The Naked Cowboy


I thought we needed a light thread after reading the money woes, which I can relate too!!! I have been down on my income lately but keep my trust in the Lord that he will provide.

Anyway in the October issue of fitness magazine there is a short story on The Naked Cowboy. (pg 16) Anyone heard of him before or actually live in NYC & seen him. Interesting. Takes alot of coconuts to walk around in your skivvies!!

Hi Tami,

I live in NYC and everytime I'm in the Times Square area I see him posing with tourists taking pictures. He's been doing this for years; makes a good living. I've seen him close-up and he's in pretty good shape.

I heard about him when he sued M&M because they came out with a Blue M&M that wears a cowboy hat and sings. Don't know if he won or not.

DD lives in Manhattan and works in Times Square. She has seen him quite often. We are going in two weeks. perhaps we will get a glimpse?
Viki ~

Good question someone else asked, What does he do in the winter? Do people just give him $$ in a hat? Interesting...

Judy ~

If you do see him I would love to have you post a picture of him.
Oh my word!!! He's even out there in the winter?!? That must do a bit of damage. I could only look a few minutes, the music was annoying!!
Only in America can you make a living in your undies!! Maybe he should run for president? LOL :rolleyes:
He's not really naked (wears white jockey shorts); but when he holds the guitar in front of him - he appears to be naked except for the cowboy hat and boots.
Ah yes! He's pretty much a fixture now in Times Square. He's gotten a ton of publicity over the years; I think he's even incorporated, has his own website (Google "naked cowboy"). Etc etc. I think he's even done cameos in a few movies.

I go to New York often for work or to see family, I've seen him a few times, cavorting happily for the tourists in his skivvies!:p

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