Terrible heel pain


Help! I have done something to the bottom of my left foot. My heel hurts pretty much all the time now, but the pain is really intense when I get out of bed in the morning, or when I get up from sitting for awhile. I've iced it and taken ibuprofen, but not regularly. My husband wants me to go to the doctor, but I don't want to...what would they do besides tell me to ice it and rest? As a compromise, I told him I would ice twice a day and take ibuprofen, and if I don't get relief, then I will see a doctor.

Has anyone had this problem? Has it gotten better? I am so afraid that I will have to stop doing Cathe's step tapes. But if I knew that taking a break from them would lead to healing, and that I could go back to them again in a while, that would help me get thru my "withdrawls". Any advice?

Thanks for your advice. Great websites...the article on plantar faciitis describes my sypmtoms to a tee. And I know you're right, I should see a doctor. I know in my heart, too, that I need to stop doing the Cathe cardio videos for a while. Funny, but I don't feel any pain when I'm doing them! It's those endorphins, I guess.

Thanks again for helping me out!

I've had problems with PF off and on. It started about a year ago. I went to my doc and he x-rayed my foot and said there was a small bone spur forming. He prescribed a prescription dose of Alleve for two weeks. It helps reduce the inflammation and helps it to heal. The way I understand it, when you go to bed at night, your foot starts to heal in a forward position. When you get out of bed and put your foot on the floor, it re-injures the fascia. Always try to stretch your calves BEFORE you get out of bed or after sitting for a while. My PF has done pretty well since the initial onset. I have minor flare-ups from time to time, but nothing like the first time.

Go see your doctor and maybe get him/her to refer you to a podiatrist. It's important to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.

Good luck with everything!

Thanks, Laurie!

I have a doctor's appt today, and will get her to refer me to either a podiatrist or an orthopedic dr. I'm glad to hear your PF is doing better...gives me hope that someday I'll be doing Cathe cardio videos again. I not only miss the calorie burning, but I miss the endorphin high I get. I'm hoping to get the ok to at least to weight training, so that I don't completely lose my fitness.

Thanks to all who responded. You told me what I needed to hear...that I should see a doctor. Although I wanted to hear "oh just ignore it and it'll heal all by itself even though you continue to do high impact cardio..." :)

I read a post a few months ago (I can't remember which forum, maybe VF). The poster's doctor told her that high impact is not supposed to have an effect on PF. I don't know how true that is, because I tend to err on the side of caution. It might be a good question to ask the doctor or do some research on. I can say that I don't do a lot of high impact stuff but I do go jogging once in a while and it doesn't seem to make any difference.


It's good to hear that high impact might not be out of the question at some point in time. I can always modify the Cathe tapes, but gosh, I get so "into" them that I leap and hop and jog like a madwoman! :)

hi, i have the same problem, same left heel. I am a guy who loves step but also a mailman who walks everyday. I took the advil, ice, etc. but finally had to get a cortazone shot in my heel...very painful, but it works. I would say im about 80%better now. Try wearing the heel cups in your workout shoes and everyday shoes. They really helped.

Thanks Geno, and to all who posted!

I went to my doctor to get a referral to either an orthopdist or a podiatrist. The nurse practitioner saw me, and would NOT give me a referral. She said they would tell me the same thing she is telling me...rest and ice and ibuprofen. I said that I thought an ortho would help me rehab so that I could get back to working out. The NP said "Oh you can workout". Yeah, sure, if I want to hobble around for the rest of the day! I said that a podiatrist could tell me if I need orthotics, and she said "oh you don't need orthotics, just get some Dr. Scholls".

That's why I am grateful for this forum. Everyone is so great about sharing their experiences. You guys steered me to websites that educated me about my condition, and what I can do to make it better. I feel like I have some control over my health. Thanks to all!



Did they even do an X-ray of your foot? I would call my health care provider and complain if you don't feel like you received proper care. This sounds so typical of an HMO. PF can get worse if not treated properly and sometimes orthotics can be a big help. Personally, I've found a good arch support to be helpful. I just wear good quality sneakers. If I don't feel like they have good support, then I replace the insoles with the Dr. Scholls sport insoles. My Doc said not to go barefoot anymore :-(.
Doctor's don't know everything. Neither do Nurse Practitioners. If it doesn't improve within a couple of weeks, I'd go back. It may help to bring a couple of articles to educate them.
Hope your foot feels better soon.

No xrays. I did call the insurance company and they said I could protest. So I will give it one week and go back. But, in the meantime, I will take good care of it so it won't get worse. But I wanna work out so badly! This whole thing is teaching me patience. I don't want to start back too soon and delay the healing.


I already e-mailed you but after reading all these posts I feel I need to tell you that I don't think you need to stop working out. Please try the night splint, it is found at www.roadrunnersports.com and is called Sure Step Night Splint for $56.99. I guarantee you will notice a difference immediately. Most insurance plans don't cover orthotics. Find a reputable podiatrist and shell out the $250, it is worth it. Your body is worth it, and your sanity. I relate to the endorphin rush!!
Good luck-angie
Hi Veronica!

