The Cathe Cam now has sound and...

SNM Videos

You will be able to see and hear Cathe's two classes "LIVE" tomorrow on the Cathe Cam - March 20th (Monday) 9:10am (eastern) and 3:30pm eastern.

We have just finished installing another web server at our facility that utilizes Microsofts Media streaming software. If you do not have Microsofts Media Player on your computer, you will need to download a free plugin from Microsoft.

Most computers purchased in the last year already have this plugin. To see if you need to install this plugin just click on the Cathe Cam logo on the start page. Next, click on the Microsofts Media logo and if necessary follow the directions for the plugin.

We have not tested the plugin for Netscape yet, but it should work.

IE users will like the fact the the new software is much faster and now has sound.

Cameras wil be turned on a few minutes before class.
how to configure for firewall

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-00 AT 12:24PM (EST)</font></center>

Disregard the below message as I figured it out. It was easier for me to bring up IE and play with the plug-in (I was originally trying to do the modification w/ Netscape).



Can you please provide instructions of how to configure the plug-in for those unfortunates behind a firewall? I can't figure out how to configure the plug-in for proxies.


It sounds great!

Oh I wish I could have called out sick! The sound is really pretty good! I think I might have to put in a purchase order for better speakers for my work computer!

You really could actually do the class along with Cathe now that you can hear the cues! I imagine people in the offices below me might mind though!

Great job SNM!

It DOES sound great!!

Wow! Great sound and the picture is much improved! Enjoyed watching and listening to Cathe's class, although it DID make me even more anxious for those new videos!!

Bev K.
Would LOVE to!

Hi Lorrayne,

Oh I would really, really love to but I took off a few days last week so I really shouldn't. Although I am feeling a "headache" coming on.

Thanks SNM!!

What an improvement! We could actually follow along with Cathe and the sound was very good! It was great to see Cathe back and looking so healthy!

Do you know what kind of a firewall your company uses. Is it a Cisco "firewall"???.

I've forwarded your request to Adam. He is more familar with your problem than I am. Adam is away on a training seminar for a few days, so it may not be until the end of the week before he can get back to you.

Cathe Cam

I downloaded the Microsoft's Media Player onto my computer. It icon appears on my Desktop. Unfortunately, when I go into Cathe Cam and click onto Media Player to view her class which started on March 20th at 3:30 p.m. nothing happens. It tries to connect to the server I can see the word at the bottom "opening" but then immediately it closes out. Why is it that other people can view her class but not me? What did I do wrong? Regards, Kathy
Did you...

Did you save the program to a disc or did you select run program???The easiest way is to select "run program".

If you chose "run program" you must also restart your computer.

If you chose save to disc you will need to install the plugin and restart your computer.

Let me know if this helps or if your still having problems.

Cathe Cam

Chris: I selected "Run this Program" but it did not prompt me to reboot. I did, however, reboot at about 3:40 p.m. because I realized I had forgotten to do this. It tries to connect to the Server but it keeps closing out. I don't get it. I have the Media Player icon on my desktop. Any other suggestions? Regards, Kathy
Cathe Cam

Chris: My work computer uses Windows NT and the browser is IE. I betcha it would work on home computer because I have Windows 95 on that one. Is this what the problem is? Thanks so much for helping me, Kathy
Sounds like....

the same problem that Lorrayne had. Hers was a firewall problem and this is what she did to fix it.
Access your site using IE.

The Windows Media application is activated.

Click on View -> Options.

Select Steaming Media with RealVideo and click on the Change button.
Click on the Proxy Tab.
Click on the Use Proxy checkbox (so the option is checked)
Type in the name of the proxy for HTTP Proxy (they should find this
under their brower's proxy settings) and click on Apply
The user is then returned to the previous window.
Have the user select the Streaming Media (Windows Media) and click on
the Change button.
Click on the Use Proxy radio button and then the Configure Proxy
Settings button.
Enter the proxy hostname and then click on the OK button twice.

The user should now be able to view Cathe's class.

Cathe Cam

Well, it's me again and I don't seem to be going away! Still another problem. Tried to everything according to Lorrayne's instructions, however, after I typed in http proxy I couldn't click on Apply. I could only OK twice. Then her instructions tell me to select Streaming Media and click on Change but then it says to click on User Proxy radio button. where's that? I don't have that at all. I'm about ready to give up or try calling one of my computer techs at work here and have them fix it for me. Thanks so much for helping me but I think it's a lost cause. Warmest regards, Kathy
Proxy settings to Kathy


>Then her instructions tell me to select
> Streaming Media and click on Change but then it >says to click on User Proxy radio button.

The User Proxy Radio Button should be Use Proxy radio button. This was a typo on my part (I'm used to typing 'user' instead of 'use'. Please e-mail me if you can't find it (it's under the category HTTP).

Trouble for me also

I downloaded the plug in, installed it, rebooted, and everything, but I still couldn't get it to work. The Media Player logo comes up, but nothing happens. I'm operating in Windows 95 with Netscape. Any suggestions? I was really disappointed not to be able to watch Cathe's class. Thanks!

did you test the player?


First of all, are you behind a firewall (do you have to set your browser to go through a firewall?) If yet, did you follow the steps Chris posted?

If yes, did you test the player at a different site? If not, go to and select any of the video clips. You should see and hear these clips.

E-mail me if you have problems and I'll try to help.

Slow modem?

Could it be that my modem speed is too slow? I have a 28.8. I tested the Media Player, and as long as I had the option of 28.8, I could see and hear the clips fine. Thanks for the help!


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