I think Cathe's workouts should be the "workouts to the stars!" Oh, thats right, they are not "gimmicky" or "sexy" enough!
But gosh, Cathe could bank on training Hollywoods finest, couldn't she?
I hate these "newest", "latest" exercise claims don't you all?x(
What ever happened to good old fashioned heart pounding cardio and weight lifting? Geez, I too have tried the more "in" workouts, but never stray from Cathe, ever. My latest is the Squeeze workout which has its place on my shelf because its a solid workout, and compliments what I do with Cathe and Tony-forgot to mention the "X" too.
I don't know, I just chuckle over extreme's nowdays, there isn't any quick fix for getting and staying in shape. Oh, by the way, I am at my 3 week mark, my hip is healing nicely, and I am, walking 30 minutes at a time and doing 45 minutes of physical therapy every other day, cannot wait to get back though, week 6 here I come!!:7 :7