

Good Morning,

Just received a call from the surgeon this morning and Tanner is recuperating well. He's showing movement in his back end and they have been weening him off the pain medication (morphine). We should be able to pick him up tomorrow afternoon. Dr is going to call just to confirm he's ready to come home. I can't wait it's really quiet around here and Tucker (5 month old Doxie) is so bored out of his mind. He's been chewing everything x(

Tanner won't be much of a playmate for quite some time though. He'll need to be confined to his crate for about a month. That's going to be a challenge :)

Thanks again for all your well wishes. I'll let you know when he's finally home.

Take Care

Oh goodness, I'm so relieved to read this. I was wondering about him this morning. I'm glad he made it through surgery and that the prognosis looks good. I'm sure Tucker will be happy to have him home, even if they can't play for a while.

Give him lots of (gentle) hugs from me.:)
I'm glad to hear he is doing well! I was wondering last night how surgery had gone. Keep us updated on his progress!

I'm glad to hear that your sister was able to spend many more years with her dachshund. We've also experienced all of this with our first doxie Docker. He had surgery in 2003 and we were told that the success rate that he would live without a reaccurance was 99.9%. Well we were unfortunately the .1%. We lost him last year when he ruptured another disc in his neck. I'm so happy that Tanner is okay but I can't help but feel a bit worried. I just really hope that we will also be able to enjoy another decade with Tanner.


I'm SO happy to hear that the surgery went well. Hopefully, you'll be able to take him home soon as planned and he'll be up and running in no time.

I was actually holding my breath as I opened your post!

Thank goodness the little guy is improving. I bet I know what you'll be doing this weekend! Lots of hugging and snuggling - the best medicine for ALL of you!

I am so happy for you, Tanner, and all of your family who love him so much.
Please send Tanner my hugs and kisses. I like to hug and kiss dachshunds (although I am not sure they appreciate it as much as I do)
>Your puppies are adorable. Who's in the picture...Dakota,
>Cheyenne or Montana? Your Black & Tan looks so much like
>Tanner :)

Cheyenne is the red weiner to the left and Dakota is the Black and Tan. Minus, his white "bib", he looks a lot like your Tanner. He is my DH's baby. He is turning 5 this year and DH is all concerned now about his back. He has been following Tanner's story here too.

This is my Montana (he's dappled):


And these are Cheyenne and Montana's babies. They were premies and didn't make it after several weeks of nursing them around the clock. :'( That pretty much devestated me and DH for life, so I can't imagine what we would do if anything every happened to one of our weiners now! We are both keeping Tanner in our prayers!

Oh Liann I'm so sorry that you lost their babies...so small and fragile :-( Was that your first attempt at breeding them and are you guys going to try again?

By the way Montana is so cute as well...looks like he has that doxie spunk only fellow doxie lovers would know about :)

Take Care
>Oh Liann I'm so sorry that you lost their babies...so small
>and fragile :-( Was that your first attempt at breeding them
>and are you guys going to try again?
>By the way Montana is so cute as well...looks like he has that
>doxie spunk only fellow doxie lovers would know about :)
>Take Care

It was our first and only attempt at babies. We already had homes lined up for them and everything. In total, Cheyenne had 5 babies in the oven. We even had a little ultrasound (or was it a sonagram?) and had pictures of the babies inside her and she had been having regular little maternity check-ups with the vet. Two weeks before she was due, she started bleeding during the day and my DH rushed her to the vet. They found out that three of the babies had died and they wanted to operate. I was given the choice of having them terminate the pregnancy and save Cheyenne (she had an infection) or have them remove the dead babies and leave the other two giving them a chance at Cheyenne's risk. We ended up having them do the operation to remove all of the babies including the two that were still alive but 2 weeks early and they gave poor Cheyenne a full Hysterectomy (due to the infection). My hubby called me at work to tell me all the babies had died and I was a wreck. Then an hour later, he called back to tell me two of them had survived and again I was a crying wreck. We picked the two cuties up that night and I had to feed (stomach tube) and take care of them every 2 hours for weeks (through the night, at work, etc.). They lived for two weeks and even grew fur and little nails etc... Then they took a turn for the worse and we ended up losing them. It was a devastating two weeks and I still cry when I talk about it. I would never ever try to breed again. It was just too heartbreaking. :'(

Montana definitely has a LOT of spunk! He is the smallest of the three, but he thinks he is top dog! I definitely see that doxie spunk in both of yours too! Hopefully, it will not be too long before Tanner is up and at 'em and playing with little Tucker again. BTW - I love the name Tucker!!!

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