The Dumbest “Ask Cathe” Ever?


I’ve been getting the newsletter for years and the articles are always articulate, sensible, knowledgeable, succinct, professional, and full of insight — they also cite sources at the bottom. In the newsletter, it says “by Cathe”.

Super dumb question, okay? But here goes: Are they actually written by Cathe? I just assumed “Cathe” was a “staff writer” kind of thing (like the webmaster or the business strategist does that; Cathe’s probably too busy).

Whatever the case may be, whomever is putting the health articles together for the newsletter knows their stuff (please let it be Cathe; please let it be Cathe; please let it be Cathe). I always come away with a new nugget *and* the reassurance that I sort of know my way around exercise and nutrition. There aren‘t any fads promoted; everything passes “the smell test”, and — again — there are sources at the bottom to prove out the assertions.

Cathe may have missed her calling as an author, y’all. Because I would LOVE a book about her life and career. Especially if it is as well-written as the newsletters always are.

I’d love for Cathe to publish a e-book for fitness nutrition. And write it from her perspective of being a businesswoman and mom and how to eat clean and healthy in real life. Like what are some of her favorite go to recipes/meals that she prepares on a regular basis. What her grocery list looks like (lots of Egglands Best for sure!). And some restaurant/fast food items that get her stamp of approval. I have several Beachbody programs and the included meal plans are not designed for busy people who don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen and buy special high price ingredients to use only a few times. Throw in some beauty and fashion tips too. I’d be first in line to buy something like that.
I've thought for years that Cathe should do a book on a variety of exercises (like a body builders compendium) for the home exercise enthusiasts with form tips and variations to make them easier or more challenging. It could have sample splits based on one's goals. She could include a chapter on nutrition and beauty tips. She could write a forward that includes the people who helped inspire her in the field of fitness & how/why she gravitated to this field, how she grew her brand & history of
I honestly am in awe of how someone can maintain such a level of excellence for 35 years and still deliver such a quality product that sells. That’s HUGE. Nobody does that. Most content creators — if they even reach the “hot selling” level — don’t stay there long. Maybe 6 months to a year, if that. It boggles the mind how you stay ahead of the game well enough to ride out market demand and emerging trends for three decades. That’s some major talent.

Added to that, I truly, truly do not envy fitness leaders whose entire career is built on their performance and their appearance. They can’t age, gain weight, get injured or out of shape, they have to stay camera ready out of season, they have to maintain a positive public persona all the time. An entire business empire is built around them. People are employed because of them. Families’ livelihoods depend on whether they take their career seriously. My head would explode. I would absolutely crumble under that kind of pressure.

I love that we get “studio Cathe” (polished and tan and made up) as well as “live Cathe” (who shows up to class like, “Hey! Yep, I’m a normal human!”). She’s had two babies, injuries and surgeries, she runs her business, still teaches classes at her gym and just makes it all work.

That sound you don’t hear is me: speechless (which never happens).

CATHE: For real, though: MEMOIR.
I honestly am in awe of how someone can maintain such a level of excellence for 35 years and still deliver such a quality product that sells. That’s HUGE. Nobody does that. Most content creators — if they even reach the “hot selling” level — don’t stay there long. Maybe 6 months to a year, if that. It boggles the mind how you stay ahead of the game well enough to ride out market demand and emerging trends for three decades. That’s some major talent.

Added to that, I truly, truly do not envy fitness leaders whose entire career is built on their performance and their appearance. They can’t age, gain weight, get injured or out of shape, they have to stay camera ready out of season, they have to maintain a positive public persona all the time. An entire business empire is built around them. People are employed because of them. Families’ livelihoods depend on whether they take their career seriously. My head would explode. I would absolutely crumble under that kind of pressure.

I love that we get “studio Cathe” (polished and tan and made up) as well as “live Cathe” (who shows up to class like, “Hey! Yep, I’m a normal human!”). She’s had two babies, injuries and surgeries, she runs her business, still teaches classes at her gym and just makes it all work.

That sound you don’t hear is me: speechless (which never happens).

CATHE: For real, though: MEMOIR.
And then a movie deal!!!!
I've always assumed the articles were done by staff members. We know Cathe is a total star and we love her but we also know she has a crew behind her. I've always thought she is probably an excellent driving force but I'm sure that there are many other people behind the scenes who are dedicated to the excellence we all enjoy and are privileged to be a part of.

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