The best thing you have learned as a parent is....

That book brings tears of joy, and memories of nightly stories at bedtime.
We went through 4 copies of Goodnight Moon. When oldest DD was 3 she asked for a picture of the 'Cow Jumping over the Moon' for Christmas. I had to find an artist to paint it! We still have it hanging in her room and she is almost 20 now!

Edit: Wendy you NEED this book!
AKA "Likes2bfit"

Love your comment. Parents need to take a good look in the mirror, often! The thing is that allowing them to be themselves (with love and support) brings out the best, rather than the worst in them and in us as parents.

Every stage has been great and I have teens now (boy and girls) and teens are marvelous! Don't believe the negative hype out there...they are the best.
The best thing I have learned as a parent is that when they are small, your problems are small - and when they are big, your problems are big.

Your children learn from you and become a younger version, slightly different than you. You need to like what you see in the mirror, because that is what they see. And consistancy is very important. Hold up what you say. If you don't it gives them a reason to think that what you say is not always true. Children will sometimes lash out and really hurt, but know that they will use whatever means that they know will hurt. (Not really meaning it). Never give up on them no matter what the situation.
Diane Sue

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