The new Bento DVDs arrived!


Can't wait to try them. Can't decide which first. I'll let y'all know what I tried & how I liked it tomorrow. ;)
Hey Laura! I've been wondering where you were today! I've done, um, pretty much nothing at work all day and have been posting like a mad woman. I'm so excited it's Halloween, I can't focus. I know, I'm so juvenile. I love holidays. I can't help it. Especially ones that involve ridiculous amounts of sugar....(can you tell I've had too much of it??.....)

Anyhoo, back to the topic of your thread:
Did you get Amy's new step w/o? If you did, let me know what you think of it once you try it. I'm poor as heck, but desperately want that dvd!! :p It looks so fun!

Hey Allison!

I got my Amys too and I ordered ASC2. I'll try and preview ASAP. I can't keep up with all my new workouts. From the clip, ASC2 looked a little more athletic than the first one but still complex and without too many turns. Of course, I only saw a 12 min. clip and not the whole workout. Overall, it looked good and I think I'll be impressed. I can't wait do do Slo Mo. I've heard great things about it and that there are lots of new, interesting moves.

OK, I tried the hi/lo dome this morning (minus the dome, time issues ya know). LOVED it! Lots of fun, tough choreo but not so tough that it frustrated me too much. Also very high intensity, which as you all know I love. :)

Allison, I've been working my butt off but will hopefully have time to post like a madwoman next week. ;-) Haven't tried the step yet, as you all know advanced step choreo scares me. :p
I did the Slo Mo legs this morning and loved the workout. My legs were shaking at the end. I really felt it in my glutes and hamstrings.

I can't wait to do this workout again!:)

I'm waiting impatiently for mine to arrive, though I've decided to do an "all-Kelley (Coffey-Meyer)" rotation for a week or two (using all 6 of her workouts), so I'll just be previewing them for now, and maybe doing an "all-Amy" rotation a bit later.

Good for you! I mean doing aa "all-Kelley" rotation. I really like her workouts. She has a ton of evergy and they are really fast paced. Would you mind telling me what the rotation will be?

I, also, have all six of her workouts. It would be interesting to do a total rotation of just her workouts.

I got all three of Amy's new DVD's. The step choreography is quite complex, but the move previw definitely helped me. I have only done half of her step one. I think I just got that one down!

I got Slo-Mo in the mail this afternoon and just previewed the leg work out and part of the back and shoulder work out. She has a lot of different moves in there that I've never seen before. Should make for a fun work out!

I can't wait to try it!}(
> Would you mind telling me what the
>rotation will be?

Hi, Cheryl!

I'm planning on cycling through the following workouts (and taking a day off mid-week if needed):
Day 1 (today!): Cardio/Sculpt Fitness
Day 2:Step-Boxing (the first one), using light weights on the weighted work
Day 3:NYC
Day 4: Get Ready, Step, Go!
Day 5:The Shape of Things to Come
Day 6: Cardio Kick Step-Boxing
Day 7: Off
I got the step one and the hi/lo one and previewed them whilst on the treadmill yesterday. They look really fun, especially the step one and I like the music.

It will take me a while to learn them, but that's okay.

I'm pretty new to Amy Bento. I ordered her bootcamp from deep discount. It was okay. These ones look much, much better.

I've previewed and skimmed through them all. I have not done them yet but my first preview impression is WOW!

First impressions:
Overall, this will be a much used, versitile series! The music to voice ratio is absolutely perfect in my opnion. I feel Amy's voice volume is just slightly lower than the music volume, which I love. Amy's personality shines in this series. Of course, I don't know Amy personally, but if I was going to guess about her personality from this series, I would say she is easy going and a ton of fun! Also, very, very talented and an instructor who has found her knack! I feel she listens to her customers and makes many of them happy while staying true to her style/mode of exercise/expertise. She delievers everything she promised with the Challenge Series. I recognize a lot of the tunes used from Cathe, Tracey Staehle, and some of Amy's other workouts, but the tunes change constantly, so it's not one tune used ad nauseum throughout half a routine. The volume and sound of the music is tinny sound, no parts of the workout where Amy is screaming loudly. She gets excited at various points of the workout where you can tell she's really enjoying the song or a particular segment and I love the way her personality shines through. Amy is having a good time and it shows through!

ASC II - fun, fresh choreography that never stops! I love the way the choreography and the music go together. Amy is bouncy in ASC II and I can't wait to bounce right along with her! I cannot wait to learn this one and for the first time I can get through it without a mess up. I will have to make myself NOT do it everyday!!! Without even doning it yet, I KNOW this will be my favorite cardio workout of all time!!!! Amy doesn't even say it in this series, but I say WOO HOO!!! Also, I love that Amy puts all the combo's together at the end of the workout. The power up section looks WAY fun!!! One I may do a few times after a weight workout for a quick cardio burst!

Hi/Lo - again, fast, fresh, fun choreography. The intervals are very simple and it will be much needed break for the mind but not for the body!!! Again, I can't wait to learn this and for the first time I can do it like a pro!!! There are some fun combinations and again, you can tell Amy is having fun and is doing what she does best!

Dome - looks FAB!!! Very fun and unique work on the bosu. I believe I will be able to sub my 8lb. med ball for the woody bag without any problems.

