The Firm Sculpting System?


Has anyone bought the Firm Sculpting System. That infomercial makes me want to get it, but it's expensive.

I have a few Firm videos which I enjoy (although I don't do them nearly as much as Cathe!).

Basically, I'd like to know if anyone's had success w/ The Firm? (I know it's tough to tell since most of us do Cathe too, which we know works)

And is the Firm system worth it? Or is just an overpriced gimmick?

Thanks for ANY opinions!
Yes people do get good results from the kit. But they tend to be starting out with exercise, or restarting. And it wa nice to see new Firms out there for those of us who really like the Firm.
I have the kit. I bought it on same at Collage back in Jan. It's a nice set. I traded Body Sculpt, and hardly use Ab Scuplt. Cardio Sculpt is a nice workout.
Since you don't use the Firm tapes you have very much now, don't waste your money. You won't use these. I don't use them as much as I do the older Firms.
I do the Firm quite a bit, but my results have slacked off, so they will be shelved with Cathe and CIA come back into the dvd/vcr much more.
ANd if you decide to get the kit, do NOT get it from the Firm's website. Goodtimes is not a good company. They have been known to keep your credit card number and using it to send you junk you didn't order. Get it from Collage video. They are a very reputable company.
But, I'd say save your money for the Cathe video. My order form got printed out a few min ago, and will be mailed off tomorrow!!!
I started out with the Firm Body Sculpting kit in early june and I've pretty moved on to Cathe now. I've traded all of the videos but I love the Fanny Lifter (hate the name though). It's not a gimmick. How could it be, really? We know that cardio and weight training isn't a gimmick and that's what the Firm is. They push the fanny lifter as if it's a gimmick but Cathe wouldn't do step ups if there wasn't a benefit from them. But with that said, however, they are not geared towards advanced exercisers. IMHO, Cardio Sculpt is beginner/intermediate and Body Sculpt is intermediate and Ab Sculpt is beginner. I wouldn't buy the kit now but I'm glad I bought it when I did because I wouldn't be where I am today had I not started with the Firm.

But I think the kit is great for beginners. It got me to the level where I could do advanced tapes. But I don't think that the kit by itself provides enough cardio for significant weight loss.
Thanks for the info! I don't think I should get the system. I previewed one of the videos on and it looked easy (and kinda boring). So I think you guys are right- it's more for beginner/intermediate, and although it can be a good workout, I think I'll just get Cathe's new collection.

At least I'll save $80 or however much it is!
Hi All,
I bought the firm infomercial kit about 3 weeks ago,
For the record I am a beginner in the sense I've never used
any form of aerobic tapes before,however I do cardio
at the gym 3x's a wk on an eliptical machine that simulates
running. Im happy with the system, I have seen results from
combining both the fanny lifter and gym. I am loving this.
I am overweight (still) and Im trimming down nicley but
not as fast as I want. I also incorporate tae bo (get ripped bas)
into my workout at least 2x's a wk but get winded at 15 mins.
Im looking into purchasing cathe's mis but im skeptical
since I can hardly keep up with tae bo. Any suggestions on what
Cathe tape would be appropiate for me. I do not own a barbell
and don't want to purchase one either I do however have in my
collection 3,5,8 & 10lb weights. My goal is to lose weight
while toning/building nice muscle definition without bulking.
My legs bulk easily which is not what I want and my arms have
there fair share of fat. All comments and suggestions are welcome.
I'm new to Cathy but I had to respond to this one. I bought the Firm system before I tried any Cathy tapes. I found them not very challenging. Also, after a few weeks my knees hurt and I have never had knee trouble before. I think the Cathy tapes are much more effective. I use MIC, MIS, and BM.
Hope this helps,
I got the system and tried them out this week. I have been dealing with plantar fasciitis and have had to lower my impact. I am frankly disappointed. They are very good tapes but the strength training moves too quickly to get in any heavy weight training and the cardio isn't intense enough! I am giving mine to my sister who is a Firmie! They can't compare to Cathe at all!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
Hi! I'm new to this forum. Where do you trade videos? I have the Firm Sculpting Kit as well as other Firm Videos I would love to trade for some Cathe videos.
You might want to try the swapmeet on the ya ya's site (do a search on firm ya yas) or the exchange board on
Not worth anything. It is awful and if you are a seasoned Cathe enthusiast, you will be disappointed!

