Thank you all so much!

He's a doll!!!

Oh wow, Cathe, Kyle is adorable!! And what a great picture!! I can almost smell that sweet "newborn" smell - makes me want to lean over and plant a kiss on one of those chubby little cheeks!! Congratulations and God bless you and your family. Enjoy your new bundle of joy & best wishes for a quick recovery!
Cathe he is absolutely precious. He looks so peaceful and comfy it makes me want to go nighty night myself! Thanks for sharing with us and I hope you are feeling great. ;-)
Thanks for sharing your beautiful picture of your son with us. Enjoy every minute with your 2 sons they grow up so quickly.
Thank you for sharing Kyles picture!

He is adoreable! I am so glad that you shared a photo! Rest up and enjoy that lovely family of yours. Blessings, Karen
Kyle is simply gorgeous. Hope you have a quick recovery. Eric and Kyle will be the best of friends. My husband and his brother are 18 months apart and are best friends and always have been. (They are 44 and 43 now). Best wishes to you!

Lisa Seymour

Little Kyle looks so dear, and can we all not see a family resemblance already with that perfect little rosebud mouth?

Congratulations again to Cathe, Jon, Eric and welcome Kyle!

What a truly *beautiful* addition to your family!! Congratulations to you, Jon and Eric on your new little guy!!

Warmest Wishes to all of you!!!
Nicole :)

He is adorable. So perfect!!! I love his name too. My husband's name is Kyle and my brother's middle name is James. Big congrats to your family.

I'll see ya today, I have a big workout ahead!! (ha ha)
What a beautiful picture! he dosen't even look like a newborn!
Wow...he's just breathtaking Cathe - and what kissable cheeks! Rest, recover and enjoy the bonding! Thanks so much for sharing.

Hi Cathe! Kyle is one GORGEOUS looking baby!! Just get plenty of rest. All of us will talk soon. Love and Hugs back at ya! Kathy

He is really a cutie. I was at a spinning class Friday, and the instructor was talking about how all babies are ugly when they are born. He needs to check out Kyle. He's beautiful!

Congratulations, Cathe, to you and your family. Your baby is beautiful!!!!!

Sandi M
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-02 AT 10:25AM (Est)[/font][p]Cathe,

I'm so impressed!! I thought my babies were the most beautiful, but you sure have a gorgeous young man there!!! I'm so glad that you didn't come home so soon. You need to rest and be pampered. It's so much harder the 2nd time around because you don't have the luxury of sleeping when the baby does. I'm the mother of 6 and know how difficult it is to find time to rest. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to keep all of us up to date. I too feel as if I know you since I exercise with you regularly. God bless you and your family. Give Eric a special big hug from us!!!

Dawn Liss and family
Wow, what a beautiful boy! My most heartfelt congrats once again, you are a true inspiration to so many.

Congratulations Cathe!! Kyle is a cutie pie! I have two boys myself so I know what a joy it is to have two sons. Take care and get some much needed rest.


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