The cost of working out!!!! What do you give up???

I give up sitting my butt on the couch and watching meaningless television!!!

Meaning: I give up ABSOLUTELY NUTTIN'!!!:D
Ha ha - I loved the posts!

Its funny, I find myself giving up lots of things to have my workouts - of course the benefits I gain are tremendous or I wouldn't want to give up the others.........but that is how I rationalize EVERYTHING!

Workout or watch tv - WORKOUT!
New Running shoes or new work shoes - NEW RUNNING SHOES!
Heart Rate monitor or new cellphone - HEART RATE MONITOR!
Cathe Dvd or a few new tops - CATHE OF COURSE!
Workout or Prepare fattening dinner - WORKOUT!
Take dog on walk or another load of laundry - DOG ON WALK!
Workout or lay out in the sun and read for one hour - WORKOUT!!!
New running pants or new fall jacket - hmmm toss up ;)

Of course the gains are way better than anything, but it is a constant balancing act :)
Nothing...I spend most of my time alone or with my family, anyway, so lack of a social life is not a problem.

Before I started working out, I watched a lot of TV (probably 3-4 hours a day), I was very lazy, I hated the outdoors, I was constantly tired, I was anemic, my body was not in proportion (large upper body and torso, small lower body), my mood wasn't so great, etc.

All of these things have changed due to my workouts (and even more so due to healthy eating). I wouldn't give it up for anything.:)
>Nothing...I spend most of my time alone or with my family,
>anyway, so lack of a social life is not a problem.

Me too!!

I do put working out before cleaning the house and I'm working on giving up sleep as I have found if I don't get my workout in the morning it don't get done in the evening.

Plus a good sweat always makes me feel good. :7 So I guess I would rather workout and buy workout stuff as opposed to other stuff. ;-)

And Vicki's post definetly puts it all in perspective.

I give up hangovers..for years, I was fooled by the phoney high of alcohol.

Intense exercise gives me a natural high that I wish I had discovered years's made me a better husband, employee, and friend.

I also give up the "barstool buddies" phone never rings since I sobered up.

To sum it up, I gave up nothing of importance.

Today, when I got up at 5:15, I gave up an hour or so of sleep, but I DID get to see the lunar eclipse! :) :)
I don't give up anything for exercise!}(

I just try to buy inexpensive work out clothes and hold off on exercise related purchases if they are going to blow the budget per say. :D
I second the house work. My poor house. I will choose a workout over cleaning any day!

And, like the others, sleep. I usually squeeze in my workout after the kidos are down for the night, usually around 9 pm and then I am all awake for an hour after I work out on top of that.
Well I gave up junk food which cost a lot. :D

You left out extra hair care products and soap because of all the sweating!
Fat! For muscle.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


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