the "Look" of a lower body fat %

RE: More Pictures

> I feel like I am an attainable body fat percentage
>and I do not diet, I eat everything in moderation and I do
>love candy. I try to eat healthy, but enjoy life too.

Beverly! That's how I feel about diets too. I've had good results just eating in moderation. If I deprive myself of anything, it just backfires on me every time. Eating in moderation works the best for me. When I go out to eat, I usually get whatever I want on the menu and just eat half of what is on the plate. :) Sometimes, I'll just order a healthy salad or something, but if I'm in the mood for something else, I get it.

I love candy too!! Jelly Bellies are my favorite!!!

RE: More Pictures


WD, it is funny you mentioned cheese cake. I bought some philly cheese snack size cakes (turtle) when I went shopping the other day. I only had one though, so far. If I have a sweet craving I like licorice or gummy candy also.

Dani, you sound about like me when I go out to eat. Lots of times it is a salad, but sometimes I gotta have the fried shrimp or linguinni (sp).

For those of you who asked about the lower body freestyle training. It is basically where you work your legs up to six times a week. I have never been able to get legs in that many times a week, but I did notice a change with the 4 times a week I work them now compared to the 1 or 2 times like I used too. This training is more for the pear shaped figure.

Have a great day!!

RE: More Pictures

Ugggh. Working legs six times per week would be my worst nightmare. And totally not doable for me!!Good Luck!:)

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