Hi Kim - so sorry to hear. I have gotten it a few times & it is not fun! I have seen a physical therapist in the past for it and I also have done exercises from physical therapist on YouTube that I found helpful. It depends how bad it is. I've had it extremely bad where I had no choice but to rest it and I've also had it where I could still lift weights but if anything or anyone even came close to barely touching my elbow it would be sensitive. Of course I'm not a dr. & YouTube is not for everyone (before I get blasted from anyone), it's just what I did & helped me. From seeing a physical therapist & knowing the exercises, I do them regularly now just to try & keep it at bay because if I don't, it does come back. If you can't get to a physical therapist and just want to see what's on YouTube, the exercises are easy. It might seem too simple to work, but they work if you are consistent along with ice. The two that I watched are Dr. Jo
and Bob&Brad
Hope you find relief soon!!!