I must be the last of a dying breed, but I still like plain old coffee. It seems everywhere I go someone has a Starbucks latte of some sort. I know I'm a simple gal, but what's with this fixation of enormous coffee drinks? I still like my Maxwell French Roast coffee with a splash of cream. I have never even stepped foot into Starbucks, so I don't know how much people pay for these drinks. I go to the grocery store and people have their coffee drinks, which I find greatly slows down their shopping time and cart manuevering. Work, social events, meetings, driving, you name it, I guarantee someone has a "latte" of some sort. My girlfriends like to go for coffee on Sundays (while our kids are in Sunday school) and order these fancy coffee drinks. They look at me like I'm some bore with my regular coffee. Once in awhile, on holidays, I'll put some flavored cream in my coffee, woopee!!, but I think a true coffee drinker is part of a dying breed. Anyone relate or am I not hip enough these days?