the cardio free diet

This is interesting............I saw it on Entertainment Tonight last night.

The rich and famous (stars!) are doing this to lose weight???

It just consists of lifting weights???

I can't ever ever give up my cardio - and especially doing it with Cathe! :)

"Life is short so be the best you can be every day of your life!"

"Running feels great for my soul!"

not cathe so i hope you don't mind my reply. there is a topic posted on the general discussion forum on this. i do recall that cathe doesn't like to comment on other's plans. for my 2 cents, i don't believe anyone should cut out a form of exercise completely. cardio has its place even if for 2 times per week. by all means cut down cardio but for your hearts sake don't cut it out.
Cardio keeps your heart healthy. It is important for health benefits. Yes, weights and a strict eating plan will help you to lose weight, but your heart may not be healthy. IMO, cardio will strengthen your cardiovascular system and your heart and help prevent arteriosclerosis and heart attacks and is necessary.
I think Cathe's workouts should be the "workouts to the stars!" Oh, thats right, they are not "gimmicky" or "sexy" enough!:)
But gosh, Cathe could bank on training Hollywoods finest, couldn't she?
I hate these "newest", "latest" exercise claims don't you all?x(

What ever happened to good old fashioned heart pounding cardio and weight lifting? Geez, I too have tried the more "in" workouts, but never stray from Cathe, ever. My latest is the Squeeze workout which has its place on my shelf because its a solid workout, and compliments what I do with Cathe and Tony-forgot to mention the "X" too.

I don't know, I just chuckle over extreme's nowdays, there isn't any quick fix for getting and staying in shape. Oh, by the way, I am at my 3 week mark, my hip is healing nicely, and I am, walking 30 minutes at a time and doing 45 minutes of physical therapy every other day, cannot wait to get back though, week 6 here I come!!:7 :7
I bought this book when it first came out -- there is no way that I could follow the diet and the exercises are geared more towards a beginner. I do have to say that after buying this book I tried going cardio free for a couple of months and I was surprised at the results. I gained a lot of strength and lost a lot of fat. I didn't increase the amount of time spent weight training, but I did feel less tired and was able to increase the poundage I was lifting more rapidly. I now do cardio a couple of times per week, sometimes as much as four as I stray back to my love of kickboxing cardio. Since experimenting I definitely keep my cardio sessions shorter, no more than 30 minutes -- and I keep it very low impact. I think that everyone is different and sometimes you just need to change things up. I am excited about Cathe's new series for the 30 minute cardio sessions, especially the kickbox and low impact step!

Not Cathe here, but here's my 2cents...
training is very specific. You may lose weight or fat or whatever with just weight lifting, but you won't improve your cardiovascular endurance. Weights are technically "cardio" too, as they make your heart and vascular system work harder - so it does help you to have a healthy heart. But weight training won't help you to run longer, only running does that, it won't help you to swim longer, only swimming does that, etc. If you want to be able to walk up stairs or long distances or up hills without huffing and puffing, then the cardio has to stay in your "diet."
The cardio free diet only tells us what we already knew - weight training builds muscle, increases energy and strength, works the heart, and burns fat. Nothing revolutionary there - it just leaves our the part about building true, hardcore cardiovascular and pulmonary endurance.
Ahhh, the fads...
I'm so glad that in all the craziness, Cathe puts out so many solid, well-rounded, sensible workouts! Each method of training is a worthy tool to have in the tool-box.
Hi Monica I have a question. What type of diet or eating plan was included in this book (Low-fat, Low carb)? I think that if I did not do cardio I would be 400#. I understand the weight training builds muscle which helps you to burn more calories but I don't understand if you are not doing cardio when do you burn these extra calories? This is similar to the Winsor Pilates workouts that promise weight reduction.

What does the book say.
Hi Robin,

The eating plan in the book is low calorie -- lower than I can stick with. It recommends 1,200 calories per day for women regardless of size/height. Like I said before, everybody responds to different things. Also - some people dread cardio and this dread may stop them from doing all forms of exercise. Maybe this book could help some of those people realize that there are other forms of exercise they could try. It is certainly better than doing nothing at all.

When I lift weights my heart rate gets way up there - especially when working leg or chest muscles. When I was doing high impact and high intensity cardio, as I progressed I had to either go harder or longer. After a while I kept getting different injuries from all the impact. I still do some cardio -- I just keep it to 30 minutes of low impact kickboxing typically a couple times per week. I also like to do 30-40 minutes of LowMax on a 6 inch step sometimes. I still do KickMax -- just not the intensity blasts. This is just what works for me and keeps me going. Don't be afraid to try it -- if it doesn't work for you then add more cardio back.

Everyone have a great evening!
If The Stars are doing it it's probably goofy. "Stars" aren't known for being healthy - unless you consider emaciated (yuck) healthy...
Thanks Monica for that update, I guess you are right if people do not want to do cardio then weight training is better than nothing at all.

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