the "Look" of a lower body fat %


Hi guys...I hope I express myself right on this.

I recently purchased a set of calipers and discovered my bodyfat is 22%, about what I thouhgt...which I think is more helpful than just using the scale...I am a very small framed, somewhat tall person and I don't weigh very much, the low end of "normal" for my height, but still notice I have a lot of flab....well some....and although my muscles are coming along nicely they don't have a ton of definition. At least, not what Cathe has or really not even close.

My question is...I plan on reducing my bodyfat percentage (plus adding some muscle because I really don't want the scale to go down any more than it has), maybe to 15 percent or so....have any of you experienced this level of body fat percentage and what was the look that you had? Did you have some good muscle definition? Did you feel good and like the way you looked?

I am in general happy with my figure but want to take it to the next level.
Thanks !

Hi Jen,

I've never been as low as 15%, but I am fairly sure that this will result in a very athletic physique. I believe about 18-24% is the range recommended for women. If you drop to 15%, you will have definition because there will be little fat covering your muscles. Do you mind if I ask why you are aiming for 15% specifically?

RE: the

Hi Jen, the lowest I've gotten is 18% and the veins on my arms were so visible, my abs were at their best, my back was very defined, and my legs were at their least jiggliest (I store most of my body fat THERE).

I liked my body with that much fat and didn't want for it to go down any further. Right now I'm probably back at 20. I haven't measured because I know I'll only be depressed and lose my motivation, but just by pinching my tummy and seeing how much I get to pinch, I know I have more body fat than before. I try to not obssess over it since I can still fit in my clothes. Life has been full of challenges lately and my eating has been affected. My fitness routine, however, goes on, so I know it's my diet I have to tweak.

Don't you think 15% is a bit low? I think that's a couple of percentage points higher than a gymnast's. Taking a percentage point off your body fat level can be a lot of work, and you don't get to choose where it comes off since the order in which we lose body fat is genetic. Try losing a percentage point at a time and see how you like the way you look. More important, gauge how you feel. You might find out you don't have to go that low. Hope this helps.

RE: the

Thanks Gina & Pinky. I pretty much plucked 15 percent out of the air, as a potential goal, knowing for sure anything lower is not healthy (read it somewhere, don't remember where) and it is quite probable I don't need to go that low, you are both right. That is one of the reasons I posted the question. Based on what you are saying I may shoot for 18 (just as a goal) and see how things look along the way, and see where I want to maintain, it may be even higher than the 18.

Isn't it frustrating that some areas could look almost too lean and other parts still be "jiggly"? :) Most of my extra fat is around my waist, I'd like to be able to see more ab muscle. Plus I think I just need more muscle on my body, period, that might help things, aesthetically.

Thanks for the feedback.
RE: the

Hi Jen,

I have been at 18%, at 19% right now. I feel that the the muscle definition comes out when you are in the teen percentages. I think some people would look great at 15%. It all depends where the fat is distributed. If it is evenly, then usually 15-17% looks good.
Just my thoughts and opinions on body fat.

Have a great day!!

RE: the

I was hydrostatically measured at 11.5% right out of high school. I was a cardio freak and literally that is all I did. BUT, I looked like I lifted serious weights, but did have that overall anorexic look, but my muscles were defined. Atleast when I show people those pics, they say, "look at those arms!", but the truth is I did not lift a weight at all then. If you sucked that much fat off me now I would look REALLY scary. Currently, I am around 20-22%. I weigh 35 pounds more than I did then!! Some muscle, some fat, but a whole lot healthier!!!

I think 18% is great for overall fitness. Anything lower and your life will be devoted to being thin......
RE: the

When I was aroung age 25 I was measured at 13-15% and I loved the way I looked then. I did not look skinny at all. I'm very short at only 5', weighed probably around 108 at the time, and wore a junior size 3/5. I also looked as if I lifted heavy weights and had many comments from friends and coworkers wondering if I was into bodybuilding when, in fact, all I did were indurance weight workouts. I never lifted heavy at all. I'm have actually started back on the indurance workouts this week to see how it will work for me now, age 41. The guy who measured my body fat told me I should not get any lower as I would not look good. He said 15% is the lowest a woman should go unless she is a bodybuilder/athlete.
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I went to a company sponsored health fair. A guy from one of local gym measured my fat and he was so shocked how low I was. It was 14.7%. I do not belive this is accurate. I am firm but do not have any definations. I am 5.2 39 years old and weighed 100 lbs at that time. I know this is too low but I still have lots fats in the middle. He used a small machine that you type in the age, weight and hold the machine with two hands for couple second. It beeps and show you the %. I am not sure the name. He said the machine is pretty accurate. I was wearing size 0 to 3 in jeans.
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This is very good information from everyone. Probably everyone is pretty different depending on where their body puts their fat. Beverly I think you look great in your fitness pictures, I am assuming you are at 18 % or 19% in those.