Slow Mo - is going to be GRAND!!! Amy really goes about as heavy as one can go at home for the legs without a lot of extra equipment. The exercises are innovative and while some may take practice to get the form down, they are not unsafe in my opinion. Each exercise (most of them except for some of the band exercises) are done for 3 sets with a 4 down 4 up count, switching to a 6 down, hold 2, 6 up, hold 2....very nice. When people used to complain about a very popular instructor producing the same old, same old, I used to answer with how many ways can one lift a db? Well, after Amy's Challenge series and even APX, there ARE more ways to lift a db. Some will complain that Amy is doing different for the sake of being different. Some may complain that the moves are unsafe. But, Amy has shown there ARE many ways to lift a db/bb and she shows us. I would rather be able to modify a move to the same old, same old if need be (I won't be doing that) than to have the same old, same old with no options for variety.

Overall, Amy has delievered fresh, fun, somewhat complex, innovative, fun workouts that will kick our rear ends!

I will be coming up with a rotation that will include other cardio until I can get the hi/lo and step routines down. I can't wait to start using Slow Mo. Oh, the free CD is so fun! I will be playing this when I clean house. I was dancing around my kitchen while cooking dinner last night to the free CD. I especially loved that a short little remix of Natasha Beddingfield's Unwritten was thrown in fun! There will be a learning curve for me with the hi/lo and step routine but I LOVE that, b/c it prevents me from getting board and they will be sooooo worth learning!!!

Two thumbs wAY up...if I had more thumbs, they would be up too!!!!!

Angela:7 :7 :7 :7
I just got mine yesterday!

So far, I've previewed the step workout (and except for the 'Power Up" segment, which I LOVE, the choreo is too turny for my tastes. I thought it might be, but the talk of how well cued it was and not hard to follow made me hope differently--though I don't regret ordering all three DVD's: the price can't be beat, and I like to give Amy business).

I'm just now previewing the Slo-Mo workouts, and I agree with Angela: they look awesome! And the premix selections are fab as well: three full-body workouts that don't repeat the same moves, some splits, all seem very well thought out (though I haven't previewed them at all to see if they go together smoothly, and am just basing this on their description).

And Amy even included a weight chart to show what exercises are done and what weight she uses, with space for us to write in our weight selections and notes. I thought that was a very thoughtful bonus.

I haven't previewed the hi-lo yet, but from what Angela says (about the simple moves) I think I'll like it. I enjoy Amy's first hi-lo workout, and think she fills the 'intense-and-interesting-but-not-dancy hi-lo' niche very well.

I also like the music I've heard so far. Mostly instrumentals with a good beat, but not too 'techy/electronic' (which is one thing I dislike about Cathe's music in the last 2 series: sounds too much like it was created by someone at home on a synthesizer, with no real instruments at all, which is probably the case with Amy's music as well, but it doesn't have that eletronic/tinny sound to it).

I think Amy gets better and better with every series. I really like her teaching style and personality and energy.

I'll definitely preorder pretty much anything she comes out with in the future (except for step!).

The only concern I have is: is Amy making any money? LOL! The great workouts, the great music, the free CD for those who preordered...all for a very reasonable price (especially on the Slo-Mo DVD, which has three full-length workouts--plus bonus abs and quite a few premixes. Even the non-presale price is amazing on this one!)
I only ordered the 2 cardio DVDs (& plan on doing the hi/lo again tomorrow WITH the dome! :) ) but I'm really loving Amy's workouts. She's the only instructor I've found so far that exceeds Cathe's intensity level.

I did have a problem w/the sound though. Maybe it's my cheap TV but the music seemed SO much louder than her voice, which made the workout 10 times tougher for me. I could barely hear her cues--sometimes I couldn't hear them at all--so I never knew what was coming next & had to watch very carefully. Needless to say I left out most of the turning moves this time through b/c I was too afraid to take my eyes off her. :+ Of course this won't be a problem once I know the workout better, but it was a little frustrating the first time through.

Maybe tomorrow I'll try it without the music, although the very idea makes me shudder.
Oh Kathryn, let me clarify...only the intervals are simple. The combo choreography I will have to learn...but it will be sooo worth it!!!
Tee hee...
I love the music to voice ratio in Amy's Challenge Series. I find her voice just loud enough. When I know the workouts, I want to crank it up and let the music motivate me. I DO have an awesome sound system though that my hubby hooked up for me last Christmas!
I got ASC2 today and tried it through combo 4. I just went straight through the workout without realizing that she previews the moves on another section of the DVD. Some of the choreography is tricky with all the turns, etc. but I will do much better after I preview it next time! LOL No wonder...I was suprised that she wasn't breaking it down better!

It was a lot of fun, and the intensity will probably increase a little once I master the steps. I'll be able to better judge the workout once I'm up to speed! But the music and moves were interesting and keep you on your toes!
I only ordered Slo Mo and love it so far. I've done the legs, core, back & shoulders and part of the chest work. I have major DOMS from the leg workout and I rarely get sore. I wasn't crazy about the core work, but am thrilled with the rest of the workout. :)

ETA - I didn't even realize that I already posted to this thread. I guess this is an update on my first post!


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