good deal is yoga. Shiva sells a 2 dvd set plus a nice brochure for around $15, and the dvd has over 100 minutes of workout time, plus the matrix with excellent production quality. Maybe the question should be, how much money are others making?

>Are any of these DVD's sold in stores? If they are, do you
>think it would be awhile before they get them since they've
>just been released from the website? Thanks.
>Bam can't get them in stores.
Thanks so much for the info, Angela! I'll probably order from Collage because I don't know where else to get it. The thing is, I probably just can't order one DVD. Great, now my credit card will be busy again! :eek: :)

Thanks Lainie! I just checked out the website. Very detailed. I'm glad I have another option. I can't wait to get Slo-Mo. :7

Hi everyone

I just got home (10:30 pm) and saw that I received Amy Bento's DVD and the free music CD. I haven't viewed the workouts yet, but I really liked her music choices. I was spent, mentally and physically but just listening to the CD got me going again. I can't wait to workout.

>Hi Adina,
>Warning- Don't read the next post. It'll just make things
>:) ,
>ETA: Sorry Adina, this posted out of order

Doh! Too late I already read it.;) Great review Jordan, maybe if I beg I can get it early.}(

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