Babybird, I have not had my bodyfat done that way, it reminds me of the Tanita scales, I think it is impedance (sp?) testing, which when I research it on the web, they say it is the most accurate but there have been many folks on the board as I recall that own the Tanita scales (the ones you stand on barefoot I guess) that were all over the board and inaccurate they said. So...who knows?
RE: the

I'm currently 13-14% bodyfat. I was tested in December at 14.3% by a personal trainer with calipers but feel even leaner now. I may have it retested soon.

I feel wonderful and healthy at this bodyfat level. I don't "live to be thin" but eat an average of 1600-2000 calories a day. I'm 5'5" tall and currently weigh about 118 lbs. My bodyfat in the Pro Pics was 15.1% and as you can tell, I'm not skin and bones...LOL!

Here's a link to my fitness photo album. :)

Kathy G
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I personally beleive that the mirror is a tell all. I do not want to lose weight at this point. Just eat right add more heavy weights and good "calories" and I am sure you will do fine. I have never had my body fat done. I have had doctors say I had low body fat because of all of my definition and veins showing. I wouldn't stress over body fat measurements. Most are not completely accurate anyway. If I remember right Hydrostatic testing is the most accurate.
Diane Sue
Kathy G and Beverly!

WOW!!!! Kathy G your pics are AWESOME!!!

Beverly! Your pics are AWESOME TOO!!!

You guys look great!
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You guys both look great! I am not going to stress over a number of course, but I do think body fat percentages can be helpful to someone to help analyze what they might want to fix in order to look a certain way. Particularly to analytical types like myself! Grin!
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I got down to 9% bodyfat when doing the Body for Life Challenge 3 years ago. I looked pretty muscular but not "skinny lean". I placed in the top 6% and received a medal. I will have to post pics. Right now I am at 16-18% bodyfat. I workout to Cathe and run. I do the Weight Watchers Wendy Plan for maintenance (120lbs., 5'3, 43 years old).

I look muscular but more feminine. I like this look much better and I feel I look better in clothes. The only think I have to say getting that low with bodyfat is that I was in "0" size clothes. Now I am back to perfect 2 and some 3's. I still like myself better now!

When I trained for the Marathon my bodyfat went upto 20%. I talked to athletic trainers and was told this is common with runners. Less muscle (elongated). My shaped settled to a "hippy" look (not good for a 5'3 woman). My butt also started to look saggy because I could not keep muscle (to fill out).

Now my rotation is:

Mon: PS B&B, Bodymax (Cardio and Powercircuits w/walking lunges instead of lifting for legs)

Tues: IMAX 1 or 2

Wed: PS C,S,Tri's, Bodymax (Cardio and Powercircuits w/walking lunges instead of lifting for legs)

Thurs: KP&C w/Standing Legs

Fri: StepBlast or other Cardio (run, etc for 50-60 min.)

Sat: Bootcamp

Sun: Off

My body looks leaner and I feel great. I will get pics on soon!
RE: the

Yeah, hydrostatic weighing (with water) is the gold standard of body fat testing. I would not be suprised if the internet cited bioelectrical impedence as the most accurate out of the less expensive methods. Here in Az, you can get you BF hydro measured for $40. Hydro measures me now at 20-22 and my Tanita scale measures around 28-30.

Like Diane Sue said, the mirror tells all. If you are in the teens in BF%, you should look defined. But remember, you can still be healthy in the 20's, you just won't be as "cut" (like Diane Sue).

Beverly is a great example of a body fat % that is attainable AND realistic with hard work and determination. I could look like Diane Sue, as I have a looonnnngg time ago, but I don't think I would have the motivation to maintain the changes in my lifestyle that would be necessary to stay that lean. That is just me.
More Pictures

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the compliments.

Janice, yes I feel like I am an attainable body fat percentage and I do not diet, I eat everything in moderation and I do love candy. I try to eat healthy, but enjoy life too.

I put some recent pics up. July 2004 fitness album. I tested my bodyfat with the handheld impedence and it was 18.7%, and that is what I am at in the pictures. I have been lower body/ freestyle training and I actually put a rear view picture.. I do not usually do that.

Have a great day ladies!

RE: More Pictures

Wow, Bev! Your pictures are awesome. I want your abs! Heck I'll just take your whole body :) Could you elaborate a little on your workout routine? Diet? Thanks!
RE: More Pictures

Beverly ,
I love candy too. My DH was at the store today for a sale and came back with two bags of caramels. He knows how much I love them. The only thing is I made Cheesecake for my daughters birthday and was left with half of one. I really enjoyed the cheesecake. I am hoping the Grandchildren will want to share.:) I like gummy candys although I try and stay away from sugars. I can be good sometimes
Diane Sue

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