i Just want to add that I, too, think that your use of Cathe's brand-new choreography is the highest form of flattery, and is just fine. And if your classes enjoy your version of "Rhythmic Stop," they would feel encouraged, I'm sure, to buy the "official Cathe version" for their own occasional home use --and to come to more of your classes. So everyone wins.
I think we all have a common perception that Cathe is an extraordinarily hardworking and giving woman, and many of us, especially us old-timers who date back to Day One of the Cathe website, feel (rationally or not
) that we have forged a unique kind of long-distance relationship with each other and with Cathe. None of us thinks of Cathe as just another video instructor. This group feels a genuine personal attachment to her. I can't speak for Joyce but I'll bet that she did not mean you any offense, only to defend Cathe.
You may not be aware of this if you're not a long-time Forums poster, but in the first couple of years of the Cathe Forums there were a couple of other fitness instructors (y'all who are old-timers will know who I'm remembering) who suddenly appeared on the Cathe Forums and began horning in, answering all the "Ask Cathe" questions and using the Forums to promote their own wares. Cathe's response was a very gracious silence, but the Forum members were pretty vocal in their disapproval after a while. I know I myself sent SNM a private e-mail saying that I thought the excessive horning in on Cathe's website -- which Cathe pays for -- was inappropriate and plain rude. I am aware of other Forum members who sent the same kind of e-mails. Not long after that SNM posted the first set of "Forum guidelines", gently and tactfully steering these intruders elsewhere. The way Cathe and SNM chose to handle this rather delicate situation was a class act all the way around. And it wasn't long before the intruders backed off.
I tell you that story only to illustrate another example of how protective this Forum is of Cathe, mostly because she's just a terrific, generous person and role model, but no doubt also because she very rarely will take a "public" position on a controversial issue on these Forums. That's not her style or that of her company. So I think that makes us on the Forums tend to act more quickly in her "defense."
Good luck with your classes and please let us know how your students enjoy other Cathe things you teach them!
Kathy S.