How are you doing now? I just wanted to say that I had PF for awhile also and once I started stretching FAITHFULLY, it subsided and I have not had any problems since. I know everyone is different so please keep in touch with your Dr. What helped for me was to stand on the edge of a step and let your heel hang off. SLOWLY, lower your heel to stretch the fascia and hold in a static stretch, NO ballistic bouncing. I would do this during the day whenever I would think of it, which when you are hurting, will be quite a few times! I would hold the stretch for around 10 seconds. Do this two or three times each session. (I would do BOTH heels) Also, the stretching BEFORE you get out of bed is very important as the fascia has tightened up overnight while you slept. Wearing shoes, as one poster mentioned, is a must too, especially if you have hardwood flooring in your home. Again, I am not a Dr., but this worked for me! Good Luck and let us know how you are doing.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Veronica!

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for all your concern and advice. I've heard about the night splint, and I think it's worth a try. I have untucked the sheets at the bottom of my bed so my feet wouldn't pull funny, but I know as I toss and turn I'm probably messing the foot up.

I'm going to get my foot cast today by a woman in town who makes custom orthotics. She did some for my sister-in-law and she loves them.

I miss doing Cathe's cardio videos, but I am having success with watching my diet and doing lots of weight training. I know that once I start back in, I will have to take it slowly and carefully.

I make it a point to stretch as soon as I get out of bed. And I don't run around the house barefoot anymore.

I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for Monday, but I have to cancel it for a fun reason. I have been working hard at work on a project, and as a way to say thank you, the VP of Finance and I are going to a luncheon hosted by Martha Stewart. I LOVE Martha Stewart, which is funny, because I don't enjoy cooking, and my house is not something out of Better Homes and Gardens. So she's in town for a charity luncheon and boutique, and I get a fun day out of the office!

I've been so encouraged to read that those of you who have had PF can get better. I've stopped stressing about this recovery time, and am not going to rush it.

Thanks again everyone!!!


Great attitude, Veronica! I thik I heard or read somewhere once that luncheons are great for PF! ;-) Have fun and keep us posted. Also, try stretching IN BED before you get out. I really think that helps. Have fun meeting Martha. What a neat day!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Veronica,

Sorry to hear about the runaround at your doctors office. The NP was off her rocker, though! Insurance companies hate referrals for FP because it usually involves orthotics, which most of them won't pay for anyway.

I've had plantar fascitis for years now. It began when I was running regularly, and I was prescribed physical therapy and orthotics. Both helped tremendously. It has flared on and off for years. There are several things that do make it worse though. I try to be very careful to plant my heels down when doing step--constantly coming off the balls of your feet without rolling the heels down can cause trouble. I also bought a ProStretch, which you can get a RoadRunner Sports--it's an excellent investment! I always stretch before and after a workout, and sometimes during if it's starting to twinge.

I've also gotten some excellent tips from physical therapists I'll pass along: First thing in the morning, before getting out of bed, stretch the bottom of your feet. I use a long towel, hooking it under my toes and flexing them hard towards my calves. While splints like the one mentioned can help, my PT says that you can't really stretch the fascia properly unless you get the toes in flexion. I also do a hard stretch by putting my toes up against a flat upright object and flexing them. Experiment with some stretches to see what works best for you--anything that makes you feel the stretch on the bottom of your foot, do! Rest and ice will help, but in my experience, it's the stretching that makes the difference. And good orthotics are crucial! When it gets as bad as you are talking about, lay off the high impact for a bit. Lastly, ensure that you have good cushioning in your workout area. I bought some mats not long ago for my carpet over concrete workout room, and my feet (and joints in general) are so ever thankful!

Hope you get to feeling better soon. I understand your frustration, and the pain only too well.

I went for my podiatrist visit yesterday. I wish I had gone a lot sooner instead of putting it off for almost a year.
They took xrays and they showed a very slight bone spur on the right foot, the one with the PF. He said that isn't really a problem. It is the fascia which is pulled away and inflamed that causes the problem. I opted for the cortisone shot. It didn't tickle, even after he numbed my foot with novacaine. It hurt, but only for a couple of seconds. My heel is a little bit sore today, but nothing significant. He made the casting of my feet for the orthotics and then taped my foot up and said to try to keep it on for five days. It provides arch support. I have another appointment next monday. He also gave me Vioxx to take for eight days.
Anyhow, during this visit, I find out I also have a bunion on my right foot (I had told him that my shoes were feeling tight around the ball of the foot). AND, on top of all that, I also find out that I have flat feet! Geez, I feel like I have 90 year old feet :-rollen.
The doctor is a marathon runner himself and was very personable and took the time to chit chat and ask questions. I felt comfortable with him and feel like he's a good podiatrist.
Anyhow, like I already said, I wish I had gone sooner and have learned not to take my feet for granted!

Glad to hear about your appt!


Thanks for letting me know how your appt went. I'm encouraged by it, and can't wait for my appt. I went to get cast for orthotics Saturday, but the woman was out of town. I will see her the minute she gets back.

Meanwhile, I'm still staying away from aerobics. I'll start walking after work and over the long weekend. I was doing good with my food log, but geez, this is the time of year where it's tough to eat clean!

RE: Glad to hear about your appt!

I forgot to mention that the casting part feels sooooo good! That warm plaster is heaven. I wonder if I could get DH to cast me feet every once in a while ;)

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