Now if you want to see a great video from the Firm, try the Prime Power series. These are seriously misnamed. Prime Power to me implies "Dancing Grannies" but those videos are wicked. I LOVE the Up and Down video --

They are a great compliment to Cathe.

Check them out is the URL I think. Add the 4 lb. medicine ball and watch out!

I love the theory of non dominant training as well.

So forget the infomercial stuff -- go for the Firm's Prime Power -- especially if you are in great shape!
Not worth anything. It is awful and if you are a seasoned Cathe enthusiast, you will be disappointed!

Now if you want to see a great video from the Firm, try the Prime Power series. These are seriously misnamed. Prime Power to me implies "Dancing Grannies" but those videos are wicked. I LOVE the Up and Down video --

They are a great compliment to Cathe.

Check them out is the URL I think. Add the 4 lb. medicine ball and watch out!

I love the theory of non dominant training as well.

So forget the infomercial stuff -- go for the Firm's Prime Power -- especially if you are in great shape!
I think you're talking about FitPrime instead of PrimePower. And I would disagree that the infomercial tapes are "awful." They're certainly not geared towards advanced exercisers but I think they are a very good introduction to strength training for novices. I started with the infomercial kit in early summer and now I use mostly Cathe. I wouldn't be where I am today without those tapes as an introduction. Had I started with Cathe, I probably would have become discouraged and given up.
Amy, JenniferAnn is right, it isn't Prime Power, it is called Fitprime, and here is the website :
The "Prime Power" videos were part of the FIRM, those videos were not widely available, only Lower Body Shaping w/Kim Bartlett was available retail. Prime Power Fat Burning was only available through FIRMDIRECT and (a video defect that is a long story, sold in a upper body case..long story!)

Fitprime is more geared to people "in the prime of their life"..

I would have to say that if you are already at a Cathe level, don't bother with the new FIRMS...waaay too easy for someone who is already at a Cathe level (and fairly boring IMHO)
If you like some of the older FIRMS, you should get some more of those, I have got GREAT results combining FIRM and Cathe!
Please save your money and forget the new firm sculpting series!I really regret getting them. I used to do the firm religiously for 10 years and the new ones are not as good as the older ones. But now that I have found cathe's tapes the firm are obsolete. If I were you I'd forget the firm and buy some more Cathe tapes. I have had the best results using Cathe's tapes then I ever had of 10 years of the firm. I hope this helped.
They are terrible. Don't waste your money. Too easy if you do Cathe on a regular basis.

If you want a Firm that WORKS and is challenging, check out the Firm's Fit Prime Series. I did Up and Down last night and I though I would die.......yet, I can get through Body Max with no trouble.....

I think the site's URL is

Those on the infomercials are pathetic -- they are for beginner to early intermediate level. Ugly sets too!
I stand corrected! It IS Fit Prime. Those videos are great!

The informercial ones are NOT for advanced exercisers who at Cathe level.

I have followed the Firm since the beginning and must say these are the worst videos they ever have done.

I was completely disgusted with the direction the Firm was going until a friend gave me a copy of Fit Prime.

WOW! Up and Down will kill you! I also love the non dominant traiing techniques and the one instructor format.

The sets are lovely too!
I stand corrected! It IS Fit Prime. Those videos are great!

The informercial ones are NOT for advanced exercisers who at Cathe level.

I have followed the Firm since the beginning and must say these are the worst videos they ever have done.

I was completely disgusted with the direction the Firm was going until a friend gave me a copy of Fit Prime.

WOW! Up and Down will kill you! I also love the non dominant training techniques and the one instructor format.

The sets are lovely too!

But to each their own -- if you like them, you certainly have your right to your opinion. I just do not like the music, set, or the instructors.....
I stand corrected! It IS Fit Prime. Those videos are great!

The informercial ones are NOT for advanced exercisers who at Cathe level.

I have followed the Firm since the beginning and must say these are the worst videos they ever have done.

I was completely disgusted with the direction the Firm was going until a friend gave me a copy of Fit Prime.

WOW! Up and Down will kill you! I also love the non dominant training techniques and the one instructor format.

The sets are lovely too!

But to each their own -- if you like the infomercial videos, you certainly have your right to your opinion.

I am keeping mine just in case I would ever get sick or have to have surgery and would need to ease back into working out. They are not without value, they are just too easy for me at my current fitness level!
No, Prime Power was another series with the jungle scene. I sold mine on Ebay years ago.

The ones I am talking about are brand new and more are being filmed.

The instructors are Tracie Long, Carissa Foster, and Jac Coppleston!

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