Terminator or IMAX/Cardio and weights


Hi! I have IMAX 2 and Cardio and Weights on VHS and I really love them. I also have the rest of the Intensity Series on DVD. What would be a better investment - Terminator or the IMAX2/Cardio and Weights DVD?


Hi Jane!
I would think The Terminator. I got it a month ago and what a challenge it is! YOu can pick from 3 different workouts and they are all fun and challenging!
Get Terminator! I just got it a month ago also and have now done all 3 workouts. They are all fantastic. I think all of IMAX 2 is on it and most of Cardio & Weights. The workouts are really tough and a lot of fun but also very long. I think two of them are 70 minutes and one of them is 80 minutes.
Definitely get terminator. I initially had all of the workouts on VHS and my first Cathe DVD was terminator. I absolutely adore it. I love circuit workouts and my two favorite circuit workouts are on it: the Gauntlet and the Viper. Imax Extreme is also great if you want to push yourself really hard. I finally got IMAX2/Cardio and Weights DVD last summer...mostly because I enjoy doing rotations.
Overall terminator is the better investment.

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