Ha ha - I loved the posts!
Its funny, I find myself giving up lots of things to have my workouts - of course the benefits I gain are tremendous or I wouldn't want to give up the others.........but that is how I rationalize EVERYTHING!
Workout or watch tv - WORKOUT!
New Running shoes or new work shoes - NEW RUNNING SHOES!
Heart Rate monitor or new cellphone - HEART RATE MONITOR!
Cathe Dvd or a few new tops - CATHE OF COURSE!
Workout or Prepare fattening dinner - WORKOUT!
Take dog on walk or another load of laundry - DOG ON WALK!
Workout or lay out in the sun and read for one hour - WORKOUT!!!
New running pants or new fall jacket - hmmm toss up
Of course the gains are way better than anything, but it is a constant balancing act