the dreaded work fridge


ok so i came back from shopping at lunch, ready to eat my salad which i have been looking forward to all day. lo and behold, someone threw out my salad dressing from the work fridge!!!! i had my name on it and just recently bought it, so why throw it out?! meanwhile there is something growing arms in a container on the 3rd shelf that no one touched since i started working here 2 years ago. GRRR!!!
It's against OSHA regulations at least in our state. If it is a community fridge than it is supposed to be emptied each night including condiments.
We have a small fridge in our work area for the 12 of us. Some people bring in a gallon of milk for the whole week. one person brought in like 5 or 6 microwavalbe dinners-like healty choice and put them in the freezer. Well thats' fine except if everyone did that then there would be no room.
lol.. i avoid our work fridge at all costs. i bring a cooler with me every day which i keep under my desk.
At the last job I had someone was opening lunches that were in the fridge and taking bites out of people's sandwiches and left over souvlakis. How gross is that? I always kept my lunch kit at my desk, food poisoning be damned.
I have a mini fridge in my office - no need for the dreaded work fridge - although ours is pretty clean. For me it's the kitchen - we're a start up and someone suddenly decided we all needed more sugar in our diets and we have BAGS of those little candy bars - every flavor known to man. All it takes is one, and I can manage to justify 10 - until I eat them and feel miserable!
I have experience all this stuff and more.

First of all I personally believe it is stealing to take something that doesn't belong to you and at one place I worked we constantly had a person taking someone elses soda or water. Which I would be more lenient if they replaced what they took.

Meliffy, I probably would think that it is more likely that they used your salad dressing than threw it out. At one place I worked the fridge would get cleaned out every Friday night but most places I have worked it hasn't been that way and things would get left for months and months. I have definately been there and I sympathize.
our fridge gets emptied every night.people do not clean up after using the micro.our hr has left a note that if its not cleaned it will be taken away.

At the last job I had someone was opening lunches that were in the fridge and taking bites out of people's sandwiches and left over souvlakis. How gross is that? I always kept my lunch kit at my desk, food poisoning be damned.

Well, at our office, if you have anything in the fridge with a lid, check for finger dip prints before you use/eat it! One of our attorneys, likes to use his finger to eat with and double dip!!! :p:p:p

meanwhile there is something growing arms in a container on the 3rd shelf that no one touched since i started working here 2 years ago. GRRR!!!

So maybe the newly grown arms threw it out.

With ours, I now label and date everything I put in there. I'm hoping to reduce what gets thrown out or at least maybe they will ask me before they do it.
The bites and the finger dips are just wrong!!! Almost wants to make you booby trap the fridge with some nasty concoction left for the masked finger dipper ;)

In our work fridge there was often a help yourself mentality. I put smoked salmon in the fridge only to find my boss serving it to the company with the bagels she purchased. Ummm, that was my lunch. And the other time I turned the corner into the kichen area to find my coworker munching on my honeydew melon, happily scooping with a smile. Apparently she had brought in an identical melon 2 weeks before and she thought that was it. No, that would be the furball on the 3rd shelf next to the open yogurt with the green hue. :p
At my workplace, no one would even think about stealing someone else's stuff. Also, when fridge cleaning day rolls around, our receptionist sends out an email letting everyone know that anything left in the fridge that night will be thrown out. Seems to work pretty well.
Wow! I am thinking that where I work it's really nice. We all get along and nobody dips into other's lunches! That's just wrong! We do all have a day assigned to clean out the fridge. I try to go around and ask before tossing anything. Of course, it's not a very big office. Just 10 of us